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Is this your first KAC?
Been really tempted to pick up a 11.5" SBR from them... but no Mod 2 yet for that.
What's your thoughts on it so far?
Grats by the way!
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Thanks. Yes, my first KAC. Only my 3rd AR. First was a RRA Predator Pursuit. Second was an M&P-15 Sport which I still have and its a wonderful shooter.
First impressions of the KAC? Well awe shucks, what can I say, I'm in love! That's honestly why I bought it. Just happened to ask to to hold it one day at LGS. When they handed it to me I didn't want to put it down. I went home and began to research the brand and the gun itself, talked on the forum a little, and pretty much turned into a KAC nut overnight. Haven't shot it yet mind you, but I'm very confident that it more than live up to its price and reputation!
The keymod rail system is interesting. I'm not sure how I feel about it. Definitely light weight and ultra limitless mods you can do to it. I had one hell of a time attaching those grip panels. There are seven sides to that rail so seven pieces of grip panel. By the seventh one I had the motion down but my thumbs were rubbed raw! Also the little extra rail piece it came with you can attach anywhere you want BUT they don't inclue a 3/32 Allen wrench that is needed to attach itl. Another very minute annoyance is that for such a fine AR, the included mag was the ugliest gray USGI scratched up POS. Kinda funny actually.
Incidentally when I looked at the mod 2 the first time they also had the 11.5 inch version you spoke of. I understand they can be hard to find but there's at least one place I kmow has it!