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Posted: 10/2/2007 3:57:18 AM EDT
Did any of you ever try to use Norrel's MR (or any other type of coating) to re-finish a MagLite? IF so, what did you do to prep the light and how well did it hold up? Pics are always nice
Link Posted: 10/2/2007 4:10:24 AM EDT
Your Maglite has the anodized or glossy coating on it doesn't it?  Your best bet would probably be to sandblast the remaining coating off and then resin the bare metal.  Might take 2 coats for proper coverage.  Honestly, I don't think it would be worth the time and trouble.  MJD
Link Posted: 10/2/2007 7:12:51 AM EDT

Your Maglite has the anodized or glossy coating on it doesn't it?  Your best bet would probably be to sandblast the remaining coating off and then resin the bare metal.  Might take 2 coats for proper coverage.  Honestly, I don't think it would be worth the time and trouble.  MJD

It's supossed to be anodized and I figured it might need to be blasted just to give the MR something to grab on to? I know I've seen "painted" MagLites but I'm not sure what they where coated with or how well they held up?
Link Posted: 10/9/2007 11:02:45 AM EDT
never a maglite, but done a few surefires with no problems
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