Well got my barrel back from ADCO on Friday, put her together Friday evening and hit the range on Saturday. What a blast. I run this with my 5.56 SBR uppers sometimes so that is why it has the buffer on there. Was this a deticated upper for this I would have went with the Spikes folder and SBR a Nodak FDE lower... (actually this is such a fun setup that I an really leaning that way
Friends at the range were three deep wanting in line to burn up their ammo.
Rock River 9mm upper
Anvil Arms engraved lower with RR lower parts kit, Magpul trigger guard and MOE grip
Spikes pistol buffer tube with foam
Magpul ASAP plate
Troy FDE TXR free float handguard (7.6" length) with MOE MBUS sights
4.5" barrel (1/12" twist, expertly shortened, and threaded by ADCO)
M261 conersion kit (Atchisson/Mititary Armament Corp kit) with Cieneer 30rd mag
SWR Specter silencer