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Posted: 6/15/2002 9:00:06 AM EDT
Somebody tell me.  Thanks.
Link Posted: 6/15/2002 9:09:59 AM EDT
The word you've entered isn't in the dictionary. Try a spelling suggestion below or try again using the Merriam-Webster Dictionary at [url]http://www.m-w.com[/url].

Suggestions for picatinny:
1. picketing
2. picoting
3. pectinate
4. pachytenes
5. pocketing
6. pectines
7. pectins
8. pocketknife
9. Pickering
10. pachytene

Link Posted: 6/15/2002 9:11:58 AM EDT
I really don't think marvl is a victim of his own misspelling . . . I've heard it pronounced pick-uh-tinny
Link Posted: 6/15/2002 9:25:14 AM EDT
kuo34 has it right....pick-uh-tinny...
Link Posted: 6/15/2002 9:32:42 AM EDT
Thanks guys.
Link Posted: 6/16/2002 4:25:29 AM EDT
Correct.  Though the "uh" in the middle is very short.  (Used to live in NJ and knew people who worked at Picatinny Arsenal).
Link Posted: 6/16/2002 5:01:12 PM EDT
I believe it's pic-a-ninny.
Link Posted: 6/16/2002 5:13:26 PM EDT
pick-a-tinny mini-winni sin-a-bin-a-nin-a-ninny
Link Posted: 6/16/2002 5:18:38 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/16/2002 5:25:48 PM EDT
LOL at Doublefeed.

Some other things (mispronunciations) that annoy me:

-Pronouncing Leupold like "leopold"
-combining the "ch" when saying Franchi (its pronounced "FRANKIE" people!!)
-Heckler and COCK (no no no!!!)
Link Posted: 6/16/2002 7:14:45 PM EDT
My pet peeve is people that pronounce "Steyr" like "Forkdtlepoocker" [:D]
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