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Posted: 4/27/2001 5:55:29 AM EDT
No, not Steve Austin, the Six Million Dollar Man, and no, not Austin 3:16, the wrestler guy.

I got mail from the Department of Public Safety, and all it had in it was my [b][size=6]CHL![/size=6][/b]

I'm thinking about Xeroxing it, with key areas blacked out, and sending a copy to Ms. Feinstein, Ms. Boxer and Gray Davis, along with a letter informing them that, thanks to their hostility toward and disdain for my God-given right to defend my family and myself, I have moved to Texas, bringing with me my family's substantial taxable income.

Semper Fidelis
Jarhead out.
Link Posted: 4/27/2001 5:57:58 AM EDT
5 more months and I too will be in your position. I am a Kali refugee myself. Congrats!!!
Link Posted: 4/27/2001 6:14:10 AM EDT
Thanks LT, you non-email-answering ex-Califonian, you! Give me a shout, man. I just live right down the road from you in Murphy. I took the class at Collin County Gun Range up in McKinney. The owner is a Celina police officer, and a notary public, so he teaches the class, does your fingerprints and notarizes the package for you. You're ready to mail it in when you leave in the afternoon.

Semper Fidelis
Jarhead out.
Link Posted: 4/27/2001 7:08:38 AM EDT
I will also be going down that trail in a few months.  Congratulations.
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