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Page AK-47 » AK Discussions
AK Sponsor: palmetto
Posted: 4/17/2007 10:04:26 AM EDT
Go easy on me guys... I rarely venture over to the AK side of our forums!

I haven't shot my century WASR-10 in ages, mostly because Ammo stopped being bargain bin prices, and all the other guns I bring to the range are .223.  It's also a boring, ban era gun that just doesn't excite me anymore.

I figured if I decide to replace it, I still need an AK in safe.

So there is only one logical conclusion, replace it with an AK chambered in .223/ 5.56x45!

So, what are my options?

My other criteria:
Magazines: Must be readily available.  I'm also not keen on using "converted" mags.  In my experience, something that is built right for the purpose from the beginning, is always much more reliable.

Evil Features: I'd like a folding stock.   I prefer underfolder, but have no objections to a side folder.  A standard bayonet setup would also make me smile.   I have no driving need for either of these features, other than the fact that it makes Hillary cry herself to sleep at night.

Accuracy\Dependability:  I am not a master marksman.  I would like to be, but I am not.  Minute of coke-can is good enough for me.   It's much more important to me that I have a gun that goes bang when I want it to, than to have a finicky gun that can shoot the balls off a mosquito, but only when it works.

Quality:  My old AK was a century.   It was reliable.  it was amusing.  But it wasn't quality.  I don't want to spend a fortune, but I'd like something a little better than bottom of the barrel.

So point me in the right direction guys, what should I be looking at?
Link Posted: 4/17/2007 10:36:06 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 5:25:52 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:22:02 AM EDT
thanks for asking this question, i'm interested in the exact same thing.  is there one that is less expensive than the arsenal?  i'm willing to go down a little bit in quality.  i just want it to go bang every time w/ combat accuracy.  folding stock is not necessary.  any advice?

i don't mean to steal this thread.  i just wanted to know what the spectrum of prices looks like.

Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:35:49 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 2:46:28 PM EDT

thanks for asking this question, i'm interested in the exact same thing.  is there one that is less expensive than the arsenal?  i'm willing to go down a little bit in quality.  i just want it to go bang every time w/ combat accuracy.  folding stock is not necessary.  any advice?

i don't mean to steal this thread.  i just wanted to know what the spectrum of prices looks like.


Don't worry about stealing the thread for me, I'm interested in the whole spectrum too.
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 2:48:40 PM EDT


Or hunt down a kit to build a Yugo in 5.56, as it is the only underfolder I recall. Mags are $30ish but maybe after more are in the wild (only stateside for about 18mo) others will find mags which work besides the Yugo mag.

Saigas, VEPRs and Romanians can be fitted with side folders and bayo lugs, but you would have to add them/mod the gun.

OOOOOHHHHhhhhhhhh.   Perfect!

But Youch!  That's an expensive price tag!

Does anyone have a source for kits?   Would it require a special reciever?  Or could it be built on a standard Nodak reciever?
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 3:52:02 PM EDT
Get a SLR-106FR.  You won't be disappointed.  Mine has been excellent and flawless for almost 2k rnds.

Link Posted: 4/18/2007 8:05:52 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/20/2007 8:18:44 AM EDT
anything in the $400 range?

and when you say "kits" what do you mean and where do you go to buy them?

sorry for being a noob.
Link Posted: 4/20/2007 10:43:20 AM EDT
I'll second the SLR-106FR.

The solid polymer sidefolding stock is very nice, they're pretty darn accurate, have an optics mount, and ready to go out of the box. The Bulgarian waffle mags are also the easiest to find of the .223 AKs mags and the rifle is made to use them.

The Yugo is also a very, very nice rifle and it's beefy receiver and heavier barrel may give it more accuracy potential than the '106. But mags are harder to find and more expensive, and you'll either have to find one somebody had built or have one built yourself.

dghboy315, "kits" are common if you're interested in foreign EBRs including G3s, FALs, AKs, or UZIs. It's basically the gun minus the receiver and F/A FCG parts. You can order them from several online sources. Of course, they're useless until you build them onto a (typically US made, semi-auto only) receiver and use an appropriate number of US-made parts depending on what you're trying to build.
Page AK-47 » AK Discussions
AK Sponsor: palmetto
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