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Posted: 6/18/2002 10:21:37 AM EDT
the SCARS system of fighting.  has some courses to take and a bunch of videos and whatnot.  


supposedly its the SEALS official training course.

but really, at close to $300 for a couple of tapes i wonder how worth it it would be.

so anyone?

Link Posted: 6/18/2002 10:30:51 AM EDT
the SCARS system of fighting.  has some courses to take and a bunch of videos and whatnot.  


supposedly its the SEALS official training course.

but really, at close to $300 for a couple of tapes i wonder how worth it it would be.

so anyone?

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My buddy studied SCARS. Then he flipped out and didn't even care. He chopped a kid's head off cuz he opened a window. It was totally sweet. I nearly crapped my pants.

I love SCARS with my entire body, even my peepee. I can't wait to start yoga.

If you don't believe me, ask Mark.
Link Posted: 6/18/2002 10:31:48 AM EDT
yeah, ive heard of this too, but am VERY skeptical of whether it is just a scam or not.  Any one out there used it, wanna let me borrow your videos or something. lol  Someone with something to say, please speak up
Link Posted: 6/18/2002 10:33:59 AM EDT
the SCARS system of fighting.  has some courses to take and a bunch of videos and whatnot.  


supposedly its the SEALS official training course.

but really, at close to $300 for a couple of tapes i wonder how worth it it would be.

so anyone?

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My buddy studied SCARS. Then he flipped out and didn't even care. He chopped a kid's head off cuz he opened a window. It was totally sweet. I nearly crapped my pants.

I love SCARS with my entire body, even my peepee. I can't wait to start yoga.

If you don't believe me, ask Mark.
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It teaches you how to kill a man with a toothpick.
Link Posted: 6/18/2002 10:37:33 AM EDT
hey Lildew, what part of VA are you in?  maybe we could each pay half ;)

seriously though, i wonder.  i mean hell, they sell jewlery on the website, thats a little strange.  

Weasel, you are a strange feller.
who's Mark?
Link Posted: 6/18/2002 10:43:05 AM EDT
SkaerE, im in northern Virginia.
Thats a good idea, lol i get em for a week, then you do :Þ
I also heard that they  have courses for like 5 days, but they cost like 5,000 bucks.  hmmm, all i've ever seen is their website, and ads in SOF Mag.  so yeah, sounds very fishy.[>:/]
Link Posted: 6/18/2002 12:18:34 PM EDT
You'd probably get far better training taking that $300 and spending it on real, hands-on stuff.  I mean a video tape of anything can not come close to actually doing it yourself for quality and practice.  It's not like you can't find anyone that alrady knows this stuff (or better) in our area anyway.  

I haven't viewed the tapes, so I can't comment on their value, but I don't think it's the wisest use of your dollars.

Link Posted: 6/18/2002 12:37:43 PM EDT
Spend the money in a dojo and get some basics down first if you've never studied.

I have found kenpo, jujitsu, ninpo and aikido to be good fighting styles (fortunate to have attended one dojo that brought in instructors from other styles).  I'm going the kung fu route in a couple of months.

but nothing will ever be able to make a dent against ninjas.  those mofos flip out all the time and no one can touch em!
Link Posted: 6/18/2002 12:38:46 PM EDT
im inclined to agree about the $300, not worth it for tapes, i was pretty much askin for opinions about the SCAR system.  if it was about 1/5th the price then maybe.  but definitly not at $300
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