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Posted: 5/24/2002 1:24:55 AM EDT

I had the meanest parents in the world. While other children had candy for breakfast,I had to eat cereal,eggs,and toast.While other children had candy for lunch ,I had a sandwich. As you can guess ,my dinner was different from other children,too.

My parents insisted on knowing where we we're at all times. You'd think we were on a chain gang or something. They had to know who our  friends were and what we were doing.

I am ashamed to admit it ,but they actually had the nerve to break the child labor law.They made us work. We had to wash dishes,make the beds and learn how to cook. My parents must have stayed awake at night thinking up things for us to do.And insisted that we tell the truth ,the whole truth,and nothing but the truth.

By the time we were tennagers,they was much wiser amd our life became more unbearable. None of this tooting the car for us to come running;they embarrassedus to no end by insisting that friends come to the doorto get us.

I forgot to mention that most of our friendswere allowed to date at the mature age of 12 or 13,but our fashioned parents refused to let us date we were 15. They raised a bunch of squares.None of us was ever arrested for shop lifting or busted for dope.And who do we hank to think for this ? You're right our mean parents.

I am trying to raise my children to stand a little straigher and taller and I am tickled to pieces when my children call us mean.I think my parents for being so mean to us.Our country doesn't need a good five cent cigar.It needs more mean parents like mine .

Sincerely Bill amd Hillary Clinton May 11,1977[}:D]
Link Posted: 5/24/2002 1:30:25 AM EDT
Where's the link.

I have a hard time believing either of those two have done a honest days work even when they were kids.
Link Posted: 5/24/2002 1:37:50 AM EDT
I guess their Mom & Dad asked them to save shop lifting for the white house.  "If you're gonna steal son make sure it is national treasures"

They were also told to save lying for the court room.  "Well son only lie in court, and lying about sex or not having it is OK as long as it is in court".

And last but not least, "Son, the country does not need another good 5 cent cigar, but your inturns will, so give it to them in the white house".

Seems to me that by the time he & Hillary made it to the white house, they forgot all those lessons their mean parents taught them!!!!!!!!

[heavy]                             [50]


Link Posted: 5/24/2002 3:48:12 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/24/2002 4:49:26 AM EDT
k4, please explain your reason/purpose for posting this, if you would. Is it supposed to be ironic, or sarcastic? I don't get it.
Link Posted: 5/24/2002 5:01:44 AM EDT
It's obviously an outright fabrication, like so much of what the Klintons have claimed over the years. If Billy-boy had actually been raised that way, he would have never turned out to be the lying, cheating, traitorous piece of sh*t that he is.
Link Posted: 5/24/2002 6:24:46 AM EDT
I truely posted this because I thought it is a great tribute to all the parents in the world.

But couldn't help myself from adding Clinton's name.
Link Posted: 5/24/2002 6:42:39 AM EDT
I found this in a book several years sgo and happen to think of it read a member's post here about his trouble within his family so that is another reason I posted it, yes jarhead22 it is meant to be sarcastic.Va gunnut I've seen that here from so many kids and parents alike candy and pop.
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