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Page AR-15 » Magazines
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 5/11/2003 5:03:47 AM EDT
Hey Guys, do any of you own or know who makes an AR mag that has aluminum construction but painted black?  It has NO markings on it whatsoever.  Is this a USA mag?  A guy at the range sold me this 30rd black mag and a 20rd mag for $25.  I haven't had a chance to test either but will later today.  I'm curious who made this "black" mag.  Thanks.  PS - it also is a little longer than the normal GI mags I have.....
Link Posted: 5/11/2003 5:12:08 AM EDT
With no markings, it could be a USA mag or maybe WESTERN.  Although USA and WESTERN are steel, I believe.

Link Posted: 5/11/2003 10:06:38 AM EDT
USA made aluminum mags.  they sucked.  i saw one were the feed lips were not at the same level.  
Link Posted: 5/11/2003 4:49:17 PM EDT
Its a USA, confirmed w/the shop.  I'm not sure if it works though - at the range I had a bunch of Failure to feeds with all my GI mags.  So I'm not sure...  I have a feeling its the Olympic ss109 ammo I used today that messed everything up.  Next week I'll try some new ammo and see if the mag works out...
Link Posted: 5/11/2003 8:04:41 PM EDT
It might be the ammo if all your mags didnt work.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 2:02:32 PM EDT
Yeah all mags failed to feed, etc...  I think its this junk Olympic.  Do not buy it - it will ruin your rifle!
Page AR-15 » Magazines
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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