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Posted: 10/18/2008 7:17:36 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/18/2008 1:06:39 PM EDT
Got mine just a few days ago.  I loaded it up with my MO gear and a fully loaded rifle and went for a two mile walk the first time I put it on.  It road very well and I was very pleased with it.  With the gun riding as low as possible, I could still get it out of the pack yet it was invisible to anyone that saw me walking.

The guys at work liked it so much we are ordering 5 hopefully first of next week.

One thing I have to add is I did not serve in the military and have only worn a ruck/pack on 4 occassions so my experience with packs is limited.  That said it was extremely comfortable, although with gun and load, it was only 30 pounds.  I anticipate adding another 10-15 pounds as I figure out what else I may need.

I really like that it is very narrow compared to a military ruck or other packs I have played with.  It fits well within the confines of your back and I don't feel like the Pillsbury dough boy with it on.  One of the smaller guys at work, 5'8 150, tried it on and it still fit nicely within his frame.

Link Posted: 10/19/2008 4:07:07 PM EDT
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