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Posted: 5/20/2002 5:12:16 AM EDT
I need some opinions...Who do you feel has had the most influence over people in the last hundred years or so?
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 5:16:58 AM EDT
This is for a term paper or something, isn't it.
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 5:20:34 AM EDT
santyth, youre a genius.
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 5:24:55 AM EDT
Sad to say, but he won over a nation... Adolf Hitler.  He was an influential speaker.
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 5:29:30 AM EDT
No, go with the anti-liberal choice - President Ronald Reagan!

Now [u]there[/u] was a great communicator!

'Course you risk the instructor's ire with this choice. I'm certain he/she would rather hear peans of praise about Hitler, rather than about President Reagan!

Eric The(HonestToGod)Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 5:29:42 AM EDT
If you want to focus on the "good" guys, Churchill would be my suggestion.

If it doesn't matter, then Hitler would be the one. You gotta be able to REALLY sing and dance to get people to do what he got them to do.
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 5:33:08 AM EDT
As much as i'd like to, Hitler has been selected for use by a goody two shoes who was on the ball.  Thanks though for the suggestions, keep em coming.
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 5:33:42 AM EDT
Tony Robbins
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 5:37:05 AM EDT
santyth, youre a genius.
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Yeah yeah.  I was just hoping you'd go "Well no, err.. I, uhh.. was just wondering."  [:D]

Personally I'd go with either Reagan or Churchill.
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 6:11:57 AM EDT
For shits and giggles, and unintended consequences of influential speeches....

How about Erich Honecker, leader of the East German commie party and thus leader of East Germany, who said in May 1989: "The Berlin Wall be still be there in 50 or 100 years! Socialism in our German workers paradise simply can't be stopped!"...whereupon the East German people replied "Oh [b][i]yeah[/i][/b]? Well, we'll see about [b][i]that[/i][/b]."
East Germany ceased to exist about a year later :)
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 6:42:23 AM EDT
As much as i'd like to, Hitler has been selected for use by a goody two shoes who was on the ball.  Thanks though for the suggestions, keep em coming.
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Hitler would have been my first choice, Lenin or Churchill 2nd, Stalin, Mao. I think Bin Laden might be a viable choice. I think history will show he has had a profound influence on changing western civilisation, and the freedoms some in the west enjoyed....
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 6:43:45 AM EDT
FDR might be a good one, he sure suckered a lot of Americans into Socialism and the UN.....
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 6:44:52 AM EDT
For major PC brownie points: Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Junior

Link Posted: 5/20/2002 6:48:30 AM EDT
Mahatma Gandhi.


Link Posted: 5/20/2002 6:53:59 AM EDT
I'd have to second the vote for Churchill.  From what I heard, he was a great speaker, and had a way of just putting it in layman's terms.  He was a great man!  

Link Posted: 5/20/2002 6:58:51 AM EDT
Sadly enough, Hitler was the first that came to mind.

He might be a good topic for your paper, you can also write about how he pushed the Gun Control act of 1938.  (everything revloves around firearms)
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 7:47:20 AM EDT
No, go with the anti-liberal choice - President Ronald Reagan!

Now [u]there[/u] was a great communicator!

'Course you risk the instructor's ire with this choice. I'm certain he/she would rather hear peans of praise about Hitler, rather than about President Reagan!

Eric The(HonestToGod)Hun[>]:)]
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"Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall"
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 7:52:17 AM EDT
No votes for Kennedy??

I know he was a dem....but he sure could wind up a crowd.
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 8:49:42 AM EDT
Sad to say, but he won over a nation... Adolf Hitler.  He was an influential speaker.
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... Thats funny Bill Clinton just about did the same here.  I still hear sheeple state how wonderfully he spoke.  At that time I usually try discuss the content of his message and the liberal will get uncomfortable.

For lefties:

= Image is everything.
= Content comes second
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 9:14:14 AM EDT
If we put aside politics and consider just speaking skills, JFK was probably the best of the American presidents in the 20th century (now remember, I'm talking SPEAKING skills only).  Reagan was not that good, neither was Clinton.  Reagan always struck me as a B-movie actor bungling his lines (I wonder why [;)]), and Clinton was as close to a pathological liar as we've ever had.  Most of the others were too ho-hum to even mention.
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 9:19:30 AM EDT
I thought of Hitler right off the bat.
Klinton came second...
Ever notice the similarities in the way they commanded a crowd?
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 9:30:38 AM EDT
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 9:32:23 AM EDT
Jim Jones had a way with words.
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 10:05:40 AM EDT
Gotta go with Martin Luther King Jr. Aside from the obvious political correctness points you'll earn he happened to have been a great orator. His speeches were nothing short of electrifying...
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 10:06:15 AM EDT
The 12" celestion full range.

This speaker has been installed by Marshall amplifiers of Bletchfield, England as standard equipment since the early 1960's, and has been heard on countless popular recordings since then.
Does that count?[:E]
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 10:26:39 AM EDT
Gotta go with Martin Luther King Jr. Aside from the obvious political correctness points you'll earn he happened to have been a great orator. His speeches were nothing short of electrifying...
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I agree. Dr. King was a very eloquent speaker.

Quite unlike the modern crop of civil rights speakers. J.J. anybody?

Or Unkle Joe Stalin. "My way or the graveyard." Simple yet motivational.
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 10:29:22 AM EDT
Nobody thought of Billy Graham, or Billy Sunday?

What about William Jennings Bryan? "You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold." [url]//douglass.speech.nwu.edu/brya_a26.htm[/url]
Read the whole speech.  Worth the time. Of course, he's just over a hundred years with this speach (1896).

FDR is probably one of the greats of the electronic era.  TV would have made him greater, I think.
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 10:34:29 AM EDT
If we put aside politics and consider just speaking skills, JFK was probably the best of the American presidents in the 20th century (now remember, I'm talking SPEAKING skills only).  Reagan was not that good, neither was Clinton.  Reagan always struck me as a B-movie actor bungling his lines (I wonder why [;)]), and Clinton was as close to a pathological liar as we've ever had.  Most of the others were too ho-hum to even mention.
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FDR was a dirtbag, but he was a [b]LOT[/b] better at speaking than Kennedy ever was.
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 10:37:36 AM EDT
Gotta go with Martin Luther King Jr. Aside from the obvious political correctness points you'll earn he happened to have been a great orator. His speeches were nothing short of electrifying...
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I like the message he was sending and his speech skills were very good.  As a man though, he wasn't much better than a Kennedy or Roosevelt or Clinton.

Try also Alan Keyes.  Great orator.  The fact that he is a black ultra-conservative will really piss your prof off.
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 10:39:30 AM EDT

FDR is probably one of the greats of the electronic era.  TV would have made him greater, I think.
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Or not.

He was a wheel-chair bound cripple.  TV would have relegated him to the annals of forgottenforeverdom.
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 10:49:41 AM EDT
Alan Keyes is a great speaker
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 4:31:54 PM EDT
What about Hulk Hogan?
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 4:41:53 PM EDT
How about from a different angle:

Walter Cronkite or Bill Morrow? How about Neil Armstrong (frist words spoken on the moon?)

If you have to go conventional, the biggies have been mentioned. I would vote FDR, Hitler, MLK, Kennedy, Mao, Malcom X.


Link Posted: 5/20/2002 4:50:52 PM EDT
Churchill!!!!!!!!!  He spoke eloquently of the Yanks, many horribly wounded and maimed, chasing the English nurses on the hospital ships while the English wounded sipped tea:
"Nevahr have agh've seen men go so fahr to get so lootle."

Dave S

I think that's what my dad said he heard. [:D]
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 5:18:54 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/21/2002 5:28:17 AM EDT
Thanks all.  I appreciate your time!  I'm considering MLK, Alan Keyes, or Osama bin Laden (YUCK).  Being as i have to do a powerpoint or something similar with it as well, i'm probably going to go the MLK route because it's a little easier to speak if the sheeple in your class know at least a little bit about the subject.
On the other hand, Alan Keyes does have a very good "professorial piss off rating..."
Link Posted: 5/21/2002 5:39:47 AM EDT
A bit of trivia I was waiting for to pop up:
Churchill's radio speeches were actually done by a professional actor, since Ole Winston himself stuttered and had a rather intimidated voice.
Link Posted: 5/21/2002 8:27:01 AM EDT
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