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Page AR-15 » Troubleshooting
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 12/24/2002 9:25:57 AM EDT
OK I'm can't seem to remove the selector from my AR in order to completely remove the trigger group from my rifle. Am I just a wimp and need to use a bigger hammer or is there some trick I am not aware of. Don't want to destroy either one of my Bushies in the process but I am getting just a little frustrated.

Link Posted: 12/24/2002 10:07:40 AM EDT
Did you try removing the pistol grip first?  You can also remove the selector by positioning between safe and fire an driving it out.  However, if I don't remove the pistol grip I always end up scratching something.

Good Luck,
Link Posted: 12/27/2002 7:23:51 PM EDT
Good call!!!  

The selector is retained in the lower by a detent pin and a spring.  These are housed in the right side of the pistol grip.

The one thing to watch is when you remove the pistol grip, carefully remove the grip and check the detent hole for the pin.  It will stay in the hole until the receiver is bumped, then fall out.  The easy way to remove it is to just use a magnet on a punch to lower it out of the hole.

Link Posted: 12/28/2002 10:36:19 PM EDT
The "correct way" to remove the safety selector is to remove the pistol grip, sliding it straight down, then the spring and detent.  

The "fast and easy way" is to turn the safety selector halfway between SAFE and FIRE, and tap it out with a wooden dowel or Delrin punch.  This will not harm the receiver, selector, or detent in any way.
Link Posted: 12/29/2002 6:55:56 AM EDT
I removed the pistol grip and just like that I was able to remove the selector with no trouble. I knew I was missing something. Thanks to all for the help! You are all first class in my book.
Link Posted: 12/29/2002 11:46:51 AM EDT
The guys here are very knowledgable. That one was easy. Wish all the problems were like that- easy.
Link Posted: 12/29/2002 3:40:42 PM EDT
The guys here are very knowledgeable.
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Nope, we just have the AR-15 trouble shooting cliff notes(borrowed from Tweak, see the top two posts in the trouble shooting forum), and have a tendency to wear out Magic 8 Balls until we find a solutions that works.

Hell, most of the time, Royce and I are fighting over who gets to use the "Seeing Eye Dog", verses having to beat the weeds with the "Blind Man's Cane".  We have only one of each, and have to share the two.
Plus, we could only find one copy of the Cliff notes, So Royce got the even pages and I was left with the odd pages. It becomes a problem if the solution runs onto the next page, we get lost and have to finish each others posts.

P.S. It a real bitch trying to get the Cliff notes in braille.

Page AR-15 » Troubleshooting
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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