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Posted: 5/29/2002 11:33:33 AM EDT
[b]how freaking stupid do you have to be !!!!!!!!!!![/b]

This is not a bad place to work.
Basicly the only thing you really have to do to keep this decent paying job is show up on time and stay away from the porn sites!!!!!!!!!!

I understand that most of the time its boring as hell and your left with no supervision..( Even more reasons to try and keep this cushy job )

Cant believe some a-hole lost his job today cause he couldnt wait to download porn from home. Not to mention what management might change around here because of that..

Just think it freaking [b]STUPID[/b]. The guy started the same day I did over 2 1/2 years ago..  One movie download and "POOF" your gone.
How do you explain that to the wife when you get home?

Link Posted: 5/29/2002 11:35:55 AM EDT
So there is an opening?

Am I qualified?

Link Posted: 5/29/2002 11:44:17 AM EDT
So there is an opening?

Am I qualified?

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There is now.. and you get to learn a "usefull" trade..

Its at a fruad dept at a National Cellphone company..   very usefull in deed....

yes your CDMA PCS TDMA and GSM cell phone can be overheard....
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 11:44:36 AM EDT
Damn, that sucks!
(..as I delete avi files from work HDD...)

I can't help what I get in my e-mail from friends as jokes! You should see some
of the stuff I get!

Link Posted: 5/29/2002 11:45:15 AM EDT
Not surprised at all. People do stupid things all the time. A few years ago where I work 2 guys got fired for doing very naughty things with a prostitute on duty in uniform in a marked police car behind a local super market.
They refused to pay, she reported being raped by two cops and they told the whole story. Try explaining that one to your wife! Doh!
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 11:45:51 AM EDT
I've been actively involved in firing people who look at porn or other sites here where I work.

It's never a pretty sight, I can't imagine what these people have to tell their family when they come home. Probably just lie and tell them they were downsized.

I don't have any remorse for people who do that where I work, an elementary school district.

Link Posted: 5/29/2002 11:52:43 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 11:52:43 AM EDT
Not as stupid as downloading it on the bosses computer, and thinking that you won't get caught!
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 11:53:08 AM EDT
elementary school district.

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Government Indoctrination Center.
Socialist Youth Training Facility.

Link Posted: 5/29/2002 11:56:59 AM EDT
cluster, what part of Texas are you in? I'm in Plano, and looking for work in telecom.
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 11:57:17 AM EDT
At my last job we had two people who got caught and were warned, then got caught a [i]second[/i] time!  Now [i]that[/i] was stupid!
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 11:59:31 AM EDT
People do some crazy things.

Happens all the time I guess.  As a teacher, our biggest problem is student's opening porn sites.  Sometime in a general lab, with other students watching/complaining openly.

Link Posted: 5/29/2002 11:59:48 AM EDT
You'd think porn would be a no-brainer, but.....

Where I am, firearms were filtered out for a short time but now it's okay.  I used to worry about being scrutinized for all the gun related sites I visit but figured if they haven't said anything by now, they probably won't.  Maybe they figure firing the gun guy isn't such a good idea.
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 12:07:26 PM EDT
Here's a thought:

Sinse Klinton, a BJ isn't sex. To most youth of today - only intercourse is sex.
To most liberals who defended Klinton, only intercourse is sex.

Thus, as long as it isn't pictures/movies of intercourse, it's NOT depictions of sex and NOT PORN. Right?

Link Posted: 5/29/2002 12:13:27 PM EDT
Cluster check your mail. I sent you a message.
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Back at you.....
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 12:19:16 PM EDT
Here's a thought:

Sinse Klinton, a BJ isn't sex. To most youth of today - only intercourse is sex.
To most liberals who defended Klinton, only intercourse is sex.

Thus, as long as it isn't pictures/movies of intercourse, it's NOT depictions of sex and NOT PORN. Right?

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Only If your boss is a Liberal, indoctrinated in a socialist youth center or is Klinton itself!

PS You should be fired for purposefully looking at porn on company time...
but you shouldn't look at porn anyway[whacko]
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 12:28:41 PM EDT
Here's a thought:

Sinse Klinton, a BJ isn't sex. To most youth of today - only intercourse is sex.
To most liberals who defended Klinton, only intercourse is sex.

Thus, as long as it isn't pictures/movies of intercourse, it's NOT depictions of sex and NOT PORN. Right?

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Only If your boss is a Liberal, indoctrinated in a socialist youth center or is Klinton itself!
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PS You should be fired for purposefully looking at porn on company time...
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I don't. Work is, well, WORK. ANyway, the men & women on my team that I work with are all Libertarians or Republicans. They don't have chips on their shoulders, intrude on others, and
HATE being "PC". We all trade jokes, stories, movies that are less than "normal" with each other
and one of them seeing a breast wouldn't "freak out".

but you shouldn't look at porn anyway[whacko]
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Why Not? You're not a "God Nazi" are you?
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 1:19:01 PM EDT
It sound like he had what I like to call an R.P.E. ..... RPE: Resume Producing Event!
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 1:29:57 PM EDT
Where do you work? What city?
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 1:30:34 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 1:40:26 PM EDT
It sound like he had what I like to call an R.P.E. ..... RPE: Resume Producing Event!
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We call it being referred to "Document : BOX".
(Then the cool security escort from the building with said box)
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 1:51:41 PM EDT
I would tell you some stories, but the boss may be a member here. Can't give him too many clues...

Link Posted: 5/29/2002 2:40:34 PM EDT
Same thing happened where I work.  Except he had one warning about 3 months prior to his second offense and subsequent dismissal.  

The first time it showed up in the internet history.  Duh... and it was after swing shift which narrows it down to 5 guys.  He admitted to it and was reminded of company policy.

A few months later, the computers were being repaired after some wierd stuff was downloaded (those porn .exe files or something) so the cookies were checked.  Guess what?  He lied about it at first (he didn't know someone saw him doing the stuff), then fessed up after he was told he was losing his job at that point anyway.

Some people........
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 2:46:02 PM EDT
The last company I worked for went on a rampage about a year ago trying to catch people downloading porn. So, they had a lowly IT guy check all the log files, make his report, etc. They gathered all the names of the culprits, sent the list to HR, but in the end they didn't fire anyone. They demoted a few guys, but no one was fired.

I was speaking to the IT guy, and it turned out if they had fired everyone, the company would be ruined. The majority of pornsters were in middle and upper management, with the president downloading more porn than anyone! ha ha ha Well, HR cannot fire the president, so in the end they demoted the first tier managers and that was that.

But, still those guys had to explain to their wives why they got a cut in pay.
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 2:48:22 PM EDT
I have received emails, and viewed HTML forums like AR15.com that will have embedded HTML tags that auto-download porn in the image links, etc.

How can you prove that the person willingly clicked a link to download porn, if all you have to go on is a cookie (unless he entered in his info that is stored in the cookie, etc.)?
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 3:24:29 PM EDT
I have received emails, and viewed HTML forums like AR15.com that will have embedded HTML tags that auto-download porn in the image links, etc.

How can you prove that the person willingly clicked a link to download porn, if all you have to go on is a cookie (unless he entered in his info that is stored in the cookie, etc.)?
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It's pretty easy. You must not be in the networking business.
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 3:44:55 PM EDT
I work in the "internet nazi" group of a large IT corporation - to my knowledge, no one has actually been fired for accessing/receiving/sending any "inappropriate" content.  However, it is often used as an [i]excuse[/i] to fire an employee that they want to get rid of.  It really seems like simple incompetency or underperformance is not enough of a reason for you to lose your job at my place of employement.  

All internet email is logged as well as every website accessed.  Managers, as well as HR, receive weekly reports on all of their employees, but they rarely ever look at them unless they are looking to get rid of someone anyway.

However, at my previous place of employment, one guy was stupid enough to not only browse porn sites, but actually printed one to a shared network printer!  I'm not sure if it was done accidentally or what - I can't imagine anyone would be that stupid.  He was promptly fired and escorted out of the building.

Link Posted: 5/29/2002 3:46:23 PM EDT

There is now.. and you get to learn a "usefull" trade..

Its at a fruad dept at a National Cellphone company..   very usefull in deed....

yes your CDMA PCS TDMA and GSM cell phone can be overheard....
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Hey Jarhead_22 needs a job. He has telecom background. Hook a brotha up!!!!
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 4:02:45 PM EDT
I have received emails, and viewed HTML forums like AR15.com that will have embedded HTML tags that auto-download porn in the image links, etc.

How can you prove that the person willingly clicked a link to download porn, if all you have to go on is a cookie (unless he entered in his info that is stored in the cookie, etc.)?
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Can you spell 'SNIFFER'!! I can watch anything anyone does on the network. I periodically sample the traffic to make sure everything is running and if is see something against Co. policy, I'll just talk to the person as a warning, rather than getting HR involved, then block access to the site. Usually, once they know they've been caught, they don't go back.

I don't have much of a problem with porn though. The main culprit from my point of view is the music sites. Someone will connect to it, and rather than buying a $8 radio, they'll chew up the bandwidth on my $2,000/mo T1. One thing I don't need is more people yelling at me because the network is slow. But for some reason, these people don't seem to get the message, they always go to another music site. So in a few instances, I've turned them into HR after they ignored my warning.

Then you get the really stupid ones, who log onto the sex chat sites. Usually I just print out their chat session and leave it in an envelope on their desk, suggesting that they not visit these sites while at work. That seems to work pretty well!

Link Posted: 5/29/2002 4:08:44 PM EDT
We just had a mechanic get fired last week - he had originally been a field service tech but he was brought into the shop to get experience. Well, a newly-hired mechanic was setting up his van and he found a baggie of weed in it. He showed it to the service manager, the service manager called the van's old driver in and asked him, and to his credit he admitted that it was his. He said he never did it while working, though (why the hell have it in your van, then?)

I just can't even [b]begin[/b] to imagine how low and stupid you'd feel having to go home and break that bad news to your family.
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 4:16:08 PM EDT
Business I work for used to not have any firewalls or tracking devices on where you looked on the internet.  I used to hang on AR15 during the night. Then some guys got busted for downloading kiddie porn of all things and had the FBI all over the place.  Now we have all kinds of internet trackers and need passwords to get on the interent.  I am still allowed access to use the internet being a supervisor but I said no thanks to a password or access. No telling what web sites might piss them off.
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 4:32:25 PM EDT
This dumbass didnt need any fancy network gadgets to get caught..

This is what happened....:

Dumbass in question went to break..
We use windows NT at work. when you leave your station for any reason you automaticly hit [red]ATL+CTRL+DEL[/red] then chose [blue] LOG OFF,  LOCK or SHUT DOWN[/blue]

I guess he was in a hurry < propley had to go pee> that he hit [red]ATL+CTRL+DEL[/red] but didnt pick the LOCK option .  well after several minutes the system went back to the last screen he was on...  yup  spread egale suzy..   Just so happened a Female manager walked by and .....  the rest is history..

Link Posted: 5/29/2002 4:38:34 PM EDT
I have received emails, and viewed HTML forums like AR15.com that will have embedded HTML tags that auto-download porn in the image links, etc.

How can you prove that the person willingly clicked a link to download porn, if all you have to go on is a cookie (unless he entered in his info that is stored in the cookie, etc.)?
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Can you spell 'SNIFFER'!! I can watch anything anyone does on the network. I periodically sample the traffic to make sure everything is running and if is see something against Co. policy, I'll just talk to the person as a warning, rather than getting HR involved, then block access to the site. Usually, once they know they've been caught, they don't go back.

I don't have much of a problem with porn though. The main culprit from my point of view is the music sites. Someone will connect to it, and rather than buying a $8 radio, they'll chew up the bandwidth on my $2,000/mo T1. One thing I don't need is more people yelling at me because the network is slow. But for some reason, these people don't seem to get the message, they always go to another music site. So in a few instances, I've turned them into HR after they ignored my warning.

Then you get the really stupid ones, who log onto the sex chat sites. Usually I just print out their chat session and leave it in an envelope on their desk, suggesting that they not visit these sites while at work. That seems to work pretty well!

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So you are saying a sniffer can determine whether or not I actually typed in an address, clicked a link, or if a page had external URL references in it that accidentally downloaded said images....? yeah ok...

Determining content is one thing, proving intent is another-- especially when you receive emails that autoload porn pages. and not all emails are logged/copied if they don't go through your mail servers, are they (unless you sniff every little piece of traffic)? i.e. Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 4:50:52 PM EDT
I don't. Work is, well, WORK. ANyway, the men & women on my team that I work with are all Libertarians or Republicans. They don't have chips on their shoulders, intrude on others, and HATE being "PC". We all trade jokes, stories, movies that are less than "normal" with each other and one of them seeing a breast wouldn't "freak out".
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I'm offended every time you show up on time, you bastard...  [;)]

Link Posted: 5/29/2002 5:25:18 PM EDT
I don't. Work is, well, WORK. ANyway, the men & women on my team that I work with are all Libertarians or Republicans. They don't have chips on their shoulders, intrude on others, and HATE being "PC". We all trade jokes, stories, movies that are less than "normal" with each other and one of them seeing a breast wouldn't "freak out".
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That's not true of all Libertarians...
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 5:40:00 PM EDT
hell when i was in the computer lab at the local college i had to uninstall a bunch of "porn video feed" software
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 5:44:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 6:31:13 PM EDT

So you are saying a sniffer can determine whether or not I actually typed in an address, clicked a link, or if a page had external URL references in it that accidentally downloaded said images....? yeah ok...

Determining content is one thing, proving intent is another-- especially when you receive emails that autoload porn pages. and not all emails are logged/copied if they don't go through your mail servers, are they (unless you sniff every little piece of traffic)? i.e. Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.
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A sniffer can't determine intent, but a quick scan of the network log shoudl expose the origination URLs. All you have to do is visit a URL to determine if it was a link or a "forced download". I don't think I know of ANY porn operators who will waste precious bandwith for a full movie clip download from a random popup.

Also, the web is not the only place to get porn. There's always newsgroups. That can be traced as well.

Link Posted: 5/29/2002 6:47:06 PM EDT

It's pretty easy. You must not be in the networking business.
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He will probably concede that he's not in the networking business.

I'd say it's not as easy as YOU think -- you must not be in the "proof" business!!

In a case like this, there needs to be more than technical information, no matter how you lay it out.

There has to be a combination of the technical facts AND the demonstration of intent.

For example, part of my job involves keeping up on the latest news, so I often use the Drudge Report because it's quicker than going through my bookmark for TBO.com for the AP feed.

One day, I made a typo in spelling "drudgereport.com".   Guess what? Someone with a porn site had registered common  misspellings of well-know sites.  So maybe I put in two of a certain letter or made a transposition of letter.  A total accident.

As it turned out to be one that kept regenerating popups, it was quite embarrassing, and the most expedient action was to turn the power switch off and reboot, then go straight to clean out the internet cache files.

There was no mistake about WHAT happened, but there was also the element of intent, as energizer tried to point out to you.  So do you think I should have been fired?

Link Posted: 5/29/2002 8:33:32 PM EDT

I'm offended every time you show up on time, you bastard...  [;)]

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Link Posted: 5/30/2002 2:00:48 AM EDT
The IT department where I was working caught someone who had uploaded about 15 DVD's worth of porn to the "company's" public domain server.
He spent 2 weeks in the brig, 45 days extra duty, 45 days restriction, reduction in rate, half months pay for two months and loses out on a good conduct award.

Why was he caught?  The public server crashed 5 times in a 3 hour period, the amazing thing was that it happened due to an overwhelming number of people tried to log onto the server at once.
Link Posted: 5/30/2002 3:40:18 AM EDT
I'd say it's not as easy as YOU think -- you must not be in the "proof" business!!

In a case like this, there needs to be more than technical information, no matter how you lay it out

There has to be a combination of the technical facts AND the demonstration of intent.

For example, part of my job involves keeping up on the latest news, so I often use the Drudge Report because it's quicker than going through my bookmark for TBO.com for the AP feed.

One day, I made a typo in spelling "drudgereport.com".   Guess what? Someone with a porn site had registered common  misspellings of well-know sites.  So maybe I put in two of a certain letter or made a transposition of letter.  A total accident.

As it turned out to be one that kept regenerating popups, it was quite embarrassing, and the most expedient action was to turn the power switch off and reboot, then go straight to clean out the internet cache files.

There was no mistake about WHAT happened, but there was also the element of intent, as energizer tried to point out to you.  So do you think I should have been fired?

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No I don't think that you should be fired for that mistake. But then again, I am not your boss or your HR manager. Nor do I know your company policy.

I would guess there were other extenuating circumstances in the other gentlemen's termination. If the guy got beligerant when confronted, then maybe the boss said, "C YA!" Maybe it was a second offense.

Link Posted: 5/30/2002 6:05:57 AM EDT

I'd say it's not as easy as YOU think -- you must not be in the "proof" business!!

In a case like this, there needs to be more than technical information, no matter how you lay it out.

There has to be a combination of the technical facts AND the demonstration of intent.

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Well, you're incorrect. It is very easy to prove intent and provide the technical documentation required.

It is simple to determine a mistake (an inadvertent click on a link, along with all the popups) from deliberate surfing. All you have to do is go thru the trace and you can reconstruct every action. You can even replay the trace and duplicate every action taken, step by step. In the case you cited, it would be very evident in the trace that all the pop ups resulted from the page that downloaded, as you'd be able to see the page code that initiated the popups as it crossed the network. The only part that could not be determined (initially), is whether the website you originally typed was accidental or deliberate. Your subsequent actions who determine this. If you clicked on links, downloaded photos, movies, music, chatted, etc. that would prove intent.

What you described shows absolutely no intent. In fact, the trace would show clearly that it was accidental and that you had no control over the popups.  

You have to remember that everything you see on your browser, traveled over the network, and that the trace records show every bit of data that went between your PC and the website. The only time that it can't be decoded is if it's encrypted...and there are ways around that too!

Link Posted: 5/30/2002 6:21:44 AM EDT
The bad new?

It will hurt is career.

The good news?

This will help him get a job at an adult bookstore or a strip club.
Link Posted: 5/30/2002 6:38:30 AM EDT
Check out this URL, and you will understand...

Intent can be proven, but [b][red]I[/red][/b] was talking about accidental typos, clicks, web searches, emails with pop-ups and auto-redirects, pictures linked from forums (i.e. AR15.com) to adult sites, etc. [b]Get a clue.[/b]
Link Posted: 5/30/2002 6:40:30 AM EDT
I can get free internet access at home through my employer's server. This, of course, comes with all of the same restrictions that are in place at work, I'm sure, I haven't asked I just presumed so.

Well, damnit, I'm a grown adult. If I want to look at porn, or anything inappropiate...AR15.com maybe?, then I don't want anybody looking over my shoulder and telling me I shouldn't be doing it. YOU're not my MOMMY, damnit.

So I pay $16.95 a month for an ISP and I still don't visit porn sites. [rolleyes] But now I can do it and not feel like I have to hide.
Link Posted: 5/30/2002 7:10:43 AM EDT
So you are saying a sniffer can determine whether or not I actually typed in an address, clicked a link, or if a page had external URL references in it that accidentally downloaded said images....? yeah ok...

Determining content is one thing, proving intent is another-- especially when you receive emails that autoload porn pages. and not all emails are logged/copied if they don't go through your mail servers, are they (unless you sniff every little piece of traffic)? i.e. Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.
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That's exactly what I'm saying. You obviously don't understand what a 'Sniffer' is. It connects to the network and tracks every bit of data that crosses the network...email, webpages, downloads, Yahoo, Hotmail, chat, it doesn't matter, it records it.

If you type www.ar15.com, the sniffer would detect the connection from your PC to ar15.com. and using previous trace information, if there was no link to ar15.com, then it was typed. Once the initial connection is made, every bit of browser code that ar15.com sends to your PC is recorded. If there are external links to URLs, they would be present in the HTML code loading into your browser, so it would be clear what they were. Clicking on a link also shows up, and if it's not an autoloading link, then you had to click on it.

The sniffer has nothing to do with servers. It is a stand-alone PC that only monitors traffic on the network. If it goes over the network, I can see and read it. It can be set up to monitor a specific PC and watch every bit of traffic to and from that PC, a group of PCs, or it can monitor the entire network. It is a diagnostic tool used to troubleshoot network problems and monitor network 'health'.

It can read emails, chat sessions, attachments, anything, except encrypted traffic, and there are other tools available to handle that.

Each company is different as to what they monitor and log. But, most companies, if they've shelled out the cash for a sniffer, keep it running on the network and record everything into a file that is constantly being overwritten. This isn't for monitoring PC usage, but for tracking network problems so that if a problem occurs, there is enough of a log file to be used to determine what caused the problem. These files can be a couple minutes of data, or weeks of data in size. It depends on the size of the harddrive and the amount of traffic on the network. I usually set it to record about 12 hrs of traffic, so if something happens overnight, I can use the trace for troubleshooting.

Visit [url]http://www.ethereal.com/image/tcpstream-20010427.gif[/url] to see a screen shot of what a sniffer can record. The www.pcap - Ethereal screen shows you a number of connections from a single PC to a website, along with the protocol information, and the raw data associated with packet #31.
The Contents of TCP stream screen shows all the data that was in packet #31. By following all the packets between the source & destination you can recreate the entire session.
Link Posted: 5/30/2002 7:26:36 AM EDT
I can get free internet access at home through my employer's server. This, of course, comes with all of the same restrictions that are in place at work, I'm sure, I haven't asked I just presumed so.

Well, damnit, I'm a grown adult. If I want to look at porn, or anything inappropiate...AR15.com maybe?, then I don't want anybody looking over my shoulder and telling me I shouldn't be doing it. YOU're not my MOMMY, damnit.

So I pay $16.95 a month for an ISP and I still don't visit porn sites. [rolleyes] But now I can do it and not feel like I have to hide.
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Your situation is rather unique. If you go through the company's server, you are probably restricted to the same policy that you have in the office. It's not that anyone wants to be your Mommy. Most of it is based on self-defense. I'm sure you've heard of the lawsuits against companies because some employee was surfing 'objectionable' sites and it offended someone and filed some type of harassment suit. It cost the companies big $$$. So, in reaction, most companies established policies against such 'objectionable' sites. Since it is their equipment, PC, internet connection, they have the right to do that. I may not agree with a number of the policies, but then I'm not shelling out the money. But some companies take it to the extreme, and ban any access to any site that is not business related. Fortunately, they are in the minority in my experience. Most places don't mind you checking personal email, even a little lunch time shopping and minor surfing. But, they are beginning to tighten up. With all the lawsuits, Political Correctness, virus', hacking, etc., they are closing down access to protect themselves from these lawsuits.

Personally, I have only a few restrictions. Porn sites, music sites, and download sites.
They all chew up lots of bandwidth on the network and people start yelling,or they are just not appropriate in a work environment.
Link Posted: 5/30/2002 7:41:09 AM EDT
Business I work for used to not have any firewalls or tracking devices on where you looked on the internet.  I used to hang on AR15 during the night. Then some guys got busted for downloading kiddie porn of all things and had the FBI all over the place.  Now we have all kinds of internet trackers and need passwords to get on the interent.  I am still allowed access to use the internet being a supervisor but I said no thanks to a password or access. No telling what web sites might piss them off.
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I've had the "pleasure" of working with the FBI in the past 5 years and their Cyber sex offender unit(not the real name) is only concerned with child porn and child sex crimes...   Hell< there's so much of that going on that they can't keep up..   A local Windows Help site had a Supervisor who was buying, selling and trading child porn..  Besides being fired, He's still in prison and will be for quite a while..  One of his employees was looking at the sites on another computer at work and is on lifetime probation..  Both will be registered sex offenders for the rest of their lives...   Not a good place to be...
Link Posted: 5/30/2002 8:14:30 AM EDT
One day, I made a typo in spelling "drudgereport.com".   Guess what? Someone with a porn site had registered common  misspellings of well-know sites.  So maybe I put in two of a certain letter or made a transposition of letter.  A total accident.

As it turned out to be one that kept regenerating popups, it was quite embarrassing, and the most expedient action was to turn the power switch off and reboot, then go straight to clean out the internet cache files.

There was no mistake about WHAT happened, but there was also the element of intent, as energizer tried to point out to you.  So do you think I should have been fired?

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due to the short time the server logs would show you there they wouldnt bother. considering the close spelling.

there was a guy working at a local DOE goverment plant. he was visiting computer security voliation sites. the watchdogs called him WHILE he was on the site and asked him what he was doing. considering he was the IT heads immdieate slave.. err subordinate. it didnt take much to convince them he was doing research on how to better shield the firewalls and systems inside.

they are watching, they will be watching. beware.

and of course there were 3 employees engaded in a very.. different form of porn. ON the managers DESK! seems he was supposed to be off that day, he came in to get somthing he left and found them... [b]Hard[/b] at work... 3 pink slips. all 3 were married and not to each other. 2guys 1girl.. imagine explaining that!
Link Posted: 5/30/2002 8:31:36 AM EDT

So you are saying a sniffer can determine whether or not I actually typed in an address, clicked a link, or if a page had external URL references in it that accidentally downloaded said images....? yeah ok...

Determining content is one thing, proving intent is another-- especially when you receive emails that autoload porn pages. and not all emails are logged/copied if they don't go through your mail servers, are they (unless you sniff every little piece of traffic)? i.e. Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.
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A sniffer can't determine intent, but a quick scan of the network log shoudl expose the origination URLs. All you have to do is visit a URL to determine if it was a link or a "forced download". I don't think I know of ANY porn operators who will waste precious bandwith for a full movie clip download from a random popup.

Also, the web is not the only place to get porn. There's always newsgroups. That can be traced as well.

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timestamps/cookies are meaningless unless you are logged in. Even movie files and pics are worthless evidence if you are not logged in.

I personally do not surf porn at work....but if ep is not logged in and nobody is there...this should be your reply all the way to the cheese line:


of course if its your machine in your office/cube.....My job consists of answering floor calls to fix system probs...so I dont have an office.
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