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Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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Posted: 5/10/2003 5:36:39 PM EDT
Anyone have their AR15's on Display in their Home?
Hanging on the wall ETC?
I know everyone has them in the safe but I like to display my guns where I can see them.
I'm trying to find some Tactical looking racks to hang my AR15's up with?
Any Ideas?
Please post some pictures of your Toys on display ? So I can get some Ideas?
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 5:56:13 PM EDT
I have just started preparing to build my first AR. It will be displayed by hanging on the post on the head of my bed. Best place for me to get it should someone make the foolish mistake of invading my home when I am sleeping. I believe it will replace the Glock as my bedroom gun. The .41 is my computer gun, the cetme is my workshop gun, the P1 is my spare bedroom gun
then there is the kitchen gun, bathroom gun. You get the picture. Oh hunting rifles are on display right on the living room wall, at least till I get a safe. Protection weapons are not!
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 6:03:28 PM EDT
I never display any of my firearms.  Nobody needs to see or know about my guns except me.  A safe is where I keep mine when I'm not at home and when I am at home I carry.  
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 6:16:44 PM EDT
When you walk into my home, you'd be hard pressed to see evidence that I own guns.  I prefer to make it hard to be a theft victim.

I have teenage kids.  I dont want every kid that might be hanging with them for the day seeing my ARs hanging from the wall.
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 6:17:32 PM EDT
I never display any of my firearms.  Nobody needs to see or know about my guns except me.  A safe is where I keep mine when I'm not at home and when I am at home I carry.  
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My thoughts exactly.
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 6:21:28 PM EDT
I also keep all my AR's and other guns in a safe when away from home.
But I also like the look of a Couple Tricked Out Pre Ban's Hanging in my Bedroom on the wall!!!! [:D]
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 7:29:57 PM EDT
I prefer to display my safes.  It lowers your civil liability as well.

Link Posted: 5/10/2003 7:32:59 PM EDT
I had a friend who died from a shotgun blast to the stomach b/c his friend used to keep his rifles out all time. Well at his bachelor party one person was way to drunk picked up a shotgun it accidently went off and now one person is dead and the other is in jail.
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 7:51:37 PM EDT
I had a friend who died from a shotgun blast to the stomach b/c his friend used to keep his rifles out all time. Well at his bachelor party one person was way to drunk picked up a shotgun it accidently went off and now one person is dead and the other is in jail.
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You need new friends...
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 7:57:34 PM EDT
I only keep one long-gun out at a time - on the gun-rack in our bedroom. Usually it's a little Russian 12 gauge side-by-side coach gun, but since last November, I leave my beloved BUSHMASTER on the rack.

Why not?

It makes me feel good, just to look at it, and if the red parachutes start coming down in the sky, I'll be ready.
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 8:01:50 PM EDT
Nope, my Trapdoor was there first and gets jealous.

When in HS and College I had a rack in my room at home.  I had a friend that couldn't keep his hands off them, so I devised a rack lock (to the wall, that did tork the executive facilities committee though) and put a big sign to "Don't Touch" .  Took an AD of a blank (while sitting locked in the rack) I left in to finally get his attention when I was in the can.

Now that I have kids with friends, everything valuable is in the safe.  The only thing that isn't locked down is an 870 and it has a trigger lock.

One of the most effective anti-gunners in the CA legislature had his only son killed by a negligent discharge of a gun at a party where things weren't adequately secured.
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 8:25:16 PM EDT
The wall is for hanging "purty" pictures.  All my weapons are in the safe except my HK USP Compact 9mm which is always with me and my preban Bushy M4 which is with me when I'm home.  I live in the sticks and if anyone gets past my German Shepherds they'll have to answer to "Loretta", my Bushy.
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 9:55:07 PM EDT
I think the answer here is a walk-in gun vault like the "Panic Room".  
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 10:03:37 PM EDT
Instead of a gunsafe we have a converted closet with a padlocked door. Thats also where we keep the ammo, mags etc.

I would NEVER hang guns on a wall. Its asking to have them stolen.
Link Posted: 5/11/2003 3:33:07 AM EDT
I hang all of my valuables and family heirlooms on the walls in plain sight so I don't have to worry about a burglar damaging my safe.....
Link Posted: 5/11/2003 4:54:24 AM EDT
I'm the same way as others...unless you go into my "extra" bedroom, you would not know I have guns.  Hell, when I go to the range to shoot, I sneak my guns to the truck (from the house) like a damn wrapped up body!!  Sometimes I back up into my garage to load and unload.  When at the range, I would like to have all my guns out because I am proud of them but I simply don't want folks I don't know seeing what I have.

If you brag about guns or show them off, you are certainly (IMHO) placing yourself in a high percent category to get ripped off.

Sometimes it's not who sees the guns, it's who "hears" about them.

I am moving to FL and will be building a new house.  I am already planning to build a mini vault or seperate gun room for protection...with new construction...cost won't be that much more and I will sleep better when away from home.
Link Posted: 5/11/2003 5:56:12 AM EDT
My rifles are locked in a safe which is locked in a closet within a locked room guarded by a very pro-gun German Shepard where they should be. So you guys don't rip my head off, I love the AR but an AR is the absolute wrong weapon for home defense unless you own a 10,000 sq ft mansion. AR's are for coyotes and paper targets, sorry guys I love them but that's what they are for, but I do love them.I think most will agree with me that your stuff should be locked up, you should get a Remington 870 for home defense, I admit my home defense gun is a Colt Series 70 MarkIV w/ 230gr ball and is the ONLY gun unlocked and it has a mag in it without a round chambered. I have a small child whom could never ever pull the slide back to chamber a round if for some bizarre reason it fell off the back of the top closet shelf. For home defense and unless you are still in the Corps and you are giving your rifles names, it's time for a woman. :)
Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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