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Page AR-15 » AR Variants
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 12/15/2010 3:41:24 PM EDT
A friend of mine just bought a RR 308 and asked me where to get mags, problem is I have no idea what to tell him, he said he heard FAL mags will fit, I was wondering if maybe DPMS mags will work?? any suggestions would be a big help and maybe where to look. Thanks in advance
Link Posted: 12/15/2010 3:56:42 PM EDT
The Rock River takes FAL mags.  None of the AR pattern mags will fit it.
Link Posted: 12/15/2010 3:57:15 PM EDT
fal mags is what it takes . check springfield armory they had some for 13.00 each , cheaper than dirt was selling them pretty reasonable I picked up 10 at the local gun show for 12.00 bucks apiece , you can look at dsa arms and rr arms will be releasing polymer mags in the next couple of weeks.
Link Posted: 12/15/2010 4:39:31 PM EDT
" rr arms will be releasing polymer mags in the next couple of weeks" , been hearing that one for 6 months!
Link Posted: 12/15/2010 5:14:50 PM EDT
Thanks guys I will check out Cheaper than dirt.
Link Posted: 12/15/2010 5:16:31 PM EDT
FAL and L1A1 mags (both metric & inch) work fine in RRA's LAR-8s.  I have both, and they work just fine.  The long-awaited polymer mags from RRA remain exactly that...long-awaited.
Link Posted: 12/15/2010 6:09:44 PM EDT
www.aimsurplus.com has them 15$ new
Link Posted: 12/15/2010 6:33:44 PM EDT
Thanks again guys.
Page AR-15 » AR Variants
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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