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Posted: 5/13/2002 9:07:11 PM EDT
whoa, did you San Fran. guys just feel that tremor a few minutes ago?
Link Posted: 5/13/2002 9:21:25 PM EDT

5.2 on the Richter scale.

Centered 3 miles SW of Gilroy.

Rattled my windows.
Link Posted: 5/13/2002 9:30:14 PM EDT

I lived here for 3 years and never felt one. Now I've moved to AZ, and come up to SJC for a few days of work and bang - a 5.3. Love it.
Link Posted: 5/13/2002 9:30:35 PM EDT
Yep. It scared the hell out of me. I was cleaning my HS2000 when this happened, and the first thing I can think of if I died was, "At least I get to die with one of my babies!" Hehehe. Earthquakes are cool!!!
Link Posted: 5/13/2002 9:32:17 PM EDT
Earthquakes are cool!!!
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Until they level your house [:)] Ban earthquakes for the children.
Link Posted: 5/13/2002 9:34:21 PM EDT
I just called my Dad in SJC, he wanted to know how I found out so quick.......

I told him....... "AR15.com, faster than CNN, and we DONT F*** around"....


Link Posted: 5/13/2002 9:35:39 PM EDT
5.2 on the Richter scale.

Centered 3 miles SW of Gilroy.
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I think that's where the 8.0 was centered in 1989 -- the one that knocked down the Bay Bridge and the highway in Oakland. That one freaked the bejesus out of me.
Link Posted: 5/13/2002 9:41:32 PM EDT

there is a link...

5.2 magnitude and 7.6km deep
Link Posted: 5/13/2002 9:42:16 PM EDT
I hope you guys get out, and then CA becomes atlantis.

Link Posted: 5/13/2002 9:44:18 PM EDT
OK, I'm barricaded, and I've got my Mossberg and my AR with 2,000 rounds loaded in mags. When, exactly, does the SHTF? And should I start eating the MREs right away?

Knocked a few things off the shelves here. Short, sharp shock.
Link Posted: 5/13/2002 9:49:12 PM EDT
I'm in San Jose, about 30 miles north of Gilroy - it was more of a long rolling motion lasting about 20 seconds. Almost made me crap my pants that the quake wouldn't go away after a couple of seconds
Link Posted: 5/13/2002 9:54:10 PM EDT
McGredo - wow, is that 100 20 rounders or 66.7 30 rounders?


Hope that's the last of the tremors for you.
Link Posted: 5/13/2002 10:00:24 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/13/2002 10:07:36 PM EDT
5.2 Big deal! During the 89 Loma Prieta quake (7.?) I was living about 3 miles from the epicenter ( as the crow flys ). Now that one shook. Was a real trip watching parked cars bounce completely off the ground.

Actually I kind of miss the quakes. Now that I live up here in the Sierra Nevada mtns. I rarely get them. And we do they're usually from the eastern slope somewhere so what we feel isn't much.
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 3:34:53 AM EDT
Nothing but a long roll here. The wife didn't even wake up. Very light.
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 6:19:19 AM EDT
I have a Macaw parrot and she started screaming about 30 seconds or so before the rolling started.
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 7:51:24 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 12:53:37 PM EDT
Yeah, haven't had an earthquake here in the mountains for about a year and a half.

Living back in San Jose, though, we got all the fun. Earthquakes in Caliornia are rarely very destructive these days, so it was almost exciting every time one hit.

Ban earthquakes, for the children.
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 1:29:38 PM EDT
I think that's where the 8.0 was centered in 1989 -- the one that knocked down the Bay Bridge and the highway in Oakland. That one freaked the bejesus out of me.
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It was a 7.1, with the epicenter at Loma Prieta about 12 miles northwest of Gilroy. 5:04 PM, October 17, 1989. It collapsed a 50-foot stretch of the upper deck of the Bay Bridge, and almost completely destroyed the Cypress structure on the highway.
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 6:14:28 PM EDT
I had just moved to California in July 1989 (San Mateo). For my first quake, it was the October '89 one. I was standing in a bar in Redwood City, waiting for a friend to watch the series game. The floor there rolled kinda like when you stand on a free-flow waterbed. I was gonna haul ass, but I noticed that no one else was. So....not wanting to look like a transplant wuss, I stayed put. Only later did I learn that the intensity of the quake freaked the natives out so bad, THEY WERE TOO SCARED TO RUN!
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 6:21:50 PM EDT
Was Diane Feinstein wandering around the Bay Area???
They should know better than to let her walk around!!
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 6:25:06 PM EDT

5.2 on the Richter scale.

Centered 3 miles SW of Gilroy.

Rattled my windows.
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Gilroy?  there goes the country's garlic supply!!!!!
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 7:44:22 PM EDT
Was watching the Braves game at San Fransico, late innings.  Skip Caray said something like "did we just have a quake?" right as it was happening.
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 7:54:21 PM EDT
I would rather have earthquakes that these tornadoes we have here in TX.

I have a buddy of mine that lives in Morgan Hill, and he said this quake was a lil different in that it came in quick jolts rather than building then subsiding.
Link Posted: 5/15/2002 1:22:16 AM EDT
I would rather have earthquakes that these tornadoes we have here in TX.

I have a buddy of mine that lives in Morgan Hill, and he said this quake was a lil different in that it came in quick jolts rather than building then subsiding.
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Probably 'cuz he's closer to the San Andreas Fault. Those of us in Contra Costa are more worried about the Hayward Fault.
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