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Posted: 6/10/2002 5:23:49 AM EDT
FN announced that they have developed a "smart gun" for the US Dept of Justice.  They will be available in 2 to 3 years.  Does this mean that all guns manufactured in the future will require this technology?  Will it be illegal to own a non-smart gun
Link Posted: 6/10/2002 5:55:40 AM EDT
I seriously doubt that the Federal government will be able to take in excess of 200 million guns away from the general populace regardless of the motivation behind it. There will always be those that will resist.

So in my opinion, no. I do not plan on ever getting rid of my dumb guns regardless of an arbitrary government decision based on the fallacy that a certain technology will somehow make us safer. Being able to defend ourselves without hinderance makes for a safer population.

The first time one of these fail in a real life or even a training scenario I'm fairly certain most agencies will be screaming for their dumb guns back.

Link Posted: 6/10/2002 6:01:11 AM EDT
California already has laws aimed at requiring all guns sold to be "smart guns" after a certain year.  Gee, I wonder why they'd want to legislate a requirement for something nonexistent.
Link Posted: 6/10/2002 1:28:47 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/10/2002 1:52:28 PM EDT
I hope people are paying attention to this, cause this could be our next large battle in our fight for our freedoms.

I think smart guns are dumb.

Given the track record of electronics, a whole lot is bound to fail.
Link Posted: 6/10/2002 1:58:33 PM EDT
If my electronic "smart gun" works as well as my high end PC, then I am well and truly screwed!  Can't you just hear the bad guy when I say "Pardon please while I reboot my gun"...damn....
Link Posted: 6/10/2002 2:03:08 PM EDT
I have to work on and with computers all day.
Lets jus say IT SUCKS!!
I'm really starting to hate dealing with electronics.

When I'm at work, I dream of the range.
I just signed up to a knew range that holds 800-1000 yards events 5 times a month. That will be fun to get into.
They also have all kinds of cool trap shooting.
Work sucks!
Link Posted: 6/10/2002 3:27:31 PM EDT
Even the Violence Policy Center is against "smart guns". This supposed technology was originally proposed to prevent LEO's from getting shot when their sidearm was grabbed during a struggle with a BG. But now what gets my ass, is that at least one of the state mandates for "smart guns", exempts LE.

What's next? A retinal scanner located at the muzzle?
Link Posted: 6/10/2002 3:35:59 PM EDT
It would be a MASSIVE undertaking to rid the US of all of the "dumb" guns out there.  No "smart" gun can replace the reliability and effectiveness of a "dumb" gun with an intelligent and capable operator.  

No thanks!  I'll keep my existing stupid guns.

Link Posted: 6/10/2002 3:38:23 PM EDT
Link to the story on Yahoo news (reuters)

FN "Smart gun"

I just love this quote...

'The "smart gun" technology could have wider uses than in policing, such as gun control at shooting galleries or to reduce hunting accidents.

"A weapon could for example be programmed to shoot on a Saturday morning between 10 and 12 a.m. in the hands of Mr. X at the shooting gallery of Herstal in the east-west direction," Sauvage said.'

Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside...allow me to paraphrase.

We are sorry Mrs. X, but Mr. X's pistol was only programmed to allow him to defend himself between the hours of ...

Link Posted: 6/10/2002 3:48:27 PM EDT

prevent LEO's from getting shot when their sidearm was grabbed during a struggle with a BG.

One cow-orker, a former-LEO, thinks the solution to this is to put a sensor on the gun that would prevent it from being fired if you quickly turn it 180 degrees.  I think the idiot read one too many stories about the USS Scorpion and the failsafes on torpedos.  I can't imagine hearing someone behind me, turn around quickly, then my gun not work because it "assumes" I must have had it turned on me.

If these ridiculous contraptions were such a good idea, we'd be seeing gun smiths and engineers, that enjoyed working with guns, adding these devices.z
Link Posted: 6/10/2002 5:01:18 PM EDT


prevent LEO's from getting shot when their sidearm was grabbed during a struggle with a BG.

One cow-orker, a former-LEO, thinks the solution to this is to put a sensor on the gun that would prevent it from being fired if you quickly turn it 180 degrees.  I think the idiot read one too many stories about the USS Scorpion and the failsafes on torpedos.  I can't imagine hearing someone behind me, turn around quickly, then my gun not work because it "assumes" I must have had it turned on me.

If these ridiculous contraptions were such a good idea, we'd be seeing gun smiths and engineers, that enjoyed working with guns, adding these devices.z

That would be really great for the LEO that suddenly had someone come up behind him....

Agreed, smart guns are stupid.
Link Posted: 6/10/2002 7:22:44 PM EDT
I think that as soon as these "smart guns" are ready to market, our politicians should set a proper example for the rest of us, by equiping their bodyguards, capitol security, etc, with these guns.  After all, it is for the children.

It is obvious that police are the most in need of smart gun technology, after all, some criminal or the thousands of terrorists flooding the country might take their guns away from them and use them on us.  So, they need to have smart guns.

And our military should have all smart guns, so that the military cannot turn against the government.  The guns could be programmed and controlled from afar, by people who have our best interests at heart.
Link Posted: 6/11/2002 3:44:06 PM EDT
Maybe Sarah Brady will trade her son's gun in for a smart gun?
Link Posted: 6/12/2002 11:38:56 AM EDT
My 02 is that even with a smart gun, some DUMB criminal can still use it as a tool of his trade. I say ban criminals not guns. Punish those that commit crimes, honor those that punish.
Link Posted: 6/12/2002 1:26:47 PM EDT
Banning current "dumb" guns in favor of smart guns will never happen on a national scale.  If someone tried, you'd see the entire shooting industry rise up like a tidal wave against it.  It would be about one step short of total confiscation, and there'd be too much political pressure against it.
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