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Page AR-15 » Ammunition
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 4/28/2004 8:33:26 AM EDT
I just tried to order a few cases of ammo from Midway. It seems Illinois has a new law (they said about a month ago) which prohibits shipping ammo to Illinois from outside the state, and Midway actually was fined for infractions before they even knew about the "new law". Anybody know anything about this? I haven't heard about any new Illinois laws, but maybe this is old news. Anyway, I'm screwed. My next question is, anybody live near the Illinois-Wisconsin border or the Indiana border who'd be willing to accept a shipment for me?
Link Posted: 4/28/2004 9:28:24 AM EDT
I know of no such law.  Apparently someone from the IL State Police has been giving erroneous information to  out of state companies selling ammunition to IL residents.  In my search of the IL gun laws, there is nothing that disallows ammo shipments to IL.  At least one IL based online retailer, has told me that the state police told them that they couldn't sell to IL residents through UPS, etc., that they had to see an IL resident's FOID card in person, which may be true for IL residents purchasing from an IL retailer, but buying from out of state is not prohibited by federal law, and I see no law preventing it in the IL laws.

Some retailers, AIM, Midway (as of early this year), and a few others that I can't think of right now, have at least temporarily been intimidated by IL law enforcement or the Attorney General's office.  A member here, don't remember who, sent a letter to Midway and got a response, somewhat explaining the situation without going into detail.  I can't find the thread right now because I can't use the search feature.
Link Posted: 4/28/2004 9:39:58 AM EDT
There is no law, but apparently there has been some threats made by the AG.  It would be perfectly legal to have an out of state friend order the ammo, and then have him mail it to you.
Link Posted: 4/28/2004 10:19:50 AM EDT
Well, WHAT THE HECK??? If there is no relevant law regarding out of state purchases, why is the State Police intimidating my suppliers? Is this America, or Nazi Germany? How do the police get away with this stuff? I'd sure like to read the thread Lazyshooter referred to. Anybody else have any additional info on this?
Link Posted: 4/28/2004 6:12:04 PM EDT
Centerfire Systems and Dans Ammo will ship to Illinois.
Link Posted: 4/28/2004 6:54:29 PM EDT
As well as Wholesale Hunter, Wideners, Natchez SS, Ammoman(if you supply him an email vid yure paperz).
Link Posted: 4/29/2004 4:44:41 PM EDT
Cheaper than Dirt also sells to IL(except for Cook county)
Link Posted: 4/29/2004 8:22:30 PM EDT
Everybody who responded...thanks. I use or have used most of the suppliers you guys mentioned (and a couple more). What gets my hackles up is the crap we have to put up with in Illinois. I truly hope the Midway policy doesn't spread to our other suppliers. There are a couple of questions which rear their ugly heads here: Is this the beginning of something? Why was Midway singled out? Will the others follow? Do I have to stockpile 50,000 rounds to avoid running out when the anti-gun Nazis COMPLETELY legislate us into oblivion? Why the hell can't we have concealed-carry? I wish Cook County would fall into Lake Michigan. The damn antigunners there have FAR too much to say about STATEWIDE law. Hell, maybe we ought to revolt. One unarmed county against the rest of the state...what chance would they have??

Link Posted: 4/29/2004 9:52:55 PM EDT
The big problem for me is that some ammunition available by catalog or through the internet, is just not available at local dealers.  Some dealers will order some for you, usually at great cost, and you have to generally take the whole case, even though you may only want a couple boxes.  

I don't have a problem with companies covering their hind ends by having you send in a copy of the FOID card, but I just find it strange that companies like Cabelas, never used to have that requirement, then about a year or two ago, all of a sudden they require it.
Link Posted: 4/30/2004 8:24:15 AM EDT
I dont think states should be able to dictate if you can purchase mail order ammo, that should be a federal thing.
Link Posted: 4/30/2004 11:05:02 AM EDT
So how exactly does state 'A' prohibit a seller located in state 'B' from selling and shipping ammunition in state 'A'? Why can't the seller just tell the state in question to FO?
I've recently been wondering this, as my recollection of the ICC from business law is rather vague.
Link Posted: 4/30/2004 2:27:05 PM EDT
They basically arent shipping ammo to anyone without an FFL.

God willing, my pops and I will be FFL holders in a few months or so.  Ya never know though.

We recognize that there is no law against shipping ammo to IL, and won't give into BS.  So, we can order the stuff for you when the time comes, and re-direct it to you.  Pick it up face to face, or send us your commie card, and we can re-sell it to you :-)

Fuck em.

Link Posted: 5/1/2004 6:09:12 AM EDT
I just ordered 1000 rds from an online source I haven 't ordered from before.  I'll see what happens.  Usually I forward a copy of my FOID either by email or fax and there has been no problems.  I think if you are near CHicago they shy away.  Maybe more so for pistol ammo??
Link Posted: 5/2/2004 7:40:49 PM EDT
Quet, I don't know what kind of F'ed up laws you IL guys got (and you got plenty) so I can't help you on "shipping restrictions", but if you eventually needs someone to help you out, some of us are right across the state line against the lake.
Link Posted: 5/2/2004 8:48:21 PM EDT
Wow guys I feel your pain. Living in Alaska sure isnt much better... you either pay for overnight shipping or wait 3 months for your stuff to get here hat

Link Posted: 5/3/2004 10:30:51 PM EDT
I am also scared that other companies might follow. Around here in my area (Will county) shooting .223, 40 s&w, and just about any thing other than .22 lr is very expensive, dealers run "specials" wolf .223 for $169.99 a case!!!! I get mines from online sources for $95.00 including shipping to my front door.
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 5:40:04 AM EDT
I've ordered ammo from Cheaper Than Dirt and Wholesale Hunter with no problem. That being said, I always buy my ammo in bulk (at least a case at a time unless it's .308) so I now just buy it at the range. I pay a bit more (@ 10-12%) but I want to give the range the business. I use the outdoor range, weather permitting, and they don't charge for outdoor range time. I want to keep them in business so I have someplace to shoot.
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 8:28:48 PM EDT
Marksman14 -

Where in Illinois are you? We need an enlightened FFL in the Schaumburg area.
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 6:16:29 AM EDT

Do I have to stockpile 50,000 rounds to avoid running out when the anti-gun Nazis COMPLETELY legislate us into oblivion?

I saw this coming when Lesbo-Lisa was elected AG. I immediately ordered 15 cases of Port .308 and about 30 battlepacks of South Afrikkan .223.  I figure it's about a 3 year recreational supply.

.45 and 9mm I can buy at Wally World
Wolf 7.62X39mm I can pick up anywhere.

Page AR-15 » Ammunition
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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