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Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 5/4/2003 10:49:24 AM EDT
Can Colt sear blocks be removed without too much trouble? Does it have to be done by a gunsmith or can the average intelligent person do it with the right tools?  If so what tools are needed?

The reason for this is that I would like to put a good two stage match trigger in my Colt and can not find one that will fit because of the sear block. I checked Bushmaster, and they say specifically it want fit Colts with sear block. I wonder if this because of the sear block solely, or is it because of the larger trigger pins that Colt uses in their rifles that's the problem, or both?

Any and all help appreciated.


Link Posted: 5/4/2003 11:02:01 AM EDT
I would suggest you just dump the Colt at a gun show and buy something worth owning.
Link Posted: 5/4/2003 11:03:58 AM EDT
Oddly enough, I am starting to believe that may very well be my best option!
Link Posted: 5/4/2003 11:04:55 AM EDT
Keep your valuable Colt in its present, high resale value form and save up for another brand to play with.
Link Posted: 5/4/2003 11:05:05 AM EDT
You could send it to [url=http://www.kurtskustomfirearms.citymax.com/page/page/8932.htm]Kurt's Kustom Firearms[/url] to have it removed.  Personally, I wouldn't do it myself because the consequences of screwing it up (at least for me) are too great.
Link Posted: 5/4/2003 11:08:02 AM EDT
I would suggest you just dump the Colt at a gun show and buy something worth owning.
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Boomer was asking for help, not smart-ass comments.  There are many on this site that would disgree that Colts "aren't worth owning".  Hopefully you shoot your gun better than you shoot your mouth off.

Link Posted: 5/4/2003 11:11:47 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/4/2003 11:23:39 AM EDT
Hey $45 is reasonable for this job.  Thanks for the lead on KKF. Does this man do good work?  

Followup question:  Can the average fellow put in a 2-stage trigger without too much trouble once the sear block is gone?

Link Posted: 5/4/2003 11:42:29 AM EDT
I would suggest you just dump the Colt at a gun show and buy something worth owning.
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Boomer was asking for help, not smart-ass comments.  There are many on this site that would disgree that Colts "aren't worth owning".  Hopefully you shoot your gun better than you shoot your mouth off.

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I agree, there are too many smart-ass members in the forums.  When people ask for help they don't want a smart-ass answer.  And by the way, I bet his Colt is worth more than whatever the hell you have.
Link Posted: 5/4/2003 11:59:14 AM EDT
I would suggest you just dump the Colt at a gun show and buy something worth owning.
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Boomer was asking for help, not smart-ass comments.  There are many on this site that would disgree that Colts "aren't worth owning".  Hopefully you shoot your gun better than you shoot your mouth off.

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I agree, there are too many smart-ass members in the forums.  When people ask for help they don't want a smart-ass answer.  And by the way, I bet his Colt is worth more than whatever the hell you have.
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Preach on brother !!
Link Posted: 5/4/2003 12:02:48 PM EDT
Hey $45 is reasonable for this job.  Thanks for the lead on KKF. Does this man do good work?  

Followup question:  Can the average fellow put in a 2-stage trigger without too much trouble once the sear block is gone?

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Boomer, Kurt does incredible work and he has an outstanding reputation on this site.  He removed the sear block and drilled the detent on my Colt lower.
Link Posted: 5/4/2003 12:22:58 PM EDT
Yea you guys just keep fantasizing how great your No Bayo Lug, Sear Blocked over sized trigger pin lowers are.

You are all a buch of closet shooters with Drop In Auto Sear Envy.

He has learned the lie that is Colt Quality, I just suggested that he sell his gun to someone like you other guys who envy me.



Link Posted: 5/4/2003 12:27:05 PM EDT
Yea you guys just keep fantasizing how great your No Bayo Lug, Sear Blocked over sized trigger pin lowers are.

You are all a buch of closet shooters with Drop In Auto Sear Envy.

He has learned the lie that is Colt Quality, I just suggested that he sell his gun to someone like you other guys who envy me.



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I bought my Colt back when you bought a Colt or
you bought nothing.

I will keep my Colt thank you.
Link Posted: 5/4/2003 12:47:48 PM EDT
I would suggest you just dump the Colt at a gun show and buy something worth owning.

Funny lol. Your kidding right. Why would you want non milspec crap when you could have the best there is in a colt. I don't like beta testing for gun companies so I will continue to buy Colts.
Link Posted: 5/4/2003 12:56:23 PM EDT
Yea you guys just keep fantasizing how great your No Bayo Lug, Sear Blocked over sized trigger pin lowers are.

You are all a buch of closet shooters with Drop In Auto Sear Envy.

He has learned the lie that is Colt Quality, I just suggested that he sell his gun to someone like you other guys who envy me.



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[LOLabove]  Here we go again!

You're right, I don't like the idea that my Colt's fire control pins aren't mil-spec.  And when I had to order a hammer last week I paid out the butt for it because it's a Colt.  However, my pre-ban Colt M4 does shoot better than my SGW/DPMS M4gery.  The two rifles are almost identical in configuration but the Colt is more accurate and feels better.  That said, my SGW/DPMS M4 is my favorite shooter because I think of my Colt as a collectors (even though I'm not a collector) piece and my SGW/DPMS as my "battle" rifle (even though I've never been in battle) [;)]

To me, 6 in one 1/2 dozen in another.  I'm not AR biased...I'll have one of each, thank you!

Dave, what is the AR in the last picture?
Link Posted: 5/4/2003 1:48:27 PM EDT
Buy a Jewel trigger, It drops in without removal of the block, Bushmaster NM triggers are garbage.
I'll never figure out why Colt's always get flamed, mine are not safe queens, all of them are regulars at the range, 5 are pre-bans, none have ever had a failure.
I can't say that about the RRA and Bushmaster that I have owned and dumped at a gunshow.

Link Posted: 5/4/2003 2:00:59 PM EDT

Dave has just impressed the shit out of me with his $700.00 rifle and a $8.00 piece of tool steel that he paid 4 grand for. (oh, and the suppressor- makes the AR sound like a loud pistol- money well spent) Dave, you shot your mouth off to a lot of people here, Colt owners, folks who could care less about spraying bullets downrange and the M16 guys who won't even compare your rifle to theirs.

Nice going! [wave]    
Link Posted: 5/4/2003 2:19:20 PM EDT
I really hate to get in on this wonderfull discussion. I dont have any problems with colt. I happen to own a bushy. If you like colts, more power to you. I'll bet you have just as much fun shooting as I do. Now having said that, Glock guy, Colt is not milspec.  Good call Jason.  ooooh, I can bump fire that fast!
Link Posted: 5/4/2003 2:42:15 PM EDT
I really hate to get in on this wonderfull discussion. I dont have any problems with colt. I happen to own a bushy. If you like colts, more power to you. I'll bet you have just as much fun shooting as I do. Now having said that, Glock guy, Colt is not milspec.  Good call Jason.  ooooh, I can bump fire that fast!
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Colt invented Mil-Spec.

They were the first military contractor for the M-16.

Bushmasters, ArmaLite, RRA, Ect. are all good
rifles, even though only Bushmaster has ever had a government contract.
But, don't slam on Colt just cause of the trigger pins
and the sear block.
They ALL shoot just fine.

Don't start a pissing contest over something
this petty.
Link Posted: 5/4/2003 2:51:08 PM EDT
Yea you guys just keep fantasizing how great your No Bayo Lug, Sear Blocked over sized trigger pin lowers are.

You are all a buch of closet shooters with Drop In Auto Sear Envy.

He has learned the lie that is Colt Quality, I just suggested that he sell his gun to someone like you other guys who envy me.
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LMAO...and not even man enough to apologize.  One question for you, though:  What is there to "envy" about an over-weight jackass with a receding hairline?

If you can't be constructive when help is asked, then don't participate on these boards!  And if you want to insult, be prepared to take some in return.

P.S.  Pics of you spraying rounds over the Nebraska plains don't impress.
Link Posted: 5/4/2003 2:57:20 PM EDT
Buy a Jewel trigger, It drops in without removal of the block, Bushmaster NM triggers are garbage.
I'll never figure out why Colt's always get flamed, mine are not safe queens, all of them are regulars at the range, 5 are pre-bans, none have ever had a failure.
I can't say that about the RRA and Bushmaster that I have owned and dumped at a gunshow.

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I agree with Match223, forget about removing the sear block and get yourself a Jewel Two Stage Trigger.  You will not regret it.
Link Posted: 5/4/2003 3:27:22 PM EDT
Hmmm! Not remove the sear block.  That would be fine with me since the Jewell trigger works with sear block in place.  Someone mentioned earlier to leave it in because it may hurt the value of it by taking it out. This is great info. fellows.

Would I be able to install the jewell trigger myself, or is this a job for a gunsmith?

If I have the dedent for the front pivot hole drilled, will it hurt the value?  I would like to use pushpins instead of these screw pivots.

Link Posted: 5/4/2003 3:28:51 PM EDT
Followup: What is a good source for these jewell triggers?
Link Posted: 5/4/2003 3:52:56 PM EDT
The Jewell comes with excellent instructions, if you need help and are in the East Tn area I will help you with the install.
I also know several Smiths that can fix your push pin for a minimal expense,
Since everyone is looking for this option (some Pre-Ban Colts mfr'd in 1993 & some Post-Bans come ready to install the pins & detent),
I don't think it will decrease the value if professionally done.

Georgia Precision sells them on the Equipment Exchange.

Link Posted: 5/4/2003 3:55:13 PM EDT
hey scott, AR stands for ArmaLite. Colt makes great guns but if you notice "milspec" parts dont fit, ie. takedown pins, hammer pins ect. It's kind of like the old saying, "everyone in the world is crazy except for me".
Link Posted: 5/4/2003 4:02:34 PM EDT

If I have the dedent for the front pivot hole drilled, will it hurt the value? I would like to use pushpins instead of these screw pivots.
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DPMS and I'm sure several other outfits sell ball detent pivot pins that you can replace the screw pin with, enabling a tool-free disassembly without drilling your lower.
Link Posted: 5/4/2003 5:00:00 PM EDT
hey scott, AR stands for ArmaLite. Colt makes great guns but if you notice "milspec" parts dont fit, ie. takedown pins, hammer pins ect. It's kind of like the old saying, "everyone in the world is crazy except for me".
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Yes I know AR stands for ArmaLite, the original
ArmaLite (which was a subsidary of Fairchild Aircraft and Engine Co. not the rebadged
Eagle Arms of today).

I have Colts and Bushmasters I know all about the
Parts are readilly available for both so what
does it matter ?
The sear block does not bother me and neither does
the bigger pins, my Colt works just fine.
I could care less if it is not "mil-spec".
Link Posted: 5/4/2003 5:33:40 PM EDT
I dont want to argue. Scott, will you be my friend. I take it all back!
Link Posted: 5/4/2003 5:57:40 PM EDT
I dont want to argue. Scott, will you be my friend. I take it all back!
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Yeah lets not [argue]

All ARs are good, so lets have a [beer]
and say the hell with it.
Link Posted: 5/4/2003 5:59:17 PM EDT
Let's not argue among ourselves - save all that energy for the anti-gunners.

Who cares what kind of AR15 you shoot? Isn't it still our favorite sport, regardless?

BOOMER 10 - I'd get the jewel trigger, and leave the sear-block in place. If you can put it in yourself, do it, because it'd save you one more background check when your gunsmith calls it in before you can pick it up.

DAVID_HINELINE - I'd like to have your rifles!
A post-ban COLT isn't my first choice for a new rifle, but you gotta admit, it is worth owning.

Link Posted: 5/4/2003 6:06:15 PM EDT
If I have the dedent for the front pivot hole drilled, will it hurt the value?  I would like to use pushpins instead of these screw pivots.
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The six Colt HBARs that I bought a few years ago all were drilled for the detent and spring. The fun was installing the parts.  Sproing!!!! Ping!!

Link Posted: 5/4/2003 6:13:14 PM EDT
I've used a smith in the Memphis area to install an AS (single stage) trigger in a Colt (with sear block), should you live in the west side of the state.
Link Posted: 5/4/2003 8:48:21 PM EDT
Yea you guys just keep fantasizing how great your No Bayo Lug, Sear Blocked over sized trigger pin lowers are.

You are all a buch of closet shooters with Drop In Auto Sear Envy.

He has learned the lie that is Colt Quality, I just suggested that he sell his gun to someone like you other guys who envy me.
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Link Posted: 5/4/2003 9:16:14 PM EDT
Lets review history. Which company went to non std. Oversized front pivot pins because thier customers could not be trusted to put an M16 upper, on it. Which company did not put the sear cut in thier upper receiver so thier uppers could not be mated to a full auto lower. Which company decided to cut the rear off thier bolt carriers because someone invented something called a lightning link and they did not want you using one. Which company decided you did not need a bayonet lug before it was even law. Which company decided for you the customer that you wanted sear blocks to prevent insertion of Drop In Auto Sears, and over sized trigger group pins so M16 parts would not fit. Which company shipped unmarked LEOnly rifles to Police Departments so that when the guns make it to civilian market poor unsuspecting customers get stuck with firearms they can not legally own. Which company ships $1000 Gold Cup handguns with a plastic mainspring housing? Which company decided that 1/2X36 was going to be the thread pitch of thier 9mm carbines so the industry std. 1/2X28 commercial silencers would not fit. Which company would not even sell guns to civilians if they could keep thier quality up to the point that they could get a government contract.

You Colt buyers just keep buying Colt and Dixie Chicks CDs.
Link Posted: 5/4/2003 9:55:16 PM EDT
C'mon guys. Marine, David, you guys need to chill. It's all about fun. Marine loves Colts, big deal. I'll bet if someone gave him a Bushy he wouldent say anything. And David you probably wouldent mind if someone handed you a Colt. Hell there all fun to shoot regardless of the size of the pins.
Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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