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Posted: 6/8/2002 8:02:07 PM EDT
OK, I searched their website for info on this specific model and they have zilch. Is it a discontinued model, etc? It has military cartouched stock with the FA cutout. I believe it is just a standard grade M1A with a mil stock. Any difference in value vs a standard MA9102?

Link Posted: 6/8/2002 8:49:14 PM EDT
  I've got a similiar rifle. IIRC, there was just one variant with the orig M14 stock. They called 'em a collector version or something. Are you sure it's just a standard? Mine has most of the "Loaded" stuff like NM sights, trigger and barrell.  Bought in Dec. '99 , made in '98 according to the headspace tag. Very nice rifle, but I think it's been a while since SA produced 'em.
Link Posted: 6/8/2002 10:30:17 PM EDT
Oops, guess I didn't recall correctly. Just noticed Hoplite in SGN advertising an M1A standard, parkerized and M14 stock. Back to square one I guess.
Link Posted: 6/9/2002 4:44:54 AM EDT
From the headspace tag it says May 02.  I'm not sure why they wouldn't list it on their site.  The sights, trigger and barrel all seem stock, without any NM's anywhere.  Isn't that how SA marks their National Match sights, etc?

Thanks for the info, though.  
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