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Posted: 10/28/2006 12:53:52 PM EDT
Just a heads up for anybody here, a freind of mine sent in his FS2000 for recall this past summer.  I was with him when he first shot it with no problems at all using my PMC ammo.  After the recall work was completed we go shooting again and he wants to test out his rifle  With the same ammo as the first time, the primers are getting light strikes approximately 1 out of every 20 rounds now.  Looks like the "fix" was a little too good.  He is pretty bummed out and I don't blame him since he spent two grand on the rifle and it worked at first and now doesn't.  I was seriously considering getting one too after shooting his the first time, but I guess I will wait and see if this is just a fluke or a problem that more shooters might experience.  Oh yeah, the ammo worked fine though AR15's.  
Link Posted: 10/28/2006 7:24:40 PM EDT
I had this problen and solved it by removing the captive spring around the firing pin.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 3:15:21 PM EDT
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