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Posted: 2/28/2001 6:11:58 PM EDT
Well, we all went through AR15.com deprivation for a while, and I see this new board is up and running well, with members I have enjoyed in the past, i.e. Striker, Lordtrader,Treetop, Realist, Akira, Rikwriter, etc. ( BTW where is Drew, D. Scott Hewitt, Miss Magnum ?)
But now I don't feel much like joining in any more. Reading crapola such as that seen on the Evil Naughty Racist post didn't help- what a bunch of self important crapola- and who the heck is Hangfire? Anyway, did any one else experience a lethargic letdown following the recent lull? Is that why there are so many lurkers now ?  Is there any sense of humor remaining on the board or are you all trying not to offend? Whats up? I'm going to go watch a South Park Rerun.
Link Posted: 2/28/2001 7:33:11 PM EDT
I know what you mean man...I resisted posting here for as long as I could until it became clear that the old ar15.com was NEVER coming back.
The LOOK of the site is the main reason, I gotta admit. I HATE the black background...it's painful to look at.
But I know what you mean. I don't mind busting some chops with the a-holes, but it seems like we don't get the FUN topics we used to on the old board.
BTW, I have seen a DScott over here, don't know if it is Mr Hewitt under a new name.
Link Posted: 2/28/2001 7:37:09 PM EDT

 Did that dispute over religion between you and whatever his handle was on the old board ever come to an end?
 I can't remember his name, but that was a classic.
Link Posted: 2/28/2001 7:38:22 PM EDT
I hear you!  

I posted over at AW.net after the old board went down and it just wasn't the same.  I finally started posting here when the old address started linking straight to this board, then I knew for sure that our dear old board was dead.
Link Posted: 2/28/2001 7:51:35 PM EDT
I have to agree with you.


I hope your not thinking of leaving us.
That would really bum me out.  I just hate to see respected old timers hanging it up.[V]

BTW, arnt you addicted to the for sale forum.[:D]

Link Posted: 2/28/2001 8:34:56 PM EDT

 Did that dispute over religion between you and whatever his handle was on the old board ever come to an end?
 I can't remember his name, but that was a classic.
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It was probably Belloc...and of course, no argument such as that EVER ends. :-)
Link Posted: 2/28/2001 8:42:01 PM EDT
Biggest problem with this board is it is slower than $hit. [:(]
Link Posted: 2/28/2001 8:50:16 PM EDT
Was that the thread that I started on the old board entitled "IN GOD WE TRUST???"?


Link Posted: 2/28/2001 8:50:34 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/28/2001 8:54:46 PM EDT
Never fear fellas. The mall Ninja is in our midst. We will be back to regularly schedule msg board soon [@:D]
Link Posted: 2/28/2001 8:58:21 PM EDT
The mall ninja to our rescue [rail]
Link Posted: 2/28/2001 9:10:43 PM EDT
You are probably suffering from post old board stress. There is no cure but flaming some of the new members who are just breathing up good air might help.
Link Posted: 2/28/2001 10:58:27 PM EDT
Mole Eye, its's up to us, the membership, to decide what direction this new board will take. It's kinda like the Inmates being in charge of the Assylum!!! Don't give up. We all missed the old board, and startin' over as a Junior Member sucks, but it will get better! Ya just gotta have fun with it. Don't be afraid to piss off someone every now and then. [;)]
Link Posted: 3/1/2001 2:41:25 AM EDT

Mole eye...   like obtaining a brand new weapon..  One has a tendency to
baby it a little before you drag it thru the mud.... I feel the same hesitation to post sometimes... but think its more psychological....  like when the local police start to get new cars.... Psychologically I don't have that snap fear of seeing the cruiser...?  Why?  It's still the same cops...  it's all in your mind I think....  ;)

Looking forward to dragging a few of you thru the mud again....  LOL

I think Drewella is hanging out at bestiality forums now...
Link Posted: 3/1/2001 3:02:40 AM EDT

The LOOK of the site is the main reason, I gotta admit. I HATE the black background...it's painful to look at.
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You should be able to choose your own background color in your browser preferences.  Your choices will override the site colors, if you set it correctly.
Link Posted: 3/1/2001 3:33:54 AM EDT
I happen like the new look and background.  My problem is the speed.  I really don't have time to even read all I want to much less post.  I guess I'm disappointed with the new board because I thought that the move would make it faster...
Link Posted: 3/1/2001 3:38:41 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Liberty Ship:
I happen like the new look and background.  My problem is the speed.  I really don't have time to even read all I want to much less post.  I guess I'm disappointed with the new board because I thought that the move would make it faster...
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Are you running Java Script?  That's when I have trouble loading this site.  Other than that it seems to load OK.
Link Posted: 3/1/2001 3:39:01 AM EDT
I know what you mean.  Just ignore the hype and pick and choose your discussions with some scrutiny.  There's still humor.  Check this out:

Hey werD, Glockcop said his dad can kick your dad's ass!  He also said your mother's so fat, when she goes to the beach, lifeguards try and push her back into the ocean.

If that does not get Drew to surface, I don't know what will.

If you want a really good laugh, check out the superfly downloads at www.JoeCartoon.com

Go to the "site map" and you will find the downloads and then click on to the superfly cartoons (1-3).  Very funny.
Link Posted: 3/1/2001 5:19:53 AM EDT
I just kind of lurk around a bit, lot of the old mood has changed. Sometimes I can add a little, good to see some of the older members here. I miss stuff like this, I found at another site:


just having fun, not getting in everyone's face.
Link Posted: 3/1/2001 5:48:04 AM EDT
For me it was a little of everything, new software, new look, new members, being a Jr. again and yeah where is MissMagnum and Bubbles?  I think the advice is good though, sit back relax and all will be well again.

Link Posted: 3/1/2001 5:49:05 AM EDT
HEY!! I'm NOT a jr anymore!!!  See things are looking up already!

Link Posted: 3/1/2001 6:16:02 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/1/2001 6:31:23 AM EDT
Ditto Mole Eye.

And what's up with my "Junior" status?  Shit, I've ben around since 98 or 99!

Link Posted: 3/1/2001 7:57:03 AM EDT
I know what you mean man...I resisted posting here for as long as I could until it became clear that the old ar15.com was NEVER coming back.
The LOOK of the site is the main reason, I gotta admit. I HATE the black background...it's painful to look at.
But I know what you mean. I don't mind busting some chops with the a-holes, but it seems like we don't get the FUN topics we used to on the old board.
BTW, I have seen a DScott over here, don't know if it is Mr Hewitt under a new name.
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Not Mr. Hewitt- just me.  I'm not anywhere near as *interesting* as Mr. Hewitt...  

The look of this board does kinda suck, and it's sloooooooooow for some reason.  I think the main reason for this reluctance to post is what Ed addresses- with the changover, many of the more vocal and rabid posters had the chance to run amuck.  The board has yet to mature, and it never will if there isn't some *positive* force opposing the cretins who want to drag this down to a juvenile level.

We all have a choice- stay and work to improve the quality of the board, or move on and let it sink to it's own level...

One suggestion would be to have Ed (Jr.) take some interest here and *set the tone*. I think that would go a LONG way towards improving the quality.

Link Posted: 3/1/2001 5:51:19 PM EDT
Actually, I like this new format, it's good to see who is on the board at the moment, and to know how many have read a given post.
I also like the fact that a couple of really annoying dipshytes haven't transferred over yet, but I see the user base is only 3800 at the moment. It will get better when more folks transfer over. Takes a while I guess..
Link Posted: 3/1/2001 6:12:01 PM EDT
Mole Eye,
Yo. Where is Drew? Dude can't you spell backwards? - Werd get it? Jeeez WTF.
I'll spell it right when I get my f'in 3,800 POSTS BACK.
Link Posted: 3/1/2001 6:41:17 PM EDT
werD: erA uoy rof laer ro tsuj emos gnikcuf ?retsopmi
Link Posted: 3/2/2001 12:26:30 PM EDT
I miss the good times too. [cry]
Link Posted: 3/2/2001 9:28:58 PM EDT
Well, you posted here 18 times, so I guess it's starting to grow on you. Come on, admit it, just say it "Hi, my name's Mole Eye, and I'm an ar15.comoholic"... [:D]
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