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Posted: 6/2/2002 8:46:54 PM EDT
I did a little test - I stacked two phone books together.  The one in the front was 3 1/2 " thick and the one behind it 1 " thick.

I shot them from 15 yards.

The CCI Stinger hollowpoint totally penetrated the first phonebook.  As I flipped through the book I could see where the round started to fragment and by the time I got to the end of the book there were fragments and shredded phone book pages.  Some of the fragments made it out the back of the first book and into the second book.

So my question is - if a this round can do this to a phone book, why wouldn't it make a good anti-personnel round ?  

I mean, obviously there are much better rounds for anti-personnel or battle uses, but it just seemed to me that getting hit by a CCI Stinger would really ruin your day or life. . . that first phone book, for lack of a better phrase, was really kind of f---ed up.
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 9:12:54 PM EDT
It is a good anti-personnel round. Lots of people die all the time from being shot once with a .22, but what application are you talking about here? Self defense? War? As far as self defense goes I don't think there is a better round out there for Women. But there are some drawbacks to this. #1 Even though a single .22 can be very lethal, it may take awhile to kill an attacker. And as anyone who has been through any self defense training you know that a man charging with a blade weapon from 15 feet can do plenty of damage to you in seconds. #2 This round is not very good for head shots. The light weight high velocity round is more likely to travel under the skin and deflect off the skull, than to penetrate into the brain and cause immediate death.
Many people that have been shot by a .22 do not even notice they were shot. And entrance and exit "if any" wounds are very hard to spot, as they are small. To sum it up .22 high velocity rounds are extremely deadly to a person, but lack the ability to "drop" someone unless the shot is well placed into the heart or brain.

FYI: I just recently became an EMT. My father and stepmother have been Paramedics for well over 10 years each. All the info I provided is from first hand accounts and personal experience.
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 9:14:48 PM EDT
Getting hit by a BB gun would wreck my day. Cool test I think I'll try that @ 200 yards
with a varmint 45 grain and observe the destruction.

I'd think the .22 would be a great defensive round for the wife, but I rather have my trusty old .40 HP for that someone special!
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 9:41:00 PM EDT
Try the new CCI Velocitor. It has 30% more juice.
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 9:43:10 PM EDT

Originally Posted By Gun Guru:
Try the new CCI Velocitor. It has 30% more juice.

33% more than the Stinger?!?!?!
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 9:56:53 PM EDT
I was shooting my 10/22 today and at about 25 yards I just emptied about 15 rounds into the head of the sillouette in a matter of seconds and I thought to myself even for a little .22 rifle You could still put up a good fight against a attacker.
Link Posted: 6/2/2002 11:19:58 PM EDT
other thing with using 22 for defense is your probly goibng to unload the whole magazine into the guy so yeah 1 22 may be puny but 10 would probly really ruin someones day
Link Posted: 6/3/2002 4:45:36 AM EDT
The Stinger is still the hotest CCI load. The Aguilla Super Max is slightly hotter than the Stinger. The .22 has still killed more people than any other round in a non-Military role. It is not preferred in the defense category due to its lack of one shot stops. But several fired accurately in a timely fashion at close range is pretty effective.
Link Posted: 6/3/2002 11:25:01 AM EDT


Originally Posted By Gun Guru:
Try the new CCI Velocitor. It has 30% more juice.

33% more than the Stinger?!?!?!

Stinger achieves its fast velocity mostly by using a lighter 32/33gr bullet. It's a "hyper" velocity loading. The new Velocitor uses a standard 40gr bullet (like regular highvelocity long rifle), but pushes it 200fps than regular .22lr does. Stinger has a 32gr bullet going 1500fps, Velocitor uses a 40gr bullet at 1455 fps. Check out CCI's website for the info on it.
Link Posted: 6/3/2002 12:09:29 PM EDT
With any .22 rimfire, shot placement would be absolutely crucial to guarantee an immediately fatal or disabling wound against a human attacker. Due to the need for a quick response under the duress of combat, the ability to concentrate on such precise shot placement is unlikely. Essentially, even though a hit with a .22 is better than a miss with a .44, you still want a lot more gun, as much as you can effectively handle, than the absolute bare minimum. At least I do.
Link Posted: 6/4/2002 12:19:12 PM EDT

you still want a lot more gun, as much as you can effectively handle, than the absolute bare minimum. At least I do.

Very true. I not necessarily a "bigger is better" guy, but when it comes to pistols I am. Don't let the felt recoil fool you. Pistols are, regardless of caliber, only moderately effective.
Link Posted: 6/4/2002 12:22:27 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/4/2002 12:52:17 PM EDT
FWIW I've shot a lot of jack rabbits with the 22LR.  The Stingers have a satisfying "splat" sound that usually is effective, at least from a rifle.  Many other 22LR rounds just zip on through without much damage even to a jack rabbit.   Stingers have been recommended as anti-personnel rounds off and on for years.  Not my idea of a great choice, but they certainly are better than some other 22s.  Watch-Six
Link Posted: 6/4/2002 1:03:04 PM EDT

I did a little test - I stacked two phone books together.  The one in the front was 3 1/2 " thick and the one behind it 1 " thick.

And the .22 didn't even penetrate the full 4 1/2"? Dry phone books are easy to penetrate, compared to living tissue. I want something like 12" or more of penetration in living tissue.
Link Posted: 6/4/2002 4:03:23 PM EDT
Thank Samuel Colt for taking the Texas Rangers' advice and developing the .45 caliber.  Whether we are talking .45Colt, .45LC, or .45ACP...they are all extremely effective "knock down" rounds.

Heck...it doesn't matter where you hit someone with a .45, they will slow down significantly--at least enough for a second shot!

The .22 was enough to kill a Kennedy, but it definitely must have exceptional placement for a one-shot-stop.
Link Posted: 6/4/2002 4:15:23 PM EDT
Hey you are all set if you're ever forced to defend yourself against an attacking phonebook.

With that being said any gun is better than no gun and I've been eyeballing a S&W 317, that's the 8 shot 10.5 ounce revolver.  It's very very light, amazing light.  Did I mention that is wat light?
Link Posted: 6/4/2002 5:03:05 PM EDT
While I have a .30 Carbine for home defense (small wife, and wall-penetration issues), I still believe in the concept of making the biggest hole you can in whatever you need to shoot.

Sure, them NATO rounds may tumble and go in a guy's arm and come out his ass, but I prefer the idea of digging a .72 caliber cylinder through a torso.
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