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Posted: 6/4/2002 4:51:09 PM EDT
I just received my 1903A3 Remington w/C Stock from CMP! WhooHoo. But it is COVERED in cosmoline. What is the best easiest way to clean metal and wood. The wood has a very nice patina that I want to preserve as much as possible. The metal appears to 95% finish or better. What a piece of history that has been hidden away for 50+ years!
Link Posted: 6/4/2002 4:55:14 PM EDT
Mineral Spirits will do the trick. Congrats on a great piece of American History.
Link Posted: 6/4/2002 5:10:38 PM EDT
I used Murphy's Oil Soap for both my H&R M12s.
Link Posted: 6/4/2002 5:24:12 PM EDT
A little heat can make the cosmoline much easier to remove.  Just take a hairdryer to it or leave it out in the sun for a few minutes.  If you're planning on storing it more than shooting, you might want to only take-off just enough cosmo so that it isn't messy.z
Link Posted: 6/4/2002 5:26:10 PM EDT
Now I'm upset.  I wasted post #1500 helping someone with a rifle I don't have, but want!  Oh well, that's not a big deal compared to missing the BRC.z
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 5:59:44 AM EDT
I've been collecting milsurps for several years now.  At least on the metal I've found that carb cleaner works great for removing cosmoline.
As for the wood, the hair dryer method works good and doesn't involve messing with the finish on the furniture.  Good luck with your new acquisition.  I got one a couple of years ago and it is one of my favorite shooters.
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 6:22:12 AM EDT
here is what i did with a couple of mosins and an sks.

Stand upright in yard <the bayonet on those made a good stand in the grass> <not sure i'd do that on a GOOD rifle>

Spray with Greased Lightning and let stand for 10 min. scrub with soft scrub brush. rinse and repeat. this worked very well and cleaned the stock in about 3 tries. then i left in the sun to allow the wood to sweat and did it again.

I am not sure if the greased lightning will affect the wood or not so i wouldn't let it stand longer than 10 min or so. a side benefit to this was the stock soaked up the water and after the swell of the wood removed a lot of light dings in the wood.


Link Posted: 6/5/2002 6:30:19 AM EDT

Were you on the auction list for the 1903s before they went on sale to everyone?  If not, when did you send your stuff in to CMP?  They weren't going to open non-auction list orders until May 1, so if you weren't on the list that means they're moving pretty quickly.

I'm just trying to get an idea of when I might be able to expect that wonderful package on the doorstep.  
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 6:54:45 AM EDT
Got my Remington 03 about a month ago.  Carb cleaner works well on the metal.  Just use lots of it, then clean and oil with whatever products you normally use.

The stock can be a challenge.  I used MEK solvent to get the worst of it off then went with Murphy's Oil Soap and a toothbrush.  I would scrub for an hour or so (easy to do while watching TV) then set it aside for a few days.  Stuff will ooze out.  Repeat.  Repeat.  Repeat.

jouster.com has a very good discussion board on 03's, especially all of the CMP guns coming out.  
Metal on my 03 was mint but the stock was kind of tough.  The stock will eventually clean up/refinish but I've still got some work ahead of me.  Haven't steamed the dents out yet.  

Link Posted: 6/5/2002 9:02:03 AM EDT
You need to head over to ezboards.com
That by far is the de-facto standard for older rifles.

Link Posted: 6/5/2002 10:35:07 AM EDT
eswanson; Yes I was on the lottery list, so you may have a bit of wait yet.I sent my stuff in around the 1st of April.
I started using the mineral spirits, works great, especially on the wood. Doesn't damage the finish on the wood at all! The bore is mirror bright 2 groove ! And the metal is near perfect. I'm not sure if this thing was ever even shot!

Thanks for the help
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 1:00:32 PM EDT
Let it sit in the sun to soften the Cosmoline then pour hot water it.  It will melt away with out using harsh chemicals.
Link Posted: 6/7/2002 12:56:10 PM EDT
I think most people swear by Purple Power.

Do you have to strip the metal first?
Link Posted: 6/7/2002 1:04:33 PM EDT
If I had a dollar for every SMLE I have de-cosmolined in my life.....

I could buy more SMLEs.....


Link Posted: 6/7/2002 2:14:52 PM EDT
There is this outfit here, don;t knwo if anyone has used them. I may send my 1903 to them, ....if i ever get it

Link Posted: 6/8/2002 10:29:52 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/8/2002 2:20:11 PM EDT
WD40 is what I always use to soften and remove cosmoline. I doesn't get any easier. Many of the weapons I buy have had cosmoline on them longer than most who read this board have been alive. Not so in my case.
Link Posted: 6/8/2002 2:31:22 PM EDT
Simple Green and hot water + a scrub brush.  

I like the idea of setting it in the sun, then pouring hot water on it.  I'd bet that would work wonders.  

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