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Posted: 8/16/2017 5:14:43 PM EDT
Have a ti rant 45 in jail and want to put 3 lug muzzle device on my AR9 build and run the ti rant 45 for awhile till I decide to buy a dedicated 9mm can. Anyone running AAC'S triad adapter? Which manufacturers 3 lug muzzle device did you go with? I don't read of many folks running AAC cans on a 3 lug
Link Posted: 8/16/2017 6:16:46 PM EDT
Have a ti rant 45 in jail and want to put 3 lug muzzle device on my AR9 build and run the ti rant 45 for awhile till I decide to buy a dedicated 9mm can. Anyone running AAC'S triad adapter? Which manufacturers 3 lug muzzle device did you go with? I don't read of many folks running AAC cans on a 3 lug
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Because aac wants to charge 2x the market rate.
Even with a $350 Tirant, a $220 module is tough to swallow
Link Posted: 8/16/2017 7:25:01 PM EDT
I have a 3lug that I bought with my rebate for my TiRant 9
I use it on a 9mm AR and my daughter's Uzi
I use a Griffin and a HK parts 3lug
I am happy with how it performs 
Link Posted: 8/16/2017 9:01:45 PM EDT
I have one for a Ti Rant 9 and got if for about $150... works great on both a MP5 clone as well as an AR 9MM with a TROS adapter...
Link Posted: 8/16/2017 9:16:59 PM EDT
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Quoted:I have a 3lug that I bought with my rebate for my TiRant
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Quoted:I have a 3lug that I bought with my rebate for my TiRant
Quoted:...with a TROS adapter...
Same and same. I us my 9S on a Scorpion under the handguard...

Link Posted: 8/16/2017 9:37:41 PM EDT
I picked one up during the Damn the Man promotion. Works fine and no complaints with how it performs.
Link Posted: 8/16/2017 10:35:10 PM EDT
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I picked one up during the Damn the Man promotion. Works fine and no complaints with how it performs.
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Same.  Use it on a couple MP5 SBR's and a Mini UZI SBR.  TROS adapter on the UZI, factory on the MP5's.  Works just fine.
Link Posted: 8/17/2017 12:10:29 AM EDT
There are currently a couple places with them in stock for ~$150 delivered. Check out https://gun.deals/search/apachesolr_search/847128009610
Link Posted: 8/17/2017 12:32:38 AM EDT
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Same and same. I us my 9S on a Scorpion under the handguard...

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That looks fantastic. Hope you have a F1 in to SBR that.
Link Posted: 8/17/2017 9:28:33 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/17/2017 10:00:36 AM EDT
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The AAC Triad is precision machined and overbuilt, the best.

It's not that we want to charge $200 it's that we do small runs and the overall design and material is very expensive to manufacture. Sure, we could make it cheaper but we would not be satisfied with the end product as it opens the doors to alignment/mounting problems.
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I was actually pleasantly surprised to see some vendors at $150. I wouldn't call that unreasonable.
Link Posted: 8/17/2017 10:44:57 AM EDT
No issues with mine. I have a Tirant9 mounted to a MP5 clone that came with a 3lug barrel. The Triad locks up nice and tight with no wobble at all.
Link Posted: 8/17/2017 10:58:25 AM EDT
At $150 that's ok. Griffin wants $130 for theirs. Probably a little cheaper at a retailer. Glad to hear they work well. The $150 adapter is cheaper than a new 9mm can+tax stamp+wait time.
Link Posted: 8/17/2017 1:31:44 PM EDT
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Quoted:That looks fantastic. Hope you have a F1 in to SBR that.
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Thanks. It's just a range toy and while I like it, I don't think it's worth SBRing. That said, I stuck a brace on it so I can shoulder check weld it :)
Link Posted: 8/18/2017 10:19:49 AM EDT
I have that setup, Tirant 45 with AAC triad mount. I use it on my MP5K SBR and have no complaints.
Link Posted: 8/18/2017 12:25:54 PM EDT
Can someone provide the total length with the triad mount on a Tirant9?
Thank you
Link Posted: 8/18/2017 12:56:27 PM EDT
~7.8" OAL.

Mike Smith/AAC
Link Posted: 8/19/2017 1:45:20 PM EDT
I use it with my ar9, using a 4.5" faxon barrel and gemtech 3 lug adaptor.  It lives on my 45m but I've used it with my 9 and 9s, it's a quality piece. I have no complaints besides shifts in poa/poi if the same lug orientation isn't used-although I suspect that is inherent with the interface. 45m and 9 below, the short 45m is flush with the end of the handguard.

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Link Posted: 8/23/2017 7:42:19 PM EDT
I've had mine for a while and like it. It works great on both my MP5's, DJ Getz MP5N and MP5K
Link Posted: 8/23/2017 7:57:59 PM EDT
Cant speak on the newer Triad, but I own a Striker II and the 3 lug sucks on it. AAC can't offer any support.

We are getting really close to some end cap/baffle strikes.
Link Posted: 8/24/2017 9:59:50 AM EDT
I use the tri-lug with my TiRant 45 on an APC9 and it's fits perfectly.  Just need AAC to come out with. 45 tri-lug adapter soon for my APC45 or I'll need to move to SilCo (since they just came out with a 45 tri lug adapter).
Link Posted: 8/24/2017 10:15:05 AM EDT
Seems to work just fine.

Wish the POI didn't change like it does though

Oh wait, mines for the tirant
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