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Posted: 5/30/2002 10:46:12 PM EDT
I've been talking to my dad and he wants to build a range at his office for me and a few of his friends to shoot at and has been asking me to get some info about where to start at.. I told him we'd prolly want 4 lanes.. 2 pistol 2 rifle.. one of the rifles being 100 yards and the other i guess 50 or 75 yards plus a basic skeet throwing deal thingymabob.. He says he wants it done RIGHT no half assing and it has to look some what nice looking... anyone know of any websites that should basic range making? heh i know it sounds funny but I wanna do it right and not go by just what i've seen at other ranges.. the skeet thing isn't as important but would be much appreciated if someone had some info on it also...

Thanks in advance
Link Posted: 5/30/2002 11:34:27 PM EDT
I have been looking into possibly going into business myself of opening up an indoor range, one that is not so politically correct and would allow assault rifles.

I found a few web sites that would be of some help.

First place to check and get info from is the NRA. They have a range source book that they sell that has all kinds of info in it.

web site address is: www.nrahq.org   click on  shooting range services and there web site has a huge wealth of info. Plus the NRA holds each year a seminar specifically for Indoor and Outdoor range set ups. The seminar covers Indoor range ventilation systems,legal issues, and just a wealth of information and a number of people within the range community that one could talk to to be able to do networking with.

Another site I found that has alot of information on it is: www.rangeinfo.org

This site has also a huge wealth of information to draw from also.

Different manufactuers web sites that make targets,bullett trap systems:

www.actarg.comThis site is cool

Well that should be enough to get you headed in the right direction. I would suggest looking at the NRA sight first, and ordering the range source books from the NRA. Then check out action targets, they got some cool target systems.

Hope this all helps.
Link Posted: 5/31/2002 12:05:28 AM EDT
hey man.. thanks for all the info i'll show my dad some of this stuff and see what he thinks.. i've tried talking him into building me a small indoor range but i don't think he wants to  oh well need the fresh air anyway
Link Posted: 5/31/2002 3:53:00 PM EDT
How's this for a thingamabob?


Basic model (shown) starts at $7500.00
Link Posted: 5/31/2002 4:30:49 PM EDT
When you say a "basic skeet throwing deal thingymabob," I would assume you just want to shoot some clay targets for fun.  Assuming you don't want to build two skeet towers (which would require 4 traps), I think it would be cool to build a traphouse with a voice activated trap.  That way one person could shoot by themselves if they wanted.

here's a link for the official american trap field dimensions, etc....

and for skeet... (a little more than a thingamabob href=www.nssa-nsca.com/nssa/skeet_field_layout.htm

I've shot trap all my life so I guess I'm biased toward the trap field... plus it's less complicated/costly to build.
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