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Posted: 9/7/2011 12:29:55 AM EDT
[Last Edit: EasTexan]
I'm sitting outside, playing guitar and I'm hearing Garth Brooks playing in the woods. I'm guessing it's some rednecks working on their truck like every night. Lol. Anyways it reminded me of my creepiest encounter I ever had out in the wilderness.

I was bow fishing one night with some buddies out on Dam-b. Its a very eerie part of the state. Cypress trees covered in Spanish moss coupled with long leaf pines and mixed hardwoods. The shallow waters are great for hunting big gar. Anyways, we were about thirty miles from the nearest town and had traveled up the river by boat another 30 to get to the good spots. I tell ya, you go back in these woods and you step back in time. Untouched by man and so damn unforgiving, its no surprise. It was about 11:30 P.M. when we entered the slough. There was no sound except for the humming of the trolling motor. He had decided not to use the generator and the halogen lights but instead use some rigged handheld 500,000 spot lights so we could hunt coons as well. That's when we heard it.

I was just putting a dip in when I heard the soft sound of music. Instantly, fear and confusion set in as I looked around. My buddies heard it as well and we could only listen, looking at each other for some sort of answer. No one could be out there, it was impossible. There were no roads, no way to climb the huge, clay cliffs made by the river.... It was coming from the absolute wilderness. The tune was the most terrifying part. It was not a song anyone alive today would know. It sounded like it came from an old record player. It was scratchy and muffled with a woman's voice singing and it filled me with more adrenaline and fear than I have ever had in my whole life. I can only relate it to something from the turn of the century. By this time Jake had stopped the trolling motor and we simply sat down and continued to listen. Its like we were in a trance. We know that back country and we know that this was not right. People never would have trecked through those marshes and woods to play a joke.

Then the music simply faded away. We sat there in the dark, waiting for something to move, something to give its position away so we could put the lights on it. Whoever or whatever it was would have surely made noise in the swamp water.

Nothing. Not a sound for thirty minutes. We felt after an experience like that, it was time to go.

Link Posted: 9/7/2011 12:30:58 AM EDT
I would shit my pants if that happened to me
Link Posted: 9/7/2011 12:39:12 AM EDT
Originally Posted By EasTexan:
I'm sitting outside, playing guitar and I'm hearing Garth Brooks playing in the woods. I'm guessing it's some rednecks working on their truck like every night. Lol. Anyways it reminded me of my creepiest encounter I ever had out in the wilderness.

I was bow fishing one night with some buddies out on Dam-b. Its a very eerie part of the state. Cypress trees covered in Spanish moss coupled with long leaf pines and mixed hardwoods. The shallow waters are great for hunting big gar. Anyways, we were about thirty miles from the nearest town and had traveled up the river by boat another 30 to get to the good spots. I tell ya, you go back in these woods and you step back in time. Untouched by man and so damn unforgiving, its no surprise. It was about 11:30 P.M. when we entered the slough. There was no sound except for the humming of the trolling motor. He had decided not to use the generator and the halogen lights but instead use some rigged handheld 500,000 spot lights so we could hunt coons as well. That's when we heard it.

I was just putting a dip in when I heard the soft sound of music. Instantly, fear and confusion set in as I looked around. My buddies heard it as well and we could only listen, looking at each other for some sort of answer. No one could be out there, it was impossible. There were no roads, no way to climb the huge, clay cliffs made by the river. It was coming from the absolute wilderness. The tune was the most terrifying part. It was not a song anyone alive today would know. It sounded like it came from an old record player. It was scratchy and muffled with a woman's voice singing and it filled me with more adrenaline and fear than I have ever had in my whole life. I can only relate it to something from the turn of the century. By this time, Jake had stopped the trolling motor and we simply sat down and continued to listen. Its like we were in a trance. We know that back country and we know that this was not right. People never would have trecked through those marshes and woods to play a joke.

Then the music simply faded away. We sat there in the dark, waiting for something to move, something to give its position away so we could put the lights on it. Whoever or whatever it was would have surely made noise in the swamp water.

Nothing. Not a sound for thirty minutes. We felt after an experience like that, it was time to go.

Dammit, EasTexan, you've posted that before. And it was freaky then too!
Link Posted: 9/7/2011 12:42:39 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Willmar:
Originally Posted By EasTexan:
I'm sitting outside, playing guitar and I'm hearing Garth Brooks playing in the woods. I'm guessing it's some rednecks working on their truck like every night. Lol. Anyways it reminded me of my creepiest encounter I ever had out in the wilderness.

I was bow fishing one night with some buddies out on Dam-b. Its a very eerie part of the state. Cypress trees covered in Spanish moss coupled with long leaf pines and mixed hardwoods. The shallow waters are great for hunting big gar. Anyways, we were about thirty miles from the nearest town and had traveled up the river by boat another 30 to get to the good spots. I tell ya, you go back in these woods and you step back in time. Untouched by man and so damn unforgiving, its no surprise. It was about 11:30 P.M. when we entered the slough. There was no sound except for the humming of the trolling motor. He had decided not to use the generator and the halogen lights but instead use some rigged handheld 500,000 spot lights so we could hunt coons as well. That's when we heard it.

I was just putting a dip in when I heard the soft sound of music. Instantly, fear and confusion set in as I looked around. My buddies heard it as well and we could only listen, looking at each other for some sort of answer. No one could be out there, it was impossible. There were no roads, no way to climb the huge, clay cliffs made by the river. It was coming from the absolute wilderness. The tune was the most terrifying part. It was not a song anyone alive today would know. It sounded like it came from an old record player. It was scratchy and muffled with a woman's voice singing and it filled me with more adrenaline and fear than I have ever had in my whole life. I can only relate it to something from the turn of the century. By this time, Jake had stopped the trolling motor and we simply sat down and continued to listen. Its like we were in a trance. We know that back country and we know that this was not right. People never would have trecked through those marshes and woods to play a joke.

Then the music simply faded away. We sat there in the dark, waiting for something to move, something to give its position away so we could put the lights on it. Whoever or whatever it was would have surely made noise in the swamp water.

Nothing. Not a sound for thirty minutes. We felt after an experience like that, it was time to go.

Dammit, EasTexan, you've posted that before. And it was freaky then too!

Yeah, it's by far the creepiest. I don't think it will ever be topped... Unless I ever see Michelle Obama naked.
Link Posted: 9/7/2011 12:43:58 AM EDT
Why do I always read these threads before going to sleep?
Link Posted: 9/7/2011 12:44:44 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Slayfan21] [#5]
I thought there was gonna be fiddles in this thread

Edit: BAnjos DAMNIT
Link Posted: 9/7/2011 12:45:33 AM EDT
Creepy as shit!
Link Posted: 9/7/2011 12:46:17 AM EDT
Originally Posted By DDoleiden:
Why do I always read these threads before going to sleep?

Cue P-Mag popping GIF
Link Posted: 9/7/2011 12:49:02 AM EDT
creepy is creepy

Link Posted: 9/7/2011 12:49:43 AM EDT
That's a hell of a start OP.

The house I grew up in, the neighborhood was full of all the original home owners who were in their 70s or 80's. The old lady that owned the house before us died not too long before my parents got the place, and you could tell that she never really left. When I was around 4 or 5, I would be laying in the living room on the couch watching tv with my old man. I was facing south, the tv was on the south wall, Couch against the east wall, and the hallway to the bedrooms and bathroom was at the corner of the west and east wall, My dads chair and fireplace on the Northern wall. The first bedroom (my room) you could see the door from where I was laying. I would catch a motion out of the corner of my eye, around 5 ft tall, almost like a shadow, just standing there in the door way, seemingly watching me. This happened numerous times throughout my childhood, on until I was probably 12 or so. My mother told me that when they first lived there, she was standing at the kitchen wink washing dishes one afternoon. She felt a presence, almost like someone was watching her from behind her back. Nobody was home at the time, and she said it just felt like the old lady, Mrs. Grier, was watching her. She told the presence "Dont worry Ma'am, I will take care of this house, Ive got it". When she said that, it was as if the presence went away, and didn't bother her again. We found her old Drivers License one day cleaning up, and she was around 5 ft tall, just about the same height as the shape that I saw.

Later on in my life, my parents would tell me that in the morning when I was really young, from 3 to 5,  I would tell them that my Nana, my maternal grandmother had come to see me and watch me at night. They asked me what she looked like, and I described her to a T, with out ever seeing a picture of her.
Link Posted: 9/7/2011 12:52:50 AM EDT
While driving my dads old massey ferguson back form loading hay bails one night I decided to stop at a friends farm and have a beer and a cigarette. Pull up to their big pole barn and go to grab the zippo from my pocket and I hear what I thought were footsteps coming up behind me at a walking like pace, I am pulling a single hay trailer behind me so say 30' or so behind me. At that very same time I see Ben walking around the front of the bucket and it crosses my mind that he is the only one on the property, so who the fuck is walking up behind me. I turn with my zippo out, mid first draw and I see nothing, just blackness, except for the small miners light like area of illumination a zippo will create. Heard one or two more steps and then nothing, ben walks up to me and taps on my shoulder and I think i jumped straight out of my own skin, I solidly thought the devil himself was here to collect!!! I grabbed the maglite and looked all over his yard, barn, everywhere for who tried to walk up behind me but could never find a trace, no prints on the dirt road, no tracks thru the waist high grass on either side of the road, to this day I still wonder if it was just me thinking it or did something "other" try and run up on a guy just tryin to smoke a cigarette.

Link Posted: 9/7/2011 12:55:02 AM EDT
[Last Edit: emsjeep] [#11]
Paddle faster; I hear banjos...

Link Posted: 9/7/2011 12:57:11 AM EDT
Originally Posted By emsjeep:
Paddle faster; I hear banjos...


Link Posted: 9/7/2011 1:00:44 AM EDT
I wonder if some really old dude lived out in those woods and he was just listening to some music like he does every night.
Link Posted: 9/7/2011 1:03:07 AM EDT
[Last Edit: emsjeep] [#14]
Good thing I still have the nightlight I bought after the demon thread a few months ago....

Link Posted: 9/7/2011 1:04:24 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Reservist:
I wonder if some really old dude lived out in those woods and he was just listening to some music like he does every night.

It would honestly make me feel better if it was.
Link Posted: 9/7/2011 1:05:57 AM EDT
Oh be a man, search and destroy!
Link Posted: 9/7/2011 1:08:49 AM EDT
back road in the onion fields of NY the radio was off and it all of a sudden starts playing 1920's music couldn't shut it off could only turn the volume down
Link Posted: 9/7/2011 1:11:01 AM EDT
Have you ever gone back and done a search of the area by daylight?

I remember the first time you posted this.  While very creeped out, I was curious.  The first map was better by the way.

This one does not make the area seem so remote.
Link Posted: 9/7/2011 1:11:22 AM EDT

Originally Posted By EasTexan:

Originally Posted By Reservist:

I wonder if some really old dude lived out in those woods and he was just listening to some music like he does every night.

It would honestly make me feel better if it was.

It's a spooky fuckin story man. Honestly do you have any kind of hypothesis at what it might have been? Or after the incident happened and you were heading back did anyone else in your group say something about it that sounded close to what it might have been?

Link Posted: 9/7/2011 1:12:56 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Sslous] [#20]
I have never had a creepy moment. I usualy creep my friends out pretty easy. We were about 5 hours from town fishing at night in his boat. I said something stupid like "imagine if you heard some one yell hey come over here" from shore. He kept the boat in the middle because thats where the fish were.

Link Posted: 9/7/2011 1:14:29 AM EDT
It was not creepy at the time but it freaked me out when I was 18- From the time I was five or six I would stay with my dad at my grandmothers every weekend till I was ten. I always slept on the couch in the living room and one night I woke up for some reason and saw this man standing in the hallway I never seen him before and I said hi and who ever it was walked around the corner and I went back to sleep. The next morning I woke up and asked my dad  what was he doing up so late. My dad said he wasnt and asked who I saw. I described the man I saw to him and he laughed and not another word was said.
Fast forward about 12 years at Christmas I was at the house and my grandmother handed me a present and I opened it up and I dropped it. It was a picture of the man I saw, it was my grandfather. My grandfather died in 1951 of a heart attack. I looked at my dad and showed him and he said "I know". You are not the only person who has seen him. My grandmother states that she had seen many times over the years and she loved him so much. My grandmother died earlier this year in February every one said that she finally is with my grandfather again.

I have some other stuff but it is a pain typing this much from a Droid.
Link Posted: 9/7/2011 1:17:56 AM EDT
It's times like these that I'm glad I drive through Kisatchie National Forest in the daytime.

Dammit, I'm going to turn some lights on and go to bed. This thread can wait until morning.
Link Posted: 9/7/2011 1:20:04 AM EDT
That is some fucking Wrong Turn shit right there man. Fuck me. That's when you wish you had the night vision. Fucking X-files, bro.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 9/7/2011 1:22:47 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Banjaxed] [#24]
I moonlight as a paramedic and working EMS you will see all kinds of creepy and fucked up things. Every shift I go in I do so with the knowledge that there is a good chance my face will be the last or first thing a person sees as they leave or enter this world. The one that sends a chill up my spine though happened last year while I was still doing clinicals. We received a call to a nursing home for a unresponsive 87 year old woman. When we picked her up it was obvious she was not long for this world. She coded three times on us before we got her to the ER. What freaked me out though was when she became responsive briefly during transport. I was starting an IV and she just sprang to life, grabbed my arm with a strength unholy for a frail old woman, looked me square in the eye and in a raspy, guttural way quietly screamed my name. The look in her eyes was unlike anything I had seen before or since. It felt like she was starring straight into my soul.

What is so disturbing about that is that during no point had I introduced myself to her as she was unresponsive. Also being a dumb student I had forgotten my ID badge that day as well. I had never worked her before as a patient, nor meet her that I can recall in any capacity. Could be she mistook me for somebody else by the same name but it sure seemed meant for me. She died less than an hour after admission. To this day I still remember everything about that call like it just happened and it makes my blood run cold to remember her face and the way she called to me. Sometimes I close my eyes and still see that face.
Link Posted: 9/7/2011 1:24:57 AM EDT
Originally Posted By EasTexan:
Originally Posted By Reservist:
I wonder if some really old dude lived out in those woods and he was just listening to some music like he does every night.

It would honestly make me feel better if it was.

So, what do you think it was then? Are we talking ghosts here or mutant, inbred backwoods cannibals?

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 9/7/2011 1:26:14 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Reservist:

Originally Posted By EasTexan:
Originally Posted By Reservist:
I wonder if some really old dude lived out in those woods and he was just listening to some music like he does every night.

It would honestly make me feel better if it was.

It's a spooky fuckin story man. Honestly do you have any kind of hypothesis at what it might have been? Or after the incident happened and you were heading back did anyone else in your group say something about it that sounded close to what it might have been?

I just don't know... We were the only truck at the boat ramp that night with a boat. The other end of that river is dammed up next to Lake Sam Rayburn and that whole area is void of roads and houses. There are some river people that live on the lower side but nowhere where we were.

Link Posted: 9/7/2011 1:27:57 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Banjaxed:
I moonlight as a paramedic and working EMS you will see all kinds of creepy and fucked up things. Every shift I go in I do so with the knowledge that there is a good chance my face will be the last or first thing a person sees as they leave or enter this world. The one that sends a chill up my spine though happened last year while I was still doing clinicals. We received a call to a nursing home for a unresponsive 87 year old woman. When we picked her up it was obvious she was not long for this world. She coded three times on us before we got her to the ER. What freaked me out though was when she became responsive briefly during transport. I was starting an IV and she just sprang to life, grabbed my arm with a strength unholy for a frail old woman, looked me square in the eye and in a raspy, guttural way quietly screamed my name. The look in her eyes was unlike anything I had seen before or since. It felt like she was starring straight into my soul.

What is so disturbing about that is that during no point had I introduced myself to her as she was unresponsive. Also being a dumb student I had forgotten my ID badge that day as well. I had never worked her before as a patient, nor meet her that I can recall in any capacity. Could be she mistook me for somebody else by the same name but it sure seemed meant for me. She died less than an hour after admission. To this day I still remember everything about that call like it just happened and it makes my blood run cold to remember her face and the way she called to me. Sometimes I close my eyes and still see that face.

Link Posted: 9/7/2011 1:33:20 AM EDT
DAMNIT i am sitting in a house in the woods nothing on but the computer reading this shit and the room i am in is next to the kitchen and as i am reading the "grandpa" story the fucking ice machine dumps!!!!!!!

Excuse me while i change my boxers.....
Link Posted: 9/7/2011 1:33:55 AM EDT
I love these threads. Keep 'em coming.
Link Posted: 9/7/2011 1:34:03 AM EDT
tag to read more stories
Link Posted: 9/7/2011 1:37:28 AM EDT
[Last Edit: EasTexan] [#31]
Originally Posted By wyager:
Originally Posted By Banjaxed:
I moonlight as a paramedic and working EMS you will see all kinds of creepy and fucked up things. Every shift I go in I do so with the knowledge that there is a good chance my face will be the last or first thing a person sees as they leave or enter this world. The one that sends a chill up my spine though happened last year while I was still doing clinicals. We received a call to a nursing home for a unresponsive 87 year old woman. When we picked her up it was obvious she was not long for this world. She coded three times on us before we got her to the ER. What freaked me out though was when she became responsive briefly during transport. I was starting an IV and she just sprang to life, grabbed my arm with a strength unholy for a frail old woman, looked me square in the eye and in a raspy, guttural way quietly screamed my name. The look in her eyes was unlike anything I had seen before or since. It felt like she was starring straight into my soul.

What is so disturbing about that is that during no point had I introduced myself to her as she was unresponsive. Also being a dumb student I had forgotten my ID badge that day as well. I had never worked her before as a patient, nor meet her that I can recall in any capacity. Could be she mistook me for somebody else by the same name but it sure seemed meant for me. She died less than an hour after admission. To this day I still remember everything about that call like it just happened and it makes my blood run cold to remember her face and the way she called to me. Sometimes I close my eyes and still see that face.

Yeah, that's a good one.
Link Posted: 9/7/2011 1:39:32 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Banjaxed] [#32]
Originally Posted By wyager:
Originally Posted By Banjaxed:
I moonlight as a paramedic and working EMS you will see all kinds of creepy and fucked up things. Every shift I go in I do so with the knowledge that there is a good chance my face will be the last or first thing a person sees as they leave or enter this world. The one that sends a chill up my spine though happened last year while I was still doing clinicals. We received a call to a nursing home for a unresponsive 87 year old woman. When we picked her up it was obvious she was not long for this world. She coded three times on us before we got her to the ER. What freaked me out though was when she became responsive briefly during transport. I was starting an IV and she just sprang to life, grabbed my arm with a strength unholy for a frail old woman, looked me square in the eye and in a raspy, guttural way quietly screamed my name. The look in her eyes was unlike anything I had seen before or since. It felt like she was starring straight into my soul.

What is so disturbing about that is that during no point had I introduced myself to her as she was unresponsive. Also being a dumb student I had forgotten my ID badge that day as well. I had never worked her before as a patient, nor meet her that I can recall in any capacity. Could be she mistook me for somebody else by the same name but it sure seemed meant for me. She died less than an hour after admission. To this day I still remember everything about that call like it just happened and it makes my blood run cold to remember her face and the way she called to me. Sometimes I close my eyes and still see that face.

Trust me. When she sprang up and grabbed my arm with the force of a lumber jack I literally thought I was going to barf my heart up. The worst part is my proctor laughed his ass off about it. Said I turned three shades of pale. I tell ya a few months in a busy system will age a person ten years.
Link Posted: 9/7/2011 1:40:12 AM EDT
Good one EasTexan!

I was driving home one night and as I pulled up to the garage, I saw a dark form standing under our old sodium vapor lamp. Strange thing was, neither the light from the lamp, nor the light from my SUV actually illuminated it.  

I put the truck in park, grabbed a light jacket from the seat beside me, and stepped out, fully expecting to have found a lost child. As I got halfway to it, two eyes opened and shined brightly from within the dark form.

At this point I am scared shitless, but before I could do anything besides stare in sheer terror, it left.

Link Posted: 9/7/2011 1:41:30 AM EDT
Ok. I have read enough of these threads and decided I needed to add one of my own.

I was about 6 when my grandfather passed away from cancer. I don't remember a whole lot about him, but I do remember going to the funeral and being upset. That night I woke up pretty late and at the foot of my bed, I could make out what appeared to be a man standing facing me in front of my bed. I thought it was my dad and I called out, which woke him up from his room across the hall. Realizing it wasn't him, I freaked out, being a six year old. Next thing I know, the man is gone and my dad came running in. Still freaks me out a bit, but I do think it was my grandfather saying goodbye.

Link Posted: 9/7/2011 1:43:56 AM EDT
Originally Posted By sweptvolume:
Good one EasTexan!

I was driving home one night and as I pulled up to the garage, I saw a dark form standing under our old sodium vapor lamp. Strange thing was, neither the light from the lamp, nor the light from my SUV actually illuminated it.  

I put the truck in park, grabbed a light jacket from the seat beside me, and stepped out, fully expecting to have found a lost child. As I got halfway to it, two eyes opened and shined brightly from within the dark form.

At this point I am scared shitless, but before I could do anything besides stare in sheer terror, it left.

And on that note I am off too bed. Goodnight boys and girl. I did not need to read that.
Link Posted: 9/7/2011 1:45:15 AM EDT
[Last Edit: HellBent] [#36]
I've always liked these threads when they pop up, but have never contributed...

I'll toss in a couple from a hospital I used to work at in my hometown.  Closed down a couple of years ago, was recently used as a set for a "Humans vs Zombies" flick coming out this year.

Worked nights there as an ER tech for a couple of years after EMT school - this would have been in the early 90's.  There were always tales about the top floor, which had once been the Labor/Delivery ward (I was actually one of the last kids born there, in 1975, before they stopped doing L&D).  Older nurses wouldn't go up alone and some would swear to hear crying babies and other phenomenon at night - the ward hadn't seen a birth in over 20 years at the time, and only housed daytime surgery and lab (I always figured this was just another "urban legend" type of story that eventually springs up around any facility over time) .  This becomes important in the last part of my story...

Anyhow, at the time the ER was only manned at night by a tech (me) and the Charge Nurse for the floor would come to the ER when a patient presented.  Being an empty facility (separated by a loooong hallway from the inhabited areas), and being alone in the area that had seen more deaths than I could count brought it's own creep factor.  The only REALLY significant event I personally witnessed is fairly minor, but freaked us out pretty good.

One cold winter's night, the ER Nurse was finishing up some charting after a patient had left.  The nurse's station was separated from my location by only about 20 feet, and she could monitor anyone coming into the ER from there.  I thought I'd take the opportunity to stretch my legs (a chance I only got if a nurse was present to monitor the ER Entrance) and grab a soda from the vending machine, down near the med/surg floor.  I poked my head in and asked if she wanted anything then headed out for the snacks.  I got a little caught up in whatever was playing on the TV in the lounge area and loitered around for maybe 5 minutes.  When I strolled back into her spot (from the west hallway), her eyes got a little big and she looked concerned... She asked where I just came from, and I told her the breakroom.  She thought I had already been back as she heard someone go into the bathroom (which was just east of her spot).  No problem, someone probably entered the ER and stepped into the restroom with the entry unmanned, it happens...  The restroom was a single entry "one-holer" - just a door into a small, 3x3 or so room with a sink and toilet.  I stood outside the door for a few seconds, preparing to knock and make sure that no one was needing any sort of assistance - it WAS an ER after all...  We heard the faucet handles squeak and water running, a little shuffling - typical bathroom noise.  After maybe 30 seconds of silence, i decided to knock, again just making sure that someone hadn't wandered in and passed out.  I knocked once and asked if they needed help, only answer was the toilet flushing.  Waited a few more seconds and knocked again - nothing...  

By now, I'm getting a little concerned for the welfare of the apparent deaf/mute in the shitter.  The nurse ducked back into her station to retrieve the screwdriver we used as a "key" - less than 10 foot away and only out of sight for MAYBE 3 seconds.  I knocked once more and then popped the lock.  Room was COMPLETELY empty.  Light was on (which was normally off, the door stood open until occupied) and drops of water were still beaded up on the porcelain sink.  The toilet was finishing refilling, water still running into the bowl, and shut off as we stood there.  There was absolutely NO alternative exit from the room.  I wanted to believe it was just a freak plumbing episode, but we so clearly heard the squeaky faucet knobs being turned, SQUEAK ON - RUNNING WATER - SQUEAK OFF.  Even turned the knobs myself to replicate the sound....

Segue to a few weeks later.  Same nurse and myself on duty.  I mentioned earlier that the nurses HATED going upstairs at night.  Unfortunately, lab slips had to be time-stamped at 4 AM.  One of our local officers made it a point to stop by each morning, bringing us snacks from the local stop-and-rob then escorting the charge nurse upstairs for the 5 minutes or so it would take to stamp the slips.  If an officer was unavailable, a second nurse from the floor would go (But NEVER the older nurses - they refused and cited the crying babies/self-rolling stretchers/slamming doors/etc).  One of the officers had even related a story to me of opening the lab door for one of the nurses and having it slammed FORCEFULLY back into him.  Suspecting a break-in, he forced the door and found the room empty that night as well...

Anyhow, the NIQ (Nurse in Question) on this particular night had been giving me some grief after the bathroom incident, trying to sneak into the area and toss objects/slam doors/flicker lights - whatever she could do to spook me.  I decided on revenge.  I called Officer Friendly and told him that he should be "busy" come 4 A.M., but to park his patrol car at the back entrance and be ready to help me with my plan...  When the hour arrived, the NIQ strolls up to my desk, asking if I'd seen her cop escort.  I feigned a phone call to the dispatcher and told her that he was busy.  No problem, she'd get a nurse to accompany her.  Once her "escort" arrived, they headed for the elevators - obviously a little uneasy.


I called my accomplice inside and showed him my evil plan.  I had taken the spare ambulance stretcher and made a "body" on it.  Pillows where the chest would be, an inflated glove to form the head.  Rolled up blankets made the legs and a manila file folder tee-pee'd for feet.  With a sheet draped over it, it bore a striking resemblance to a covered corpse.  The second floor had three exits - a fire exit on the FAAAAAAR end of the spooky hallway, and the elevator itself, which was adjacent to the second fire exit door.  We gave them sufficient time to enter the lab, and then called the elevator back down.  Once we had rolled our "corpse" into the elevator, we sent it back up and made a dash for the fire exit door it faced, standing in the stairwell and holding it tightly closed.  In no time at all we hear them exit the lab, talking nervously like women do with they're a little scared but under control.  I heard them push the "down" button, and heard the elevator doors slide open - and then all hell broke loose...

Coffee cups crashed, two women screamed with the voices of 20, one bounced off the wall, while the other tried desperately (and in vain) to open the fire door to escape.  After a few seconds, we opened the door for them, howling with laughter.  They were nearly in tears, 2 dozen lab slips were scattered across the hallway, coffee was dripping from the ceiling.

But, she NEVER fucked with me again...

Our city is hosting this Halloween's Haunted House in the old hospital building this year.  I hope to get some quality time on that second floor...

Link Posted: 9/7/2011 1:47:25 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Slipey76:
Originally Posted By sweptvolume:
Good one EasTexan!

I was driving home one night and as I pulled up to the garage, I saw a dark form standing under our old sodium vapor lamp. Strange thing was, neither the light from the lamp, nor the light from my SUV actually illuminated it.  

I put the truck in park, grabbed a light jacket from the seat beside me, and stepped out, fully expecting to have found a lost child. As I got halfway to it, two eyes opened and shined brightly from within the dark form.

At this point I am scared shitless, but before I could do anything besides stare in sheer terror, it left.

And on that note I am off too bed. Goodnight boys and girl. I did not need to read that.

Lol. I got a mental image of that one as well. Freaky.
Link Posted: 9/7/2011 1:52:49 AM EDT
Here's a doozy for you.

In my freshman year of high school, I developed a keen fascination with the occult. I moved in circles beyond my years and a practicing occultist took me in under his wing. It was interesting.

During my novitiate period, I was given an artifact to wear. It was an inverted crucifix of ornate design with a loop integrated at the tip of the crucifix. Through this loop passed a leather strap and this artifact was around my neck all the time.

One night, my older half brother has a little too much to drink and starts roughing me around. We're out in public off a side street walking home from the arcade. He grabs the crucifix and rips it from my neck throwing it down to the ground. I heard it clatter against the side of the curb. We had been out a little late and my dad just so happened upon the scene as he was out driving looking for us. He piled me and my younger brother into the car as my older, drunk half-brother stormed off into the night.

When I got home, I went to my room to compose myself. I was livid over what had happened. As I shambled about in the room, I very quickly discovered the leather strap around my neck. I was surprised, to say the least, as I expected the leather strap to have broken when the amulet was ripped away. The next logical step was that the integrated loop had broken being the weakest point in the construction of the design. When I inspected the crucifix, it was intact in its entirety.

I would not hesitate to put that amulet in the category of a power object. My benefactor was never clear with me as to its origins.

It's not a "creepy" story of the like that has been presented here, but the implication that such things can exist in our world is somewhat unnerving.
Link Posted: 9/7/2011 1:52:58 AM EDT
These types of threads are both awesome and terrible at the same time.

We live in an interesting, and sometimes terrifying world and the darkness only enhances it.  
Link Posted: 9/7/2011 1:54:02 AM EDT

Originally Posted By EasTexan:

Originally Posted By Slipey76:

Originally Posted By sweptvolume:

Good one EasTexan!

I was driving home one night and as I pulled up to the garage, I saw a dark form standing under our old sodium vapor lamp. Strange thing was, neither the light from the lamp, nor the light from my SUV actually illuminated it.  

I put the truck in park, grabbed a light jacket from the seat beside me, and stepped out, fully expecting to have found a lost child. As I got halfway to it, two eyes opened and shined brightly from within the dark form.

At this point I am scared shitless, but before I could do anything besides stare in sheer terror, it left.

And on that note I am off too bed. Goodnight boys and girl. I did not need to read that.

Lol. I got a mental image of that one as well. Freaky.

I'm currently having recurring chills down my back from that story. Fuck this thread

seriously though, keep the stories coming though y'all.

Link Posted: 9/7/2011 1:58:05 AM EDT
Originally Posted By EasTexan:
Originally Posted By Slipey76:
Originally Posted By sweptvolume:
Good one EasTexan!

I was driving home one night and as I pulled up to the garage, I saw a dark form standing under our old sodium vapor lamp. Strange thing was, neither the light from the lamp, nor the light from my SUV actually illuminated it.  

I put the truck in park, grabbed a light jacket from the seat beside me, and stepped out, fully expecting to have found a lost child. As I got halfway to it, two eyes opened and shined brightly from within the dark form.

At this point I am scared shitless, but before I could do anything besides stare in sheer terror, it left.

And on that note I am off too bed. Goodnight boys and girl. I did not need to read that.

Lol. I got a mental image of that one as well. Freaky.

You shoulda been there, lol. There is a whole story surrounding it (the Demon thread) but I caught hell from a few folks, got pseudo A_rock'd and smacked for calling a guy an asshole, even though he was acting like one. I'm on a phone so doing the story over is tedious, but you can probably search it out.

Link Posted: 9/7/2011 1:58:24 AM EDT

Link Posted: 9/7/2011 2:01:37 AM EDT
Originally Posted By HellBent:
I've always liked these threads when they pop up, but have never contributed...

I'll toss in a couple from a hospital I used to work at in my hometown.  Closed down a couple of years ago, was recently used as a set for a "Humans vs Zombies" flick coming out this year.

Worked nights there as an ER tech for a couple of years after EMT school - this would have been in the early 90's.  There were always tales about the top floor, which had once been the Labor/Delivery ward (I was actually one of the last kids born there, in 1975, before they stopped doing L&D).  Older nurses wouldn't go up alone and some would swear to hear crying babies and other phenomenon at night - the ward hadn't seen a birth in over 20 years at the time, and only housed daytime surgery and lab (I always figured this was just another "urban legend" type of story that eventually springs up around any facility over time) .  This becomes important in the last part of my story...

Anyhow, at the time the ER was only manned at night by a tech (me) and the Charge Nurse for the floor would come to the ER when a patient presented.  Being an empty facility (separated by a loooong hallway from the inhabited areas), and being alone in the area that had seen more deaths than I could count brought it's own creep factor.  The only REALLY significant event I personally witnessed is fairly minor, but freaked us out pretty good.

One cold winter's night, the ER Nurse was finishing up some charting after a patient had left.  The nurse's station was separated from my location by only about 20 feet, and she could monitor anyone coming into the ER from there.  I thought I'd take the opportunity to stretch my legs (a chance I only got if a nurse was present to monitor the ER Entrance) and grab a soda from the vending machine, down near the med/surg floor.  I poked my head in and asked if she wanted anything then headed out for the snacks.  I got a little caught up in whatever was playing on the TV in the lounge area and loitered around for maybe 5 minutes.  When I strolled back into her spot (from the west hallway), her eyes got a little big and she looked concerned... She asked where I just came from, and I told her the breakroom.  She thought I had already been back as she heard someone go into the bathroom (which was just east of her spot).  No problem, someone probably entered the ER and stepped into the restroom with the entry unmanned, it happens...  The restroom was a single entry "one-holer" - just a door into a small, 3x3 or so room with a sink and toilet.  I stood outside the door for a few seconds, preparing to knock and make sure that no one was needing any sort of assistance - it WAS an ER after all...  We heard the faucet handles squeak and water running, a little shuffling - typical bathroom noise.  After maybe 30 seconds of silence, i decided to knock, again just making sure that someone hadn't wandered in and passed out.  I knocked once and asked if they needed help, only answer was the toilet flushing.  Waited a few more seconds and knocked again - nothing...  

By now, I'm getting a little concerned for the welfare of the apparent deaf/mute in the shitter.  The nurse ducked back into her station to retrieve the screwdriver we used as a "key" - less than 10 foot away and only out of sight for MAYBE 3 seconds.  I knocked once more and then popped the lock.  Room was COMPLETELY empty.  Light was on (which was normally off, the door stood open until occupied) and drops of water were still beaded up on the porcelain sink.  The toilet was finishing refilling, water still running into the bowl, and shut off as we stood there.  There was absolutely NO alternative exit from the room.  I wanted to believe it was just a freak plumbing episode, but we so clearly heard the squeaky faucet knobs being turned, SQUEAK ON - RUNNING WATER - SQUEAK OFF.  Even turned the knobs myself to replicate the sound....

Segue to a few weeks later.  Same nurse and myself on duty.  I mentioned earlier that the nurses HATED going upstairs at night.  Unfortunately, lab slips had to be time-stamped at 4 AM.  One of our local officers made it a point to stop by each morning, bringing us snacks from the local stop-and-rob then escorting the charge nurse upstairs for the 5 minutes or so it would take to stamp the slips.  If an officer was unavailable, a second nurse from the floor would go (But NEVER the older nurses - they refused and cited the crying babies/self-rolling stretchers/slamming doors/etc).  One of the officers had even related a story to me of opening the lab door for one of the nurses and having it slammed FORCEFULLY back into him.  Suspecting a break-in, he forced the door and found the room empty that night as well...

Anyhow, the NIQ (Nurse in Question) on this particular night had been giving me some grief after the bathroom incident, trying to sneak into the area and toss objects/slam doors/flicker lights - whatever she could do to spook me.  I decided on revenge.  I called Officer Friendly and told him that he should be "busy" come 4 A.M., but to park his patrol car at the back entrance and be ready to help me with my plan...  When the hour arrived, the NIQ strolls up to my desk, asking if I'd seen her cop escort.  I feigned a phone call to the dispatcher and told her that he was busy.  No problem, she'd get a nurse to accompany her.  Once her "escort" arrived, they headed for the elevators - obviously a little uneasy.


I called my accomplice inside and showed him my evil plan.  I had taken the spare ambulance stretcher and made a "body" on it.  Pillows where the chest would be, an inflated glove to form the head.  Rolled up blankets made the legs and a manila file folder tee-pee'd for feet.  With a sheet draped over it, it bore a striking resemblance to a covered corpse.  The second floor had three exits - a fire exit on the FAAAAAAR end of the spooky hallway, and the elevator itself, which was adjacent to the second fire exit door.  We gave them sufficient time to enter the lab, and then called the elevator back down.  Once we had rolled our "corpse" into the elevator, we sent it back up and made a dash for the fire exit door it faced, standing in the stairwell and holding it tightly closed.  In no time at all we hear them exit the lab, talking nervously like women do with they're a little scared but under control.  I heard them push the "down" button, and heard the elevator doors slide open - and then all hell broke loose...

Coffee cups crashed, two women screamed with the voices of 20, one bounced off the wall, while the other tried desperately (and in vain) to open the fire door to escape.  After a few seconds, we opened the door for them, howling with laughter.  They were nearly in tears, 2 dozen lab slips were scattered across the hallway, coffee was dripping from the ceiling.

But, she NEVER fucked with me again...

Our city is hosting this Halloween's Haunted House in the old hospital building this year.  I hope to get some quality time on that second floor...

Man, first story is chilling. The second one is funny as Hell.

That's crazy though. Like my story, there just isn't any real explanation for what happened. We live in a world where we know damn near everything or we can get it instantly but some things just don't add up and it terrifies us...
Link Posted: 9/7/2011 2:06:57 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Banjaxed] [#44]

Well I'm off to dream sweet dreams. Keep em coming guys. I have a 48 hour shift tomorrow.
Link Posted: 9/7/2011 2:08:06 AM EDT
I fully believe that there is Good and Evil, and that Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory are simply different planes of existence, and sometimes these planes cross.
Link Posted: 9/7/2011 2:09:11 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Banjaxed:

Well I'm off to dream sweet dreams. Keep em coming guys. I have a 48 hour shift tomorrow.

Ooohhhhh you suck so bad...
Link Posted: 9/7/2011 2:14:40 AM EDT
i guess i am just kinda f-ed up, seeing as the only thing in this thread that gives me the creeps is the picture of the clown that someone was "nice" enough to post.
Link Posted: 9/7/2011 2:15:48 AM EDT
Yep, I'm off to bed as well. Fuck ya'll if I have horrible dreams 'cause of this thread
Link Posted: 9/7/2011 2:23:31 AM EDT
I recently bought a house this past fall. No, much to my relief, it's not haunted. However, the house that I rented prior to that, was. I thought it was just me that was experiencing things in the house, but after moving out my wife came clean that she had several occurances too. It was an ancient house, built originally in the 1920's. The lady I rented from was about a hundred years old and told me she had owned it for about thirty years, but would quickly change the subject if asked if anything strange had ever happened there (cop's instinct I guess). First time I ever noticed anything, I was on the upper of two floors, as that's where I had my office set up. It was late and the house is situated in a bad part of town, about a block from the rescue mission and nearly every flop-house in town. Heard a whisper of voices downstairs, immediately went down to investigate. The back door that had been deadbolted was wide open. Snatched my duty weapon with light, made a quick sweep of the ground floor then went outside. Nothing doing. Thought maybe I had left it unlocked and it had blown open and wrote it off.

Months later, I'm watching TV late at night quietly in the living room. I stood up and walked across the room towards the kitchen and paused momentarily in front of the TV when I heard an unintelligible voice whisper/speak in my ear. Not like in the room, or outside, I mean RIGHT IN MY FUCKING EAR. Did the same thing, checked the house, outside and about a block around the house. Nothing. I never mentioned anything to my wife, as she's easily excited about things of a supernatural nature.

Months after moving out, she told me she used to hear whispers and voices on our infant son's baby monitor when I would be working nights. One night she said she heard it a few times in one night and went in to investigate. It was winter, the house had electric heat, so very little air moved around. She steps into the room and the light fixture that hung from the ceiling starts to swing back and forth like someone had bumped it.

So glad we no longer live there. Best of luck to the new tenants.
Link Posted: 9/7/2011 2:26:33 AM EDT
Originally Posted By FP2000H:
Here's a doozy for you.

In my freshman year of high school, I developed a keen fascination with the occult. I moved in circles beyond my years and a practicing occultist took me in under his wing. It was interesting.

During my novitiate period, I was given an artifact to wear. It was an inverted crucifix of ornate design with a loop integrated at the tip of the crucifix. Through this loop passed a leather strap and this artifact was around my neck all the time.

One night, my older half brother has a little too much to drink and starts roughing me around. We're out in public off a side street walking home from the arcade. He grabs the crucifix and rips it from my neck throwing it down to the ground. I heard it clatter against the side of the curb. We had been out a little late and my dad just so happened upon the scene as he was out driving looking for us. He piled me and my younger brother into the car as my older, drunk half-brother stormed off into the night.

When I got home, I went to my room to compose myself. I was livid over what had happened. As I shambled about in the room, I very quickly discovered the leather strap around my neck. I was surprised, to say the least, as I expected the leather strap to have broken when the amulet was ripped away. The next logical step was that the integrated loop had broken being the weakest point in the construction of the design. When I inspected the crucifix, it was intact in its entirety.

I would not hesitate to put that amulet in the category of a power object. My benefactor was never clear with me as to its origins.

It's not a "creepy" story of the like that has been presented here, but the implication that such things can exist in our world is somewhat unnerving.

Do you still have the necklace?
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