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Posted: 5/19/2002 12:41:56 PM EDT
Went to the Nashville, TN fairgrounds today for the Goodman Gun Show. Paid my $6 bucks to get in, saw probably 6-8 pre ban AR's average price was $1700. Saw probably a dozen or more post ban AR's, average price was about $850. Is the price of pre bans that high, and are post bans going for that much?
I'm thinking that the dollar amount on my pre ban Colt and Eagle Arms may be more than i think.
It seems to me that the AR's on the net are priced kind of high too.
It's just good to know the dollar amount of something you own, but my god, these things are bringing a high price.

Link Posted: 5/19/2002 12:58:19 PM EDT
they ARE bringing a high price, i bought two of them ystdy., one was a seldom used Colt SP-1, made in 1975, got it for $1300, then got an Eagle P-B, $900, used very lyttle or else it had a new upper, bolt & carrier !! the mag. wells & buttplates of both rifles show very lyttle wear......, i was very surprized that i got those rifles at such a great price.....
Link Posted: 5/19/2002 1:17:55 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/19/2002 1:20:59 PM EDT
I think the EE on this site is one of the best places to figure out prices on stuff.
Link Posted: 5/19/2002 1:52:45 PM EDT
another thyng to keep in mind & that is, as we said in real estate, "location, location, location...!!!"

if it were legal in Commiefornia to buy an AR-15 tomrw. i cud get almost rich !!
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