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Posted: 3/8/2001 5:23:50 AM EDT
I fired my Bushmaster M4/A3 for the first time yesterday afternoon.  I had cleaned and lubed it with Break Free CLP a few days before.  Everything went great (I'll post a review soon), but the one troubling thing was that I (and one of the guys I was shooting with when he tried it out) could hear the recoil spring prominently every time fired.  It worked fine, cycled fine, there was very little recoil, but the spring sound was LOUD.  
Anyone have any input, advise, dire warnings?
Link Posted: 3/8/2001 5:30:19 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/8/2001 5:32:49 AM EDT
It is the Music of the weapon...And no one can hear it but the shooter...

Link Posted: 3/8/2001 5:34:21 AM EDT
As Striker mentioned, a bit of oil on the spring is good. I use TW25 on the spring and lightly coat the tube. Try the spring first, if it still sounds funny try the tube last. Not much though.
Link Posted: 3/8/2001 5:38:06 AM EDT
It also enables you to tell when you've fired the last round in a magazine, because the spring sounds different when the bolt locks open.

Link Posted: 3/8/2001 5:46:03 AM EDT
I've read you get rid of that sound by lubing the spring and plunger with a generous coating of grease.  I did it and it works great.  
Link Posted: 3/8/2001 5:53:57 AM EDT

Sheldon has it right. Lots of grease does the trick.  I believe this is Derrick Martin's cure also.  
Link Posted: 3/8/2001 12:54:51 PM EDT
Doesn't lots of grease mean lots of dirt and crap gets stuck to the lots of grease?
Link Posted: 3/8/2001 1:02:59 PM EDT
One sure fire way to solve that problem is to lose the ear protection. Your ears will ring, but you wont here that spring - or much else [beer]
Link Posted: 3/8/2001 10:37:18 PM EDT
I don't mind the BOING, as long as the BANG keeps coming![8D]
Link Posted: 3/9/2001 5:35:40 AM EDT
sherm8404.  I believe about all the gasses have vented out the ejection port by the time the bolt carrier is fully compressing the recoil spring and as such, the spring and plunger don't get much buildup of anything.  If the 'Boooiiiiinnnggg' annoys you then the grease will eliminate it without any adverse effects, as far as I can see, having already done so.
Link Posted: 3/9/2001 5:51:17 AM EDT
Grease, or any other lube for that matter is not a good thing in cold weather, or in environments with a lot of dust, dirt and sand where the grease will attract every gritty litle particle in two counties.  You will have to degrease the receiver extension and the buffer and buffer spring every time you shoot, then grease it up again.  Failing to do this will result in premature and excessive wear on thise parts.

The "boing" sound that the rifle makes is normal and is one way the rifle tells you what's going on with it.  If you are concentrating on what you are doing, shooting, then you shouldn't notice.  If you do, and it bothers you, quit whining and get an AK or a FAL or an M1A or a Mini-14 or a 10/22.
Link Posted: 3/9/2001 5:54:44 AM EDT
I use Break Free CLP.  This apparently is not a "heavy" enough lubricant to stop the noise.   I have read around here that Break Free "gums up" when coming in contact with some other lubricants.  Any advise on what types of grease, etc., will not cause a bad reaction?
Link Posted: 3/9/2001 6:19:52 AM EDT
You have to use something heavy to [b]reduce[/b] the noise.  You will never stop it.  Also be prepared to have the grease squirt out the drain hole in the upper buttplate screw.  

The sound isn't loud.  It's a normal part of shooting the thing.  If you can't handle it, try something else.
Link Posted: 3/9/2001 6:50:18 AM EDT
 "I didn't notice where you were from, but as someone noted, ONE, if you shoot in cold weather, a light lithium grease works best, though even that may slow your action to the point of an occasional jam, found that out the hard way here in Maine, and TWO, yes it will collect dirt and fouling, you "should' replace the grease after each extended shoot.
  Personaly, I have removed the grease, and as someone else also stated, listen for the "short" boing of hte spring, I've had people look at me strange when I suddenly dropped the clip to replace it. "Howd you know it was empty???"   hehe  tell them it just FELT like the right time!  :)
Link Posted: 3/9/2001 7:31:08 AM EDT
At first it was kind of weird to here that boooiing sound. But after awhile you get used to it. It's your rifles barometer and thankfully absorbing the recoil for you. Although the .223 Remington doesn't have much of a recoil. It's part of the system, get used to it.
Link Posted: 3/9/2001 8:01:24 AM EDT
2 out of my 3 ARs DO NOT BOING, repeat, DO NOT BOING, at all. The one that does is brand new. Why does this one Boing and the other two DO NOT? I have no idea. DO ALL ARs BOING? NO. Is it "normal"? It is for the ones that Boing.
I can tell when the last round was fired by the slight change in recoil when the bolt locks open (don't you feel it?). The Boing sound serves no purpose but to annoy me.

.02 adjusted for inflation
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