What can I say about this gun? I take it right out of the box, load her up, line up the sights and *bam* x10 times and I have a target with a ragged hole in the center...so I don't even feel I have to practice with the thing! Can you say "PERFECTION"...
By the way, I had always wanted to go to the Glock .45 (I had a lovable Glock in 9mm but wanted more oomph)but was dissapointed when I rented one at a range: the grip was uncomfortably large in circumferance, and was roundish in shape, so I didn't feel that it had a natural pointing feel (subjective I know, but my hands are between medium and large). The folks at HK got round this by using steel magazines, so the grip is smaller. I dreamed of the SOCOM, activly considered the Tactical, but finally went with the regular USP, and am glad I did. I know the Tactical is supposed to be more accurate, but why bother when you still get a consistent ragged hole in the x, for several hundered dollars less!