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Posted: 5/16/2002 1:08:03 PM EDT
For handguns you got tons of competitions. ISPC, IDPA, bowling pins, silohettes, steal challenge, cowboy action shooting, Glock matches, police combat pistol, etc.
For shotguns you got trap, skeet, and sporting clays.
For rifle you got HiPower and that is about it. What the hell. Why is this ? Sure there are 2 and 3 gun matches but in my area there are only a handfull of them a year.
Link Posted: 5/16/2002 1:13:19 PM EDT
Come to Texas.  I participate in a tactical carbine competition every month near Johnson City.  Rules are similar to IDPA.  It's tremendous fun, whether you're seriously competing or just there to have a good time.
Link Posted: 5/16/2002 1:16:41 PM EDT
Because almost eveyone owns a shotgun, and most of them own handguns as well.  There are way more trap and skeet ranges out there than 600 yard rifle ranges.  A pistol match requires a 25 yard range, 50 tops.  Plus you can even do it indoors.  Try blasting away with a Garand at an indoor range.  

Other issues?  Rifle shooting can quickly turn into a high dollar equipment game.  You can be a damn good trap shooter with a  Mossberg 500.  You won't get very far in the rifle game with comparable equipment.  
Link Posted: 5/16/2002 1:19:38 PM EDT
I don't think equipment cost has anything to do with it. I see guys shooting trap with guns that cost thousands and I see guys shooting IPSC with guns costing thousands.

What I'd like to see is something like IPSC that is totally devoted to rifles.

I think you could put on a pretty damn good match with just 100 yds. Like I said something along the lines of IPSC.
Link Posted: 5/16/2002 2:12:41 PM EDT
Is this going to be one of those threads where someone responds, then you tell them there worng?

If you got answers, why ask?
Link Posted: 5/16/2002 2:23:39 PM EDT

Is this going to be one of those threads where someone responds, then you tell them there worng?

If you got answers, why ask?


I just think it is very odd that there are no competitons for rifles when there are so many for handguns and shotguns.

JC can't a guy ask a fucking question.
Link Posted: 5/16/2002 3:16:08 PM EDT
Sure you can!

It being a free country and all.

I'm just F'in with you.
It's actually a good question.

Rifle's are loud. (outdoor use mostly)

They deal with longer Ranges. (take up more space at ranges)

The biggest reason I think is cost too.
I was thinking about this the other day as I went by the range I will be joining soon.

They have a 1000 yard range, and I thought,
"this 1000 yard range is more then just skill, its money!"

Think about it, 1000 yards, if your up agaist people that have rifles that shoot 1/4 and 1/8 MOA, and your rifle is 1 moa, how are you going to compair with them? At 100 yards or lets say 200 yards, you could compair, but at 1000, no way!!

Also if you shoot 600-1000 yard ranges, the guy with handloads is going to kick almost anyones ass that has factory loads.

So as you can see, rifles in competition is more a niche area.

This is of course, my opinion, not a fact by any means, but hey, opinions is what your looking for right?

BTW, what does JC stand for?
Link Posted: 5/16/2002 4:47:48 PM EDT
JC = Jesus Christ

There is alot you could do with a rifle with 200 or even 100 yds to work with. A few stages that are like close quarters combat. And one stage shooting rapidly at 100 yd targets. Not every rifle competition has to be at longer ranges to be better. So guys with regular rifles would not be outclassed by guys how drop alot of coin on equipment.

Edited because I was busy earlier and could not type more at the time. Are you happy now Murder ?
Link Posted: 5/16/2002 5:37:20 PM EDT

JC = Jesus Christ

All that stuff I said and that's your only comment?

Thanks for the inof though.
Link Posted: 5/16/2002 5:38:34 PM EDT
Phildelphia_GunMan, I think I know what your talking about.

Here where I live they hold high power rifle competitions, and tons of ISPC and IDPA matches all the time at the local gun club.

But like you said, the three gun matches only happen a few times a year, and generally are only a side note to the handgun competitions.

I think that there would be alot of people out there who would love to compete in tactical style rifle matches. I know if something like this were held at the local gun club, I'd attend regularly.

But I think the major hold up is lack national sponsorship, and/or national group to support it. Remember, there are lots of sponsors and such with the handgun competitions as well as the skeet shooters.

Of course, I could be wrong.
Link Posted: 5/16/2002 5:55:21 PM EDT
At my club we have..
Hi Power
Sporting rifle
John C. Garand
Military Bolt Rifle (AKA Springfield)
Small Bore
Black Powder Cartridge

We shoot all of these matches at 200 yards or less, and skill, not high dollar equipment, is usually what sets the competitors apart.
We have more rifle matches than pistol matches!
I have yet to shoot 600 or 1,000 yards. I would absolutely love to try it! I would be happy just to hit the target at that range!

Link Posted: 5/16/2002 6:26:30 PM EDT

At my club we have..
Hi Power
Sporting rifle
John C. Garand
Military Bolt Rifle (AKA Springfield)
Small Bore
Black Powder Cartridge

To add. We have all these at our range also, plus:

Big and small bore and Military rifle silhouette, Cowboy action, 3 gun matches, Short and long range bench rest, short and long range prone matches, and more. Something for everyone regardless of skill or financial ability.
Link Posted: 5/16/2002 6:27:24 PM EDT
Another restriction on rifle ranges is the "Safe" down range area behind the targets (or beyond the backstop). At Camp Perry during the rifle matches, when walking down range to the targets, pistol bullets in almost perfect condition (with rifling) can be found in the grass a few hundred yards from the firing line. These are from the pistol matches ten days before. Although a pistol bullet will only go so far, a rifle bullet can go miles.
Link Posted: 5/16/2002 7:08:09 PM EDT
FDCC = Florida Defensive Carbine Club. See all about it on our little www site.


Its all for fun and we have shooters of ALL skill levels, including some with NO skill level! but we have a good time and learn a lot every time.
Link Posted: 5/16/2002 7:35:39 PM EDT
newguy, that shoot you got going sounds awesome.
Link Posted: 5/16/2002 7:58:23 PM EDT
At my range I shoot in a reduced (300 yard) Palma.

We also have standard High Power, Surplus Rifle, and various black powder and other rifle matches. The Cowboy matches are handgun/rifle/shotgun matches. We have bullseye pistol matches, but no IDPA or IPSC.
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