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Posted: 6/5/2002 9:25:20 AM EDT
I am considering buying an Armalite AR-30 in .300WM and need some input on this rifle.
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 9:41:29 AM EDT

I am considering buying an Armalite AR-30 in .300WM and need some input on this rifle.

I have the same rifle in the same caliber on order but can't tell you much else.
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 9:50:58 AM EDT
I have no input to offer.

I am curious in what attraction you have to the AR-30.
Given what I have read on the performance of the AR-30 and the price; I feel that the AR-30 offers nothing over a simple Rem 700 Sendero.
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