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Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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Posted: 12/14/2002 9:11:33 AM EDT
Two questions for ya:

1.  Are (sound) suppressors legal to attach to post-ban rifles?  Suppressors and flash hiders are different in form and function, but I could see it construed that a suppressor is a de facto flash suppressor.  I can't seem to find any comment on this on BATF's website.

2.  If the answer to (1) is yes, what options are there available for attaching them?  Threading the barrel is certainly a no-no.
Link Posted: 12/14/2002 9:13:58 AM EDT
sorry, but to answer your questions... no and none. [:(]
Link Posted: 12/14/2002 9:22:09 AM EDT
sorry, but to answer your questions... no and none. [:(]
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That's ok, I expected as much. [:(]
Link Posted: 12/14/2002 5:38:10 PM EDT
The reason for this is a silencer acts as a flash hider. Since the Bill Clinton AWB of 1994 allows only a pistol grip & detachable hi-cap mags, adding the suppressor would create an "assault weapon" & is therefore illegal. Sept 14th, 2004 the ban is slated to sunset. If it does & no new legislation is passed, you would be able to do this via class III.
Link Posted: 12/14/2002 6:03:38 PM EDT
Hold on!  There was another thread on this site a few days ago.  Someone posted that he was told by the ATF that he could put a supressor on a post ban.

Link Posted: 12/14/2002 6:25:40 PM EDT
Yes you can put a suppressor on a post ban rifle.  All you have to do is remove one of your two existing "evil" features.  I figure the easiest would be to permanantly attach the magazine to the weapon.  Sure you would have to break the rifle in half to reload but who cares?
Link Posted: 12/31/2002 6:56:01 PM EDT
What about those postban Krinkovs that everybody else is making??

The barrels are only 8" long with a fake silencer welded or pinned on to the end of the barrel as a barrel extension.

This empty, 8" long definatley hides the flash...

Food for thought...

Link Posted: 1/1/2003 2:22:31 AM EDT
Hold on! There was another thread on this site a few days ago. Someone posted that he was told by the ATF that he could put a supressor on a post ban.
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I think that's the difference of being told over the phone "sure go ahead" and having the BATF actually put it in writing.
Link Posted: 1/1/2003 2:45:00 AM EDT
What about those postban Krinkovs that everybody else is making??

The barrels are only 8" long with a fake silencer welded or pinned on to the end of the barrel as a barrel extension.

This empty, 8" long definatley hides the flash...

Food for thought...

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The barrel extension will do little to dissipate the flash to the sides. Instead, due to the short barrel, the flame out the barrel extension is greater than if the rifled barrel was the 16", with the extension a outer shield.  
It's kind of like the AR-15's with 12.5/5.5 FS.  All you see is a fire ball(12" round) out the front of the rifle for 3'. The side slots are for looks, and really do nothing to suppress the flash.
Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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