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Posted: 5/26/2002 12:26:34 PM EDT
I was at the swap meet today and I saw among a bunch of worthless crap 3 AR15 mags 30rds they were in US military pouches and they guy said they were from a M-16 when he was in the military. He wanted to get rid of them cheap, they looked pretty beat up and I think they were pretty old or at least Pre bans because they didn't have the stamp, LEO/Military. Well did I mess up? do these mags have any value I don't own a AR so thats why I didn't buy them.
Link Posted: 5/26/2002 12:29:34 PM EDT
If they were in that bad of shape they were probably worth around $30 to $45 for all of them.  I'd say it was a good pass since you don't have an AR.
Link Posted: 5/26/2002 12:36:26 PM EDT
I don't know if they were in bad shape mechanicaly it was just they looked like they had some miles through them.
Link Posted: 5/26/2002 2:45:44 PM EDT
I would of bought them just in case I picked up an AR in the future.

Thats pretty good, 650 posts and you don't even own an AR. This must really be a good site
Link Posted: 5/26/2002 2:52:28 PM EDT
you should have bought them and sent them to me. dont take any crap for having 650 posts w/o an AR. i think i got my first ar at like 1000 posts.
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