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Posted: 3/28/2001 11:46:44 PM EDT
What would happen if I got caught buying LEO high cap mags?
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 12:01:33 AM EDT
Bad bad things.

It would be certain death, most likely.
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 12:32:48 AM EDT
It would be well within your 2nd amendment rights to buy and or sell militia arms.
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 12:46:38 AM EDT
Probably the same thing that will happen when
they catch you buying Krack! DUHHH
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 1:12:10 AM EDT
kinda like ripping the tag off your matress! they will find out!
      if you do some evile with them
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 1:17:17 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 2:16:50 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 2:40:33 AM EDT
1: They will tell your Parents.
2: It will go on your permenent record
3: You will get some major detention [;)]
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 3:29:02 AM EDT
Why buy them, when you may have to take them from the tyrants who possess them now?
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 4:38:29 AM EDT
not much.  I have not heard a case just on LEO mags alone.   Drugs yes, but not stuff like that.
If you can do it, go for it.   Just keep them in the back of the closet for a raining day.
I think this mag ban is un-american.  We live in a market ecomomy. Only reason mags are expensive, is because the feds got into it.  It should not be that only one part of society gets the deal, and the rest gets screwed.  
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 4:45:17 AM EDT
There is no legal way for anyone other than military or LEO to even have one in your possesion. It was part of one of the bills that limited the mag cap to 10 rds. Mil spec USGI have date codes and if you have one that dated after the ban, its illigal.
just my 0.02 Ron
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 5:33:29 AM EDT
Not a damn thing.
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 5:47:08 AM EDT
If you got caught by a state or local officer, probably not a thing.  However, it's not impossible that BATF would try to sting someone by offering LEO mags for sale to anyone.  If you get caught in one of those, kiss your butt goodbye.  They're gonna take all your guns, a substantial chunk of your money, and you'll be lucky to avoid prison time, since they'd probably want to make an 'example' out of you.  This scenario is possible, but I haven't heard of it happening yet.  BATF is too busy trying to cut down on the number of FFL dealers in the country.
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 6:18:43 AM EDT
18 USC 924(a)(1)(B) and (D) create a maximum five year prison sentence for a violation of 18 USC 922(w).  Basicly you'd be looking at a felony conviction with a maximum of 5 years in the cooler.  Even if they let you off with less than a years time, you would still have a felony conviction on your record, loose your right to ever legally own a gun again, loose your right to vote, and spend a truckload of money on an attorney. And yeah,you'll hear the guys who say they've never heard of a case whre someone was convicted on this, but I'd be curious how they track this issue.  What they don't know is how many people may have been charged, or how many of them may have copped a plea to a slightly lesser offense, pleaded nolo contrendre or guilty, or had a case which simply wasn't reported because it was such a no-brainer.  And Sparky315 has a good point; just because you haven't heard of any convictions, doesn't mean you won't be the one they decide to make an example out of.  

Your chances of getting caught are probably pretty slim, but IMHO its a huge risk to take to save a couple bucks on a few mags.
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 7:14:43 AM EDT
At this time no much , unless you live in a state that has a mag ban. Lets say you live in Kalifornia , then the DOJ will bend you over and stick it to ya.

Link Posted: 3/29/2001 8:30:49 AM EDT
I'm with Shaggy..a felony is nothing to ignor!  I can possess LE mags in my work but I choose to stay with 10 rounders.  It's your money that purchases the clips...but if you leave the LE business..your clips become illegal to possess.  Given what is going on nationwide...I suspect the Feds wound make an example out of the offender..So it "ain't gonna be me" !
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 8:43:45 AM EDT
Ask yourself if you really need a postban hi-capacity mag. There are plenty of preban low cost USGI mags out there, so why risk a five year prison sentence and a felony conviction?

Link Posted: 3/29/2001 8:50:33 AM EDT
yer new girlfriends name would be "Bubba". [:D]
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 8:55:30 AM EDT
It’s not like you raped, robbed or murdered someone.  It’s a non violent crime.
You’re not a threat to the community.  Most likely, you’d probably end up
pleading guilty to some lesser misdemeanor charge, and do 6 months probation.
Maybe some community service or a fine.

Either way you’re putting you gun rights at risk.
Like any decision, you need to weigh the risk versus the gains.
Is it worth losing your right to own a firearms?

I’m sure my shadow David G will disagree.
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 8:56:24 AM EDT
Well I guess I should weigh in on this one. First I must agree with Wig - who the fuck cares when there are plenty of no-risk mags around. Second, if you really want to know, ask your local law enforcement agency and contact ATF. They will give you straight forward answers to all your questions. Probly tap yer phone, tag yer email, and follow you around for a while too, but at least you'll have a straight answer. Me, I'd never even ask such a question. Do what you gotta do and dont get caught, but remember Beretta: "Dont do the crime if you aint got the time" . And I must also at this point reverse my self on an earlier position: There really is such thing as a stupid question! [chainsawkill] [beer]
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 9:03:51 AM EDT
From a LEO of 24 years, not a damn thing. From the alphabet soup group, you run the risk of a true gestapo. Unless they are in your possession, and you commit a big time crime, most leo's with a knowledge of the Constitution will do nothing.
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 9:43:50 AM EDT
Were are speaking of local LEOs who have compassion and understanding...THE FEDS CAN'T TAKE A JOKE AND DON'T REDUCE FELONIES TO MISDEMEANORS.
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 10:11:33 AM EDT
Well you have to have a letter signed from your chief law enforcement officer stating they are neccessary for duty to buy them, it has to be filed with your gunshop you wish to buy it at! If this letter does not exist, you and the dealer are in deep S***! And when you leave law enforcement you have to destroy or sell them to other law enforcement or you are in deep s***!
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 10:16:47 AM EDT
Well you have to have a letter signed from your chief law enforcement officer stating they are neccessary for duty to buy them, it has to be filed with your gunshop you wish to buy it at! If this letter does not exist, you and the dealer are in deep S***! And when you leave law enforcement you have to destroy or sell them to other law enforcement or you are in deep s***!
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 10:25:36 AM EDT
AVC-Another Victimless Crime.
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 10:46:24 AM EDT
Well you have to have a letter signed from your chief law enforcement officer stating they are neccessary for duty to buy them, it has to be filed with your gunshop you wish to buy it at! If this letter does not exist, you and the dealer are in deep S***! And when you leave law enforcement you have to destroy or sell them to other law enforcement or you are in deep s***!
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As with anything government, papers get lost all the time.  
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 11:25:00 AM EDT
I went into a shop (which will remain nameless in this story) that sold firearms and related equipment.  I was browsing through the magazines and ammo section when I found a reasonably priced magazine for my pistol.  Upon careful examination, I found the Govt./Export/LE rollstamp on the body of the mag...
I strolled over to my friend behind the counter and nonchalantly asked if there was any reason I shouldn't buy this item.  Then, I showed him the details.  He looked like someone who was glad he had an honest customer, and said so.
It could have caused both of us some trouble eventually, maybe, sort of, if somehow I was caught possessing a "contraband" item.
I knew it was better to bring it to his attention NOW, rather than later.
Until anything changes regarding these laws, DON'T break them.
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 11:45:41 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Righteous Kill:
Is it worth losing your right to own a firearms?

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[b]"The Second Amendment does not give the individual the right to 'keep and bear arms'"[/b]

-[i]U.S. Gov't[/i]

No, really though, I doubt if the ATF would even give a damn.  Why do you think the politicians are crying for them to "enforce the laws on the books".  If some resticted mags (doesn't that sound sad?) were sold you, I wouldn't fret over it.
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 12:25:33 PM EDT
Sure, if you are aware of the penalty, and the probability of getting caught.

These things can serve as a "probable cause."  If it is known you deal with such stuff and someone told the wrong types to get themselves out of trouble, you could end up having to explain yourself at great expense when they search you house.

So, you have a sten kit, AND you did not intend to biuld a machinegun?  The model in your reading material is only 17?  You have a shotgun, tape measure, and a hacksaw?  You have the Anarchist's Cookbook on your bookshelf?  Your computer is chock full of right wing terrorist stuff.

It may be legal, but I would not like to explain that to a jury of my peers.
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 7:43:00 PM EDT
Just asking?
Shooting is my #1 hobby, if I commit a felony, I would lose my firearm privleges. This would kill me.
I have noticed that I break less laws then I used too.
Does anyone else stay clean to avoid losing their firearm privleges?
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 7:53:47 PM EDT
Firearms privleges?????

We have lost.
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 8:25:53 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 10:36:57 PM EDT
Yes, the Republic is lost.
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