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Page AK-47 » AK Discussions
AK Sponsor: palmetto
Posted: 5/9/2003 7:41:42 PM EDT
I just bought a Sam 7 NIB today (the one with the strange comp) for $600 tax, transfer etc.  Did I get screwed?  Damn thing was so pretty and it "needed" me so I had to take her home.  Of course it may have been that since Ive been sandblasting SAR's and Maddi's that are so full of grease and gunk that a clean milled receiver with a quality finish just got me..
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 8:37:40 PM EDT

I've only seen them for $650 on up via the web. You did quite well sir. That's purportedly the best AK clone out today.
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 9:26:23 PM EDT
Excellent.  The dealer I bought it from is a fucking scum bag piece of shit.  Every time I go into the store I end up leaving because he either treats you like an idiot or lies his ass (which is considerable) off -- usually both.  He tried to tell me that the Bulgie waffle mags were going for $40+ "on the Net."

I would have never gone in but my buddy was driving on our gun shopping spree and keep telling me how he always got great deals from this guy.

Score for me!  Now I'll have to take her out tommorrow and see how she shoots!
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 3:20:27 AM EDT
I checked out two gun boards tonight and the best price I found was $609. + shipping + transfer fee, etc.
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 3:59:43 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 6:14:51 AM EDT
Stopped in Shooters Supply, Louisville, Ky. on my way to Ohio last Tuesday. They have just recently started carrying the SA M7 line. Had eight (8) rifles in stock, some with brake, some without. All priced at $599.00 + tax.
Really nice pieces; almost wished I had waited on the SSR-56.
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 6:27:05 AM EDT


........almost wished I had waited on the SSR-56.

Alright Dredd, now what is an SSR-56 ??
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 8:14:21 AM EDT
Like this ?
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 10:54:38 AM EDT
Is this the same sam 7 that FAC is selling? Who makes it?
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 11:08:17 AM EDT

Like this a.abcnews.com/media/World/images/ap_sa7_missile_021202_em.jpg?

no, that's not legal.  Its the version with the thumbhole stock and without the bayonet lug.
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 12:30:13 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 8:33:46 AM EDT
I live in east TN as well, and I saw the same gun at a dealer in the tricities.  Matter of fact, I am about 99.999% sure I know the dealer you are talking about (last name starts with C) and while I will not mention his name, I will say that everything you say about him is ABSOLUTELY true.  It does sound like you got a good price on your SAM-7 from him though.  Sometimes you can get a good price form him, but dont turn your back for one second or your throat is slit!!!  Hope you enjoy your AK, you have a top of the line variant.
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 6:59:00 PM EDT

Where are you in the Tricities?  I am currently between jobs and off until July - maybe we can get together and shoot some.  I'm a member at Unaka and Tac2 in Greenville.  Send me an email at [email protected]
Page AK-47 » AK Discussions
AK Sponsor: palmetto
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