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Posted: 3/4/2001 3:30:50 AM EDT
A wave of the hand and "back to your liberal socialist wet dream, you mindless f*ck - it was only two"...

That's what I just gave a co-worker who said the Japs got three a-bombs dropped on 'em.

Early thirties - good job - white - intelligent - male - hmmmmmmmm - what could be the key to his ignorance of basic historical fact???????

Ahhh yes!!  A Green Party supporter!!  [kill]

Link Posted: 3/4/2001 3:34:13 AM EDT
Another example of our fabulous school system.
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 7:13:41 AM EDT
"smart liberal"?? The term seems like one of the better oxymorons to me!

Next time you run into him, ask him:.."when exactly did the Japs offer to unconditionally surrender?". I'll bet you a sixpack that he says .."right after the a-bombs were dropped".

You can tell him he's dead wrong, bkz Japan first offered to surrender in March 1945, but we just simply refused to accept it, bkz we had not begun the bombing of the home islands' industrial base at that time.  The American people were told a lie...that a message was sent, but "it could not be translated properly".  Yeah, right, our brass in DC could not find anybody to translate Japanese for 5 months?? Sure! It was not even sent in code(wh we were reading also), but 'in the clear'.

All the japs asked for (in March) was to be allowed to keep the Emperor as a figurehead of their religion..and this is exactly what we agreed to in August 1945..after we had burned up 90% of the islands with massed incendiary bombs dropped into paper & wood cities. Only 3% of the damage to japan was done by the 2 atom bombs.

The real purpose of the war was to destroy the competition, the Japanese industry, not their military. Then we went in there and took US taxpayer $$ (Marshall Plan) and re-built all those Jap factories..and got Jap labor for a pack of smokes per week.  Called 'international urban renewal' program. Only thing was..there were new owners. That's why you go down to automobile row in any US town and see "Smith Pontiac/Toyota", or "Wadsworth Chrysler/Mitsubishi". Those "jap" plants are not competitors, they are Far Eastern Divisions of International Corporations, run with cheaper labor..same as Korea, and now  SE Asia and China. Sorry..the Hx of WWII is vastly different from that told in pubik skool.
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 7:53:28 AM EDT
i really hate it when people living in our great country dont trouble themselves to learn extreamly basic history fact. i go to school with people who dont know who won vietnam. i know people who dont know who won WWII! and they especially dont know who we fought in those wars. if you ganna live here, at least know why so many men died in combat for your country.
Link Posted: 3/4/2001 8:01:12 AM EDT
My favorite, a 28 year old female co-worker who did not know the Titanic was a real ship. She also said she could prove Jackalopes exist.
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