Just got this e-mail. Any body know or can help with this question?
I have a legally-owned and registered Frankford Arsenal XM-177
(M-16 shorty w/ 12" bull-barrel) that I am having ejection problems with.
The cases are not being thrown from the breech, and it jams the action.
The weapon has less than 1000 rounds through it - I don't shoot it very often.
I tried cleaning out the chamber with a military-style chamber brush,
but it did no good. I'm thinking if I polish the chamber, it MIGHT solve the problem.
Who in the Houston-area of Texas will work on catagory II firearms?
I could remove the upper receiver and the bolt and send it to someone
(or leave it with someone in my area), as the lower receiver is actually the firearm.
Any help would be appreciated.
Ken Roberts