Quoted: Quoted: 3rdtk quoted info from the spec that showed the specific height dimention in question was not required on rails other than on the upper receiver?
yes, that was the argument that 3rdtk made, but it was just an attempt to draw attention away from the SIR - he was inaccurate in his interpretation (dead wrong). (i'm saying that in the most diplomatic way i can)
. he didn't quote anything in the spec to that effect because there's NOTHING in the spec of that sort. in fact, the word 'receiver' is not to be found in the spec.
quoting the spec, mil-std 1913 is for the 'accessory mounting rail for small arms weapons', and accessory is defined in the spec as 'laser pointers, fire control devices, night vision devices, grenade launchers, optics, thermal weapons sights etc.'. some of them are obviously intended to be used on the receiver, some are not.
anyways, 3rdtk using the argument that mil-std 1913 is meant only for the upper receiver pretty much shoots himself in the foot, because the top rail of the SIR lacks that standoff height to make it 1913 compliant. so basically if you install a SIR on an M4, you now end up with NONE of the mounting rails being compliant, including the upper receiver. i'm not saying that's a bad thing, just a non-compliance thing
Hmmm, Lets see, ARMS have been making and selling the same dimentioned dovetail rails since the early 80's, longer than anyone elese. The gov't inspectors don't know what their doing, the us gov't issue NSN's, Colt, the US and Canadian gov't get permission to use it, but a new piece of molded plastic pistol grip (not machined) made for a 30 plus lb. belt fed machine gun doesn't fit the standard industry (dovetail that everything else fits)rail, ARMS must be wrong. OH MY!