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Posted: 5/9/2003 8:49:44 PM EDT
Seen at "X-Men2"...trailer for "28 Days Later". Said to 're-invent the Zombie genera'...looks like it's British, some cool special photography (like "Pitch Black")...I thought it was a re-make of "Omega Man" at first...we have to wait till summer though!
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 9:41:27 PM EDT
It ain't a zombie movie. It is about a bioweapon which causes the infected people to go homocidal that gets out of a lab courtesy of some animal rights activists . From what I have been hearing from those in Europe that saw the film, it is kind of artsy-fartsy and you will either hate it or like it.
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 1:52:42 AM EDT
Bioweapon which causes people to go homocidal...isn't that what zombie moveies are about, something that makes people kinda dead like, and with a single minded purpose to kill?  Call me crazy or on crack, but I thought that's what zombie movies were.  Although this sounds a touch out of the ordinary, it's still zombies, and plenty of em.  Even more screwed in Englnad.
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 1:58:13 AM EDT
I did a thread on this flick last weekend. Check amazon UK, the film will be released on DVD (Region 2 format) a week from Tuesday. Imbroglio, you remind me of a PIL album: That Which Is Not.
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 7:52:05 PM EDT
"Zombies in England"...now THAT is a scary thought! NO GUNS to "shoot 'em in the head"! Just stff like axes or the odd club...that is freaky scary! If bioweapons turn people into insensate killers, I hope it happens while I'm in the states!
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