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Posted: 5/20/2002 6:10:21 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 6:12:00 PM EDT
This will point back to the Clinton era.
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 6:13:43 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 6:23:53 PM EDT
The same people that expect no errors or omissions from these agencies probably think that we  can fight a war with no US casualties.  They need to look at all the successes that the intelligence community has had.

I would like to think that this witch hunt is being conducted to  prevent similar incidents but I feel that it has a more political purpose.
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 6:58:05 PM EDT
They need to look at all the successes that the intelligence community has had.
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I think that if you had enough connections in Gov.org and had a high enough security clearance, you might be privy to the successes the Intelligence Community has acutally had.  Most of what we see in the media is nothing.  The CIA/NSA/DIA/FBI, etc. would prefer to keep A LOT of their successes out of the public eye, and to a great extent out of congressional scrutiny.  

I usually put it this way when the topic comes up at school or work:

If Abdullah Iwannabeasuicidebomma gets nabbed coming into the country carrying a suitcase nuke, or bio-weapon, or nerve gas, do you REALLY THINK that the CIA/NSA guys that caught him want to take him to trial, or do you think he'll end up an unidentified John Doe in a morgue somewhere after his body is found face down in a gutter (after dying of an apparent heart attack)?  The local agency guys that might have been involved would probably be politely told to keep their mouths shut lest the IRS decides to give them a proctoscopic exam and the FBI decides that the brown paper package that mysteriously appeared inside their locked house might contain kiddy porn, and the EPA decides their property is the next Love Canal.  

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