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Page AR-15 » Optics, Mounts, and Sights
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 1/27/2009 10:13:16 AM EDT
ok so i am looking at buying a used acog but i want to know a couple things

1. whats the difference between the ones with the fiber rod on the top, and ones without. i think the t01sn is one i saw without, is it newer ?

2. about how long is an acog good for before needing tridium replaced?

3. any other tips for buying a used acog, im looking for a 3-4 power one for my AR?
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 2:15:14 PM EDT
1. The fiber optic rod is for daytime illumination.

2. About 12 years.

3. I got a good deal on a used one from SWFA several years ago.

Page AR-15 » Optics, Mounts, and Sights
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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