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Posted: 5/15/2002 3:16:07 PM EDT
We are thinking of starting IDPA shoots here, and wondered of any of you guys do it. I've shoot IPSC, but like the idea of a Defensive Pistol League.

Any one tried it, and how do you like it?
Link Posted: 5/15/2002 5:16:00 PM EDT
I shoot IDPA quite a bit. I run a monthly match for the club I belong to. I will most likely shoot in 4 state matches this season. It's a lot of fun. Maybe not that tactical in the strictest sense, but more so than IPSC. The stages can be set up with a minimum of equipment and supplies and stock guns must be used. Let me know if I can be of any help.
Link Posted: 5/15/2002 6:12:59 PM EDT
I just started. I have only participated in about 4 matches. I held off for the longest time because what they have you do isn't how I carry. But I have found that I shoot way different under the clock, so this is my only outlet to do that.
It has been a learning experience each time.
For instance, I don't point and shoot as well when it is farther out. I shouldn't engage targets with hostages, cause the hostages get it every time, even if the bad guy doesn't.
More bullets out the gun does not mean more hits on the other side.
Link Posted: 5/15/2002 6:48:17 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/15/2002 10:51:16 PM EDT
IDPA may be the most fun I've ever had with my clothes on.

Correction: Second most fun, after Knob Creek.
Link Posted: 5/15/2002 11:23:00 PM EDT
IDPA is what it is... a shooting game. If you enjoy it, then why not ? But don't let anyone sell you on its being more "practical" than IPSC, blahblahblah. Its just different.
Link Posted: 5/16/2002 3:02:00 AM EDT
IDPA is what it is... a shooting game. If you enjoy it, then why not ? But don't let anyone sell you on its being more "practical" than IPSC, blahblahblah. Its just different.
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I agree. IDPA is IPSC without having to think as much. Oh it's fun but then all shooting is fun.
I will be shooting the Illinois State IDPA Match this weekend.
Link Posted: 5/16/2002 5:30:29 AM EDT
Yea! It's a blast. Have not been to a match this year though. To many hobbies and not enough time.
Link Posted: 5/16/2002 10:38:56 AM EDT
I love IDPA! I still suck at it, but I have had a lot of fun,and have really improved my pistol skills. The ability to create your own scenarios adds a lot to the fun of IDPA. We've had more than a few laughs at some of the ingenious efforts to make tougher "real life" scenarios.
Link Posted: 5/16/2002 10:53:15 AM EDT
I do it, I like it.
Link Posted: 5/16/2002 11:13:48 AM EDT
Yep.  Been shooting IDPA for about a year now and it is great fun!  Well worth the time if you have good course of fire designers in your club.
Link Posted: 5/16/2002 11:19:31 AM EDT
I shoot it, I love it.  Do it.  It's no tactical end all be all, but its a major step up from standard marksmanship practice.  
Link Posted: 5/16/2002 11:28:25 AM EDT
IDPA is a lot of fun. There are numerous arguements about which is better: IDPA or IPSC. However; IDPA encourages the use of common stock handguns and slightly more realistic scenarios. I think it is more likely to recruit new shooters than IPSC. Watching a Grand Master shoot the "Texas spinning star" with his $4000 dollar racegun is intimidating. For the novice it is better to stick to one handgun. Practice with it, compete with it, and carry it.

Link Posted: 5/16/2002 12:15:08 PM EDT
Thanks, guys for the response. Sounds fun.
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