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Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 5/14/2003 10:21:51 PM EDT
Quote from http://business.mainetoday.com/news/030514assault.shtml?survey419.

"Of course we were opposed" to the ban initially, Faraday said. "It was the latest attempt - and a very powerful one - for the anti-gun people to ban firearms. What they do is go after the military, sinister-looking firearms first.  But Bushmaster is less worried about an extension. "From our point of view, extending the ban is probably OK," Faraday said."

This is what we get after all we have done to support Bushmaster.

Link Posted: 5/14/2003 10:25:30 PM EDT
So you just got the news?

1. Go to bushmaster website.
2. GO here [url]http://www.ar15.com/forums/topic.html?b=3&f=118&t=159976[/url]
3. Calm the hell down
Link Posted: 5/14/2003 10:33:19 PM EDT
Good one and thanks.
Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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