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Posted: 3/20/2001 6:23:05 AM EDT
Cant imagine what summer without lights would be like in high crime areas
worse still not being able to protect your family from the two legged predators
who enjoy protected status.....
Link Posted: 3/20/2001 6:44:58 AM EDT
Kalifornia is getting what they deserve!  Cant wait to see the full fledged result of weapons bans!

I feel sorry for the peasants who choose to stay there and live under tyranny.
Link Posted: 3/20/2001 11:51:20 AM EDT
Lets see double the gas prices, triple the housing cost, Smog, tyranical socialist style government.  I can see why I would want to live there. NOT
Link Posted: 3/20/2001 11:58:31 AM EDT
Woo hoo! It is like Y2K, only a year late!
Link Posted: 3/20/2001 1:19:09 PM EDT
Not to worry.  Air pollution controls have nearly stopped "smog".  Since most crime occurs during daylight hours, we can aim better and save our batteries.  We never gave up our weapons, we still have them! We can sell our "triple" houses for "triple" and have "triple" the money and move.  Gas here doesn't cost that much more than I paid in Florida, Tennessee, or Georgia, or New Jersey.  East Coast waves suck, and when they're good, you need a drysuit! Without "Gay" davis, why would we buy new guns?  Best of all, I can ride my Harley in the winter with just a jacket on.  You can do that too in Falls Church VA. (Not!).

P.S., we don't call them peasants.  We call them "Patriots".
Link Posted: 3/20/2001 1:38:48 PM EDT
I'm up in San Marcos, north of San Diego, no power outages yet. Don't worry about me, I live across from my friend who answers the door with a revolver behind his back, and I keep my Winchester 1300 close at hand.

Link Posted: 3/20/2001 1:50:09 PM EDT
Unfortunately, most of the "hood" areas are covered by DWP at least here in LA. DWP is state controlled and is not de-regulated. They are actually making lots of money selling surplus energy to the rest of the state. So the Hood will have plenty of light this summer and suburbia will have to spend their evenings in the dark and settle for a candle lit room listening to a portable radio. I wonder how Kali is going to vote during the next election after a couple years of these rolling blackouts. I already know a lot of our neighboring states are starting to bitch about their power too.
Link Posted: 3/20/2001 1:57:33 PM EDT
Another example of government with no forethought into the fact that there is ample supplys of energy in immidiate and surrounding states, but that this problem should have been forecast 20 or 30 years ago, NOT when the trouble erupts!!! here is what you have been paying dear taxes for for a long long time, only to find that the government "management" have absolutely no clue as to what they are there for, other than "pad" thier own pocket books, and those of thier "buddies" believe me when i tell you, new york state is next. we have THE most power producing environment (natural) in THE WORLD, yet, we pay ONE Of THE HIGHEST UTILITY COSTS IN THE COUNTRY!!! anyone who thinks this country isn`t in trouble, better "freakin" WAKE UP...[chainsaw]
Link Posted: 3/20/2001 2:32:22 PM EDT
The main problem as I see it is that the people of California have let the enviromentalist wackos get so far out of hand that the regulations are smothering the building of new power genrating facilities. From what I understand in the last 20 years the population of the state has doubled and NO new generating facilities have been built. The last one that was ran so much over budget because of modifications required by the enviro nuts that nobody in their right mind would want to try and build another. They made their bed, let them lay in it. i am from Washington State and my Electric prices are going up a lot because we are selling out power to California. You people out there need to decide if you want the cleanest enviroment in the US or steady power.

Link Posted: 3/20/2001 2:34:53 PM EDT
The main problem as I see it is that the people of California have let the enviromentalist wackos get so far out of hand that the regulations are smothering the building of new power genrating facilities. From what I understand in the last 20 years the population of the state has doubled and NO new generating facilities have been built. The last one that was ran so much over budget because of modifications required by the enviro nuts that nobody in their right mind would want to try and build another. They made their bed, let them lay in it. I am from Washington State and my Electric prices are going up a lot because we are selling our power to California. You people out there need to decide if you want the cleanest enviroment in the US or steady power.

Link Posted: 3/20/2001 3:10:47 PM EDT
Aviator, you are expanding on exactly what i said. when the american public decided that "alternative" energy sources were not envioronmently friendly, they were right, but to a point. when "three mile island" was BIG NEWS we should have realized that the country was on a "threshold" of new technology that would provide endless energy resources that would provide for the future of our energy needs, yet, it only was suppressed because of "enviromentally" "correct" policies that hinder the reality of future developement. since that " incedent" the "public" has not been "literate" as to the future of alternative energy sources, of which, we know little or nothing, again, i say, that government, as a whole, is "self preserving" to the point that the good of all is not served, and the good of the few is PRESERVED...PROVE IT OTHERWISE.....[heavy]
Link Posted: 3/20/2001 3:39:11 PM EDT
Well, then to top it all off, there are several dams in Oregon that generate electricity. The Enviros out here want the Dams destroyed so that the Salmon have an easier time getting up and down river. I hate to say it, but if it comes to me having electricity, or the fish working a bit harder the fish are going to have to sweat.

Link Posted: 3/20/2001 4:34:06 PM EDT
Aviator, i have to tell you that i love salmon and fish for them all the time here in n.y. what the bottom line is , unfotunately, TOO MANY PEOPLE!!!! i do not disagree with what you say, but where does the answer lie??? i think we were dealing with these same issues back in the 60`s & 70`s but maybe they are a little "closer to home" today?????
Link Posted: 3/20/2001 4:53:24 PM EDT
It true that the wackos are moving into oregon and washington st. also  ?
Link Posted: 3/20/2001 6:00:38 PM EDT
Its easy to tell where the wacko's are.  Just look at that red and blue political map that was floating around after the election. The blue is where the wacko's are.  Wash and Or are being infiltrated. They have done as much damage to CA as possible so I guess time to move on.

As for me never been to Falls Church so don't know how the weather is there. Don't really care about swimming in 50 degree water either. Don't be surprised to wake up and find that that tripple price house can't be sold for 1/3 of what was paid for it.  And all that interest paid can not be gotten back.   All artificially high priced things come back to reality's value eventually, usually in hard times. Notice the Nasdaq.  While I agree some area of CA are very beautiful, I can't see why its worth three times as much to live there. And the smog still stinks within 50 miles of LA, I guess its the smog anyway.
Link Posted: 3/20/2001 6:57:54 PM EDT
I feel sorry for the peasants who choose to stay there and live under tyranny.
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I feel even more sorry for pussies that would run from a fight rather than stand their ground.
Link Posted: 3/20/2001 7:18:08 PM EDT
I moved to Washington State from Iowa, and yes, the enviros out here are far worse than the midwest. They have storfronts out here an many of the towns. In addition to shooting, I do a lot of recreational prospecting. I dabble in panning, sluicing, high banking and dredging. What we do in no way hurts the enviroment, but in the last year we have seen millions of acres of OUR land removed from us being able to do this on them. In Jan a few friends and I were talking on a prospecting forum about a protest. We were going to chain ourselves to our dredges and raise hell in some river. Since then with just 8 of us organizing it it has become a fairly huge movement. We are holding a rally in July in Myrtle Creek OR and are expecting THOUSANDS. Miners are a lot like gun owners, we tend to mind our own business. The last year has gotten so many recreational prospectors mad that we are getting incredible support for this rally. If you guys are interested take a peek at www.dredgeearthfirst.com

I don't know yet how to make the hyperlinks from a url here yet, but thats the address.

Link Posted: 3/21/2001 6:30:00 PM EDT
1) The 'hood has power.
2) Liberal white suburbs don't
3) Road Trip! There is never anything worth stealing in the hood anyway.
4) Call city council and demand more citizens be disarmed
5) It will be like shooting fish in a barrel.
Link Posted: 3/21/2001 6:55:07 PM EDT
WA, residents are not happy with the wackos moving here,so were sending reinforcements down 2 killafornia,2 help in the fight, ViVa LA!

Link Posted: 3/21/2001 8:12:14 PM EDT
You guys need to quit believing everything you hear on the evening news. They are exaggerating big time.

There are no power outages. There have however been a few planned "rolling blackouts". a "Rolling Blackout" is a planned event in which a small section of a city has its power turned off for 90 mins.

There have been no rolling blackouts in my city. I lived in other states where ice storms took out the power alot more often than planned rolling blackouts do here.
Link Posted: 3/21/2001 8:21:58 PM EDT
having used to live in PRK the media tends to hipe up alot of stuff also  when i was out  of state visting relatives way back when almost everyone i met was saying things like oh  man california they shoot people for cutting you off there dont they on top of that they kept thinking all of southern  califonia  is  La or San diego.
Link Posted: 3/21/2001 9:24:49 PM EDT
It's going to get worse this summer. I'd expect that there will be nearly daily rolling blackouts.

What really annoys me is that the state is buying a bunch of ads telling everyone to conserve. Hey, I've got a great way to reduce power usage: raise the price.

It's really remarkable that, in this day and age, Davis and company would resort to dopey regulation rather than just do the thing that would solve the problem in one fell swoop, with no government intervention.

Oh yeah, the state surplus is being wiped out by power purchases, too. So we're paying the same overall, only it's in taxes instead of power bills, thus removing the incentive portion of the price increase. And we have to suffer through noxious, saccharine ads, too.

A remarkable number of people are still in denial about this.
Link Posted: 3/21/2001 10:03:40 PM EDT
better not move out to houston, the smog there is WORSE than in LA
its not the amount of cars or people in LA that cause smog, its the mtns and valleys surronding the city that hold the smog in, the surronding valley areas in riverside and san berdo counties have worse smog than downtown LA
Link Posted: 3/21/2001 10:30:02 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/21/2001 11:59:36 PM EDT
I feel sorry for the peasants who choose to stay there and live under tyranny.
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I feel even more sorry for pussies that would run from a fight rather than stand their ground.
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BLA hahahaha!! What fight? The fight is lost! Kalifornia will NEVER EVER regain it's freedome. For the record....if the law's actually get challenged and changed, I'll eat my hat.  Besides, aren't you still paying your state government (with HIGH tax's) to regester your rifles? They even go so far as to tell you that you cant loan your mags to your buddies!  No way am I gonna stay there and pay tax's to a nazi government.

Your not citizens for freedom anymore, your POW's.    Whats even worse, is you are POW's by choice!

Kalifornian Gov officer : Do you have your papers for zat rifle?
Civilian : yes I do
Kalifornia Gov officer : Letz me zee them.  Hmmm.....ok, you may pass.  Heil Davis!
Civilian : Heil Davis!
Civilian(thinking to himself) : Man, I wish I didn't have to put up with this crap.

YOU DONT HAVE TO!!  MOVE!!  If you continue to pay Kalifornia tax's, you might as well seek counseling for self-abuse!
Link Posted: 3/22/2001 5:43:48 AM EDT
I feel sorry for the peasants who choose to stay there and live under tyranny.
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I feel even more sorry for pussies that would run from a fight rather than stand their ground.
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[size=6][red]HA HA HA HA! Right on, bro'![/size=6][/red]

DWP is State owned?  Does the City of Los Angeles know about that?

As far as enviro-wackos, listen up, fools: we could not have sustained our exploitation of the environment forever.  What's that?  You disagree?  Of course you do.  Your an idiot, so shut up and keep reading.  As I was saying, we are spending big bux cleaning up after years of "can't see it form my house" and "we'll cross that bridge when we get there" environmental theory.  Somebody had to do something, and, California stepped up.  Of course, to even care, you have to have a state beautiful enough to save, which is why we were the 1st in line.  Anyways, nothings perfect and there is no big book of answers, so we made some mistakes along the way.  All you johnnie-come-lately also-rans have us to thank, though you're all too inbred to realize it.

You are welcome.
Link Posted: 3/22/2001 7:14:05 AM EDT
Aviator is right on about environmental extemism being at root of California's current energy crisis.
Nuclear Power; can't have it because it's nuclear.
Fossil Fuels; can't have them because of CO2.
Hydroelectric; dams change entire ecosystems so we can't have new ones of those either.
Wind Power (The former darling); spinning blades kill lots of birds.
Geothermal; get real, makes pulp manufacturing look clean.
Solar; still way too expensive.  Someday, maybe

Guess what... every single mechanism for generating electric power has legitimate environmental concerns.  Welcome to the real world.  Pretty much all of them can be mitigated with careful engineering.  Nuclear has the least overall impact, but waste disposal is an ongoing concern.  All of them are superior to a wrecked economy and poverty.  I don't know of anything that screws up the environment worse than poverty.
Link Posted: 3/22/2001 7:25:47 AM EDT
There are allot of good people in CAL who are suffering needlessly.  They knew there was going to be a problem like this years ago due to the increasing population, but the tree huggers raised such a fuss about building new power plants to keep up with the power demand that none were ever built.  I for one if I lived there and thank God I do not.  I would leave.  In my opinion there are just to many idiots in the state with to many dumb causes. In my opinion screw the snail, screw the whale and help protect people.  They talk evotution but if we need to loose a few critters and the process then well that natural selection and just part of the process.  If my state started doing things like CAL is color me gone.
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