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Posted: 6/2/2002 11:13:15 AM EDT
My son Spencer left for boot camp on the west coast today. We get a Marine back in 13 weeks. We are damn proud.
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 11:38:01 AM EDT
Congratulations to you and your son!!!

You should be proud.  Sounds like you raised a great kid!
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 11:40:10 AM EDT
Make sure you write him OFTEN.  There's nothing better during boot camp than getting a letter from someone who cares about you.  Ensure you let him know how proud you are of him. It'll puff him up and will let him knock out the pushups a little bit easier.
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 11:43:33 AM EDT
yea, write a lot,  when i was in army basic getting letters was something to look forward to.

also send newspaper clippings from back home, not much news reaches the recuits.
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 12:22:02 PM EDT
I gather you like him ... so DO NOT SEND ANY OATMEAL COOKIES!!!!

Send all the letters (nothing extraordinary on the outside that might draw the Ire of the Drill Instructors...)and when he does write .. you will read how much he is changing and becoming a Marine...


Semper Fi
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