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Posted: 4/27/2002 4:25:36 PM EDT
How long have people had to wait for their C&R license to come back?  Mine will be in the mail on Monday, and I'm curious if everybody has to wait 3 months or so.

I have a TxCHL, so maybe that'll help speed things up a bit
Link Posted: 4/27/2002 6:24:23 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/27/2002 6:50:57 PM EDT
Mine took 107 days. I tried calling the Atlanta office and played phone tag with answering machines until I finaly just gave up and waited it out. But now I have two M48A Yugos and two Schmidt-Rubin K-31s on the way from AIM.
Link Posted: 4/27/2002 7:01:31 PM EDT
Got mine last May, took 23 days from mailing to receipt of license. They have slowed down since 911, but lately I've heard of people getting them back in 30-40 days.
Link Posted: 4/29/2002 2:31:12 AM EDT
60 days and counting........
Link Posted: 4/29/2002 2:42:49 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/29/2002 7:37:05 AM EDT
I got mine in about 4 weeks, but they misspelled my street.  Had to wait another week for a corrected license.

No Kidding?!!  They paid a visit to you regarding your C&R app?  That's the first I've heard of something like that.  What did they want to know?
Link Posted: 4/29/2002 7:43:48 AM EDT
Got my C & R about a year and a half ago (pre-9/11, obviously).  Took about 45 days to get the license.  I've been told that since the antrax scare (not 9/11) that the applications have been really backed up since because of the contamination at the Brentwood postal facility.  I don't know if this is true, only what I've been told.  But, however long it takes, it's wortht the wait!  Hang in there and good luck!
Link Posted: 4/29/2002 9:32:50 AM EDT
I just received mine last week, 30 days from mailing the application to receiving the license.
Link Posted: 4/29/2002 9:37:02 AM EDT
Check this site out, this is all they cover.

Link Posted: 4/29/2002 11:41:09 AM EDT
Four years ago I had a three and a half week wait for the initial app, 'til I got the license.
Last year when I renewed, it took over two weeks to get new license.
I'm quite the fine upstanding citizen, so I breeze through any background check, CCW or C&R.
Link Posted: 4/30/2002 1:01:49 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/30/2002 8:28:33 AM EDT
Waverunner, the ATF personal visit is only being done in NYC (so far). The Powers That Be are concerned that some people may be using C&Rs to circumvent the Sullivan Law. Haven't heard of such a visit outside the Boroughs of New York -- ATF doesn't have the manpower to do a face-to-face with every applicant in Podunk.  

Yet another benefit of living in the Big Apple, huh? A meet & greet with the JBTs!
Link Posted: 5/18/2002 3:12:07 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/18/2002 3:52:58 AM EDT
took mine 8 weeks.

I got my first purchase yesterday

a 1946 Turkish 1938 8mm Mauser.

See the C&R fourm over at FALfiles.com for more C&R related talk.

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