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Posted: 6/7/2002 10:47:41 AM EDT
does anyone have a link to that fullpage ad that ran in the washington post back in early 1994?  its the one that portrays the atf as stormtroopers.  sloth
Link Posted: 6/7/2002 10:54:08 AM EDT
Yeah, I'd like to see that too.
Link Posted: 6/7/2002 10:55:41 AM EDT
No pic yet, but a description:

The NRA ad, featuring an illustration of Star Wars-type
imperial stormtroopers wearing ATF insignia, was headlined, "Tell the
Clinton White House to Stay Out of Your House," and featured the
subhead, "The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Has Not Only
Lost Public Trust, But Deserves Public Contempt."

After reciting some general charges of civil liberties abuses
by BATF enforcement agents, the NRA ad calls on the Clinton
Administration to: "1. regain control of the ATF, 2. expose and
prosecute those guilty of civil rights abuses, and 3. institute strict
policies that honor the bill of rights."

The ad concludes with the following:

"If the Clinton Administration does not rein in this rogue
agency, then Congress should step in and abolish it altogether."

Will hunt for a pic though.
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