I just ran across the Ares piston conversion today.
I own a POF upper and it works fine but I had to send it back, looks like some peeling of the lining of the barrel. I had it about 2 weeks.
No word back yet, it has been about 6 weeks since they got it.
That is the only downside of the two major manufacturers, their turnaround has been sad. I figure they either have serious manpower issues or don't get in a hurry.
The Ares looks fine and the price is less than $400.
I have just started doing research to see if it is reliable and see if others have had a good experience with it.
Kurt Kustom Firearms has a design that is basically the LW system, which he says he developed, and he says he is coming out with a drop in conversion, but as usual, no delivery date as of yet.
I don't know if there are any other manufacturers out there.
So, I have an email into Ares for a definite price and how long it will take to get it delivered. I will keep everyone posted.