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Page AK-47 » AK Discussions
AK Sponsor: palmetto
Posted: 1/11/2003 9:45:24 AM EDT
I just made my once-a-month visit to Campybob's homeland (AK-47.NET) and saw the following:

"Details coming soon!  AK-47.NET's 1st time ever Limited Edition AK will be a limited to a small series, highly detailed, lots of options and one of a kind.

AK-47.NET's Limited Edition's AK specs will be announced very soon.  Pricing and the options list will be posted on our website with High Definition Pictures."

Sounds like someone is envious of our website.
Link Posted: 1/11/2003 9:49:09 AM EDT
What is not to be envious of.  We have better everything an came up with the LEGP idea first.  We can post pretty freely and can even dissnet without hating each other and taking it personally.  Campy brought those who would listen to the promised land, and those who stayed behind are still kicking themselves for it.
Link Posted: 1/11/2003 10:14:30 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/11/2003 11:03:07 AM EDT
Let me make it perfectly clear that I am by no means defending what goes on within the AK forum of the AK47.net board.

I do frequent the C&R section of the gunsnet.net main board. This is a great place to sit back and enjoy sanity for those who collect and enjoy firearms that fall into the C&R definition. It is a great group of people on that BB and nothing like the AK section. Man there are some real whack jobs on the AK forum.

The C&R section is very much like this BB, you ask a question and some knowledgable fellow like Campy comes along and gives you the info you need. That is why I came to this board right after it started. No BS and good people.

So don't bash the whole of gunsnet.net but just those that deserve it. Besides going on about it only makes you look like those guys and we don't want that. We are way above that here. :-)

Page AK-47 » AK Discussions
AK Sponsor: palmetto
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